News Story

State Experts Have A New Plan — It Includes Lockdowns

State plan deviates from official Centers for Disease Control recommendations Read more

News Story

Lawsuit: U-M Defies Open Records Law To Hide Pay Rates

University also defies series of Michigan court precedents favoring openness Read more

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She Fled Communism For Freedom, Now Faces Jail For Not Closing Restaurant

Polish immigrant takes a stand Read more

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Open-Records Law Reveals: Cops Take Cars From Little Guys; School Pay Tricks; Much More

Government likes secrecy and Michigan officials get more clever at ducking records requests Read more

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State Agencies And Local Governments Get Creative Dodging Open Records Requests

‘Freedom Of Information' law? ... Make Sure You Bring A Lawyer And Checkbook Read more

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Farmington Hills Mayor Pushes Government Broadband Effort

Says it’s needed to attract young families Read more

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School Board Member Also MEA Union Official

‘This is 100% character assassination’: response to questions about conflict of interest Read more

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12 Months After Epidemic Arrives, State Ag Department Issues COVID Orders

‘A year later? There has to be some review’ Read more

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Michigan’s $62,170 Average Teacher Pay Not Very Revealing

The highest average was $81,641, at a district where instructors top-out at nearly $102K Read more

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They’re No. 1: Utica Teachers Michigan’s Highest Paid

Earned $81,641 on average; the statewide average was $63,553 Read more

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Pandemic Delivers Potentially Costly Electric Bill Lesson To School Complex

Beware the fine print in commercial utility contracts Read more

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From ‘Until There Is A Vaccine’ To ‘Until We Are All Vaccinated’

Gov. Whitmer’s ever-moving target for normalcy Read more

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East Lansing Officials Prospered In Pandemic

Like many Michigan local governments, state lockdowns were accompanied by big raises Read more

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State, Media Likely Oversell Impact Of Taxpayer-Funded Business Grants

How long will a $300 state handout keep one person employed? Read more

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Very Big Raises For Some Rochester Schools Managers During Year of the Coronavirus

Unionized staff also saw substantial pay increases Read more

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Whitmer Declares Energy Emergency — Appears Short Of Legal Standard

Law authorizes lockdowns, closing gas stations, more Read more

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After Targeting Gas Pipeline, Whitmer Declares Propane Heating Fuel 'Emergency'

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New Buffalo City Council Divides Residents Over Airbnb-Type Rentals

First they impose restrictions, then a moratorium Read more

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Federal Bill Would Force Tens of Thousands in Michigan Back Into Unions

You’ll have to pay union dues as a condition of employment in many workplaces (government workers excepted) Read more

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Whitmer’s Pandemic Management Inspires Pro-Indiana Billboards

Sign mocks Michigan governor as being good for business - in Indiana Read more

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Whitmer Said ‘Widely Available’ Vaccine One Condition For Return To Normalcy

Around 4 million Michiganders may now have immunity Read more

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COVID Shutdowns Weakened State Unemployment Fund

Account balances on the brink, and a cash infusion means another hit to employers Read more

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Ann Arbor Almost Alone In Refusing To Reopen Schools

350 doctors and psychologists there demand schools reopen; evidence ‘undisputed at this point’ Read more

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Three Warren Fire Department Employees Collected More Than $200,000 in 2020

Three others got $190k+ Read more

News Story

Whitmer Still Claiming Vaccine Credit From Subsidy For Unbuilt Pfizer Facility

‘Those are not the claims we are making,’ says economic development official Read more

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