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Michigan’s May Tax Proposal

Proposal 1 would raise taxes $2 billion

… into effect if approved. Proposal 1 would increase the sales … Tax Credit. Overall, the proposal will increase state taxes … Bureau of Labor Statistics, Proposal 1 would increase the tax … per gallon in taxes under Proposal 1, a 4 percent increase. A breakdown … more

Not Much Mystery Behind $9 Million Raised for Prop 4

Proposal 4 supporters expect voters to believe that the union is spending $9,593 per name for a registry

… pumped nearly $9 million into Proposal 4.  The SEIU is trying to … picture in the push to get Proposal 4 passed, but the ballot initiative … raising almost $9 million for Proposal 4 with the money coming from Home … said Home Care First is a 501(c)4 non-profit organization, which … to nursing homes. What the proposal backers didn't say was that … more

Gov. Snyder Could Replace Board That Helped Facilitate Forced Unionization Of Home-Based Caregivers

If Proposal 4 passes, constitutional amendment would lock in current union-stacked board

… control over the situation if Proposal 4 were to pass in November. Proposal 4, which Gov. Snyder opposes, … According to the wording of Proposal 4, those on the MQC3 board before … governor doesn't act and the proposal passes, he would no longer … behind the effort promoting Proposal 4. He also heads Home Care … more

An End Finally in Sight for the SEIU Dues Skim

Voters overwhelmingly reject the forced unionization scheme

With Proposal 4 soundly defeated, the forced unionization of … union contract expires. Proposal 4 lost by a wide margin. Gov. … Voters clearly saw that Proposal 4 was about more than safe, affordable home care that Proposal 4 supporters promoted in misleading … percent of voters said no to Proposal 4, while 44 percent wanted … more

Proposal 1 a Referendum on PA 4

… the state about the ballot proposals on the Nov. 6 ballot. We'll … day this week explaining proposals 1 through 5.) Proposal 1 on the ballot is a referendum … affirm or reject Public Act 4 of 2011. A "yes" vote keeps the … arise. What opponents of Proposal 4 would really seem to prefer … more

Commentary: Proposal 4 Excludes Caregivers From Getting State Employee Benefits

SEIU wants forced unionization locked into state constitution but only to take money from caregivers

… Union and supporters of Proposal 4, which would lock the forced … are being taken care of. Proposal 4 is a money grab, plain and … vulnerable residents if Proposal 4 passes. Gov. Rick Snyder … will all end in February if Proposal 4 fails. Fearing that possibility … Michigan has denounced this proposal, supporters of the unionization … more

Families Forced Into SEIU Scheme Relieved and Thankful After Proposal 4 Defeat

Robert Haynes: 'It took ordinary people like us to bring attention to what was really happening.'

… thanks to the defeat of Proposal 4, they should soon be free … $9 million being spent by Proposal 4 supporters. Aside from a … organized effort against Proposal 4. The Hayneses take care … hear the real stories of Proposal 4 because the ads in favor of the proposal were so misleading. "We'd … more

Law Enforcement Does Not Universally Support Proposal 4

State sheriff's association says it's wrong for special interests to meddle with State Constitution

Backers of Proposal 4 are trying to create the impression that … enforcement leaders support Proposal 4. That's not so. Michigan's … Schuette, is opposed to Proposal 4. So is the Michigan Sheriff's … "Bill Schuette's position on Proposal 4 is crystal clear,” said … officials to support the proposal. And they've been advertising … more

Hospital SEIU Members Say Home-Based Caregivers Get 'No Benefit' From Proposal 4

'They don’t receive sick time. They don’t get vacation time. They can’t file a grievance'

… its seven-year forced unionization alive with Proposal 4, don't like what their union has been up to. … affiliate, SEIU Healthcare Michigan, is using Proposal 4 to try to keep the dues flowing by locking the … doing is unfair." ~~~~~ ~~~~~ See also: Proposal 4: The Unionization of Home-Based Caregivers … more

Commentary: Prop 4 Supporters Promise Programs That Already Exist

Home-based caregiver proposal would lock SEIU unionization scheme into state constitution

… from the unions telling people what Proposal 2 won’t do instead of what it will … recovery. Monette then says that Proposal 4 ensures that will continue. Guess … continue without the passage of Proposal 4. The federal Home Help Program has … care already exists in Michigan. Proposal 4 does nothing to keep people any … more

Michigan Ballot Proposals

… compiled analysis and commentary on the following proposals expected to appear on the statewide ballot in … post additional material regarding these ballot proposals as Center analysts develop new content in the … Election Update! "25 x 25" Amendment voted down Prop 4: Election Update! "Home-Based Caregiver Unionization" … more

More Money for Preschool Not the Answer

Proposal to boost great start funding doesn't add up

… part of her first budget proposal, Gov. Gretchen Whitmer wants … subsidize preschool enrollment for 4-year-olds who are "educationally … office services. Whitmer's proposal to increase GSRP funding … subsidize preschool for all 4-year-olds. With Whitmer's newly … eligible, nearly 60 percent of all 4-year-olds statewide. Of those … more

Making Sense of Michigan's Ballot Proposals

Chart explains supporters, opponents and what the six proposals mean for Michigan

… November with six statewide proposals that could reshape the state's … getting the most attention is Proposal 2, which would enshrine collective … unions could rollback if the proposal passes. The unions also … Gov. Jennifer Granholm. Proposal 4 would allow the SEIU to … approve the proposal. Prop 4 supporters say it would provide … more

While Helping Out Injured Ex-Wife, Man Forced Into Union

Proposal 4 would ensure that people like Richard Nottage remain unionized public employees

… constitution if voters approve Proposal 4 on the Nov. 6 ballot. Supporters … They also are claiming that Proposal 4 would create a registry … not being talked about by Prop 4 supporters is the continuation … temporary basis. Language in Proposal 4 would ensure that Michigan's … to vote for an inner-union proposal to reduce the amount of dues … more

Media Resoundingly Rejects Prop 2, Prop 4

Only two weekly newspapers support either of the union-backed plans to alter the state constitution

As Election Day looms, Proposal 2 and Proposal 4 are without any serious … newspapers have endorsed it.  Proposal 4, which would lock the forced … readers to vote "no" on Proposal 4. The SEIU has taken more … letter-to-the-editor on Nov. 4 in the Midland Daily News saying … more

Prop 4 Not About Home Care

… So why do proponents of Proposal 4 maintain that the SEIU is … since for over 30 years? Proposal 4 is about taking money from … report, the group pushing Proposal 4 — Citizens For Affordable … no money spent opposing Proposal 4. The issue here is simple: … news advertisement against Proposal 4, just the occasional opinion … more

Which Ballot Proposals Are 'Grassroots'?

… international bridge ballot proposals are not a grassroots effort. If you think a proposal on the November ballot requiring … tax-limitation group, you’re wrong. Proposal 5 is another maneuver by … not discuss the other four proposals on the ballot. Proposal … a California-based environmental lobbying group.  Proposal 4: The Unionization of Home-Based … more

Prop 4 Would Put Union Scam in Constitution

… the state about the ballot proposals on the Nov. 6 ballot. We'll … day this week explaining Proposals 1 through 5.) Monday: Proposal 1 a Referendum on PA 4 Tuesday: Proposal 2: More Power … Cost Taxpayers Billions Proposal 4 is the third of three major … more

Father Taking Care of His Disabled Adult Kids Called An 'Idiot' by Proposal 4 Spokesman

The Arc Michigan Executive Director Dohn Hoyle resorts to name-calling against Robert Haynes because Haynes doesn't support forced unionization scheme

… adult children and are opposed to Proposal 4, came in response to statements … spokesman for the group supporting Proposal 4, has refused repeated requests for … unprecedented dues skim work. On May 4, 2010, Robert Haynes sent the following … Haynes Family. ~~~~~ See also: Proposal 4: The Unionization of Home-Based … more

Prop 4 Op-Ed in Detroit Free Press Ungrounded

… two opposing views about Proposal 4 — the home-based caregivers … article in support of the proposal is from Dohn Hoyle, who is Prop 4 spokesman and executive director … points made by Hoyle: "Proposal 4 ensures seniors and people … stop this. "Importantly, Proposal 4 will ensure that those looking … more

Do Prop 4 Supporters Know What It's About?

… director of a group pushing Proposal 4, the forced unionization … single thing Delisle claims Prop 4 will do is already happening: … exactly would this ballot proposal change? Enshrining in the … the Michigan Constitution a proposal that allows them to continue … loved ones. That is what Proposal 4 is all about. more

SEIU Under Investigation over Prop 4

'Dues Skim' took $35 million from Medicaid recipients

… International Union regarding its financing of a ballot proposal last year. Proposal 4, which would have locked into the state constitution … Affordable Quality Home Care sponsored the ballot proposal. In campaign finance reports, the group claimed … more

Analysis of the D.R.I.V.E. Alternative on No-Fault Reform

Proposal would increase lawsuits, incentivize fraud and drive insurers out of state

… of 94-15 in the House and 34-4 in the Senate. Gov. Gretchen … two other ways that this proposal will increase the cost of … as you used to. Under this proposal, you would likely be eligible … function. The other way this proposal would increase costs to Michigan’s … respect fraudulent,” the proposal says that this fraudulent … more

Doubling Down on Government Preschool

New Whitmer pre-K proposal would further restrict family options

… pre-K learning for “educationally disadvantaged” 4-year-olds. At least 90% of the kids served must come … would provide only government-run preschool to 5,000 4-year-olds who live in select school districts. The … total. Her budget aims to nearly triple the number of 4-year-olds from these areas in government pre-K programs. … more

SEIU 'Dues Skim' and U-M Research Assistant Bills Brought On Proposal 2

Issues brought to the forefront by the Mackinac Center cited by UAW President as reasons for ballot proposal

… key role in bringing about Proposal 2. That's what United Auto … claimed in a recent interview. Proposal 2 on the 2012 ballot was … In the wake of the ballot proposal's defeat, Michigan became … led to the unions putting Proposal 2 on the ballot. Excerpts … home-based caregivers on March 4, will be the last ones with SEIU … more

Michigan’s 10 least-popular constitutional proposals since 1963

These 10 proposals got an overwhelmingly negative response at the ballot box

… have decided the fate of 82 proposals to amend the current state … in 1963. Out of the 82 proposals offered since the last constitutional … (“progressive”) income tax system. This proposal appeared on the 1968 ballot, … several times since then. If No. 4 had passed, the state could have … in nonpublic schools. This proposal on the 2000 ballot lost by … more

Voters Reject Special Interest Power Plays

Proposals 2-6 soundly defeated

… constitution were soundly defeated. Proposal 2, which would have enshrined … landslide 58%-42%, as did Proposals 3 through 6. F. Vincent … by double-digits. As was Proposal 4, the SEIU scheme that allowed … Although the money to support Proposal 4 was paid through a committee … Standard – No 63%, Yes 37% Proposal 4: The Unionization of Home-Based … more

Health Care Unionization Campaign Changes Its Story — Again

Ballot proposal avoids the one issue it is about: Money for the SEIU

The “Keep Home Care Safe” proposal campaign has made another … created in 1981. Backers of Proposal 4 as the ballot measure is … elderly in Michigan. What Proposal 4 would actually do is lock … proposal on the ballot, Proposal 4 campaign backers claimed … jobs. Officials from the Proposal 4 campaign and SEIU officials … more

Proposal 2 Would Declaw Emergency Managers in Proposal 1

… the November ballot, some proposals are bound to impact others. The best example is how Proposal 2 impacts Proposal 1, if both issues pass. Proposal 2, which elevates union collective … approve or reject Public Act 4 of 2011, the state’s emergency … more

Bars, Restaurants Could See 280 Percent Increase in Labor Costs With Minimum Wage Ballot Proposal

Small business owners fear negative consequences; group pushing proposal disagrees

… Arbor, said he thinks the proposal would put restaurants and … tipped workers. If the ballot proposal were to pass, Michigan would … a solution." The ballot proposal language for Raise Michigan … signatures by May 28 to place the proposal on the November ballot. … employment by approximately 4 to 12 percent," he said. (Editor's … more

Union Electrician and Wife: 'The SEIU Never Did Anything For Us'

Milliron family says they don't think the SEIU should be able to lock its forced unionization into the state constitution

… they’re going to get me back with Proposal 4.” The SEIU has taken more than … into the state constitution with Proposal 4. That worries Milliron and her … said. “The problem I see with Proposal 4 is that they want to put it in the … want back in." ~~~~~ See also: Proposal 4: The Unionization of Home-Based … more

Infighting at the SEIU

Union behind Proposal 4 facing lawsuit that was filed by its own employees

… the inner workings of the SEIU Healthcare Michigan, the union behind Proposal 4, which would lock a forced unionization of home-based caregivers into … Zac Altefogt did not return a request for comment. ~~~~~ See also: Proposal 4: The Unionization of Home-Based Caregivers How the Forced Unionization … more

Ideas For Fixing the Financial Manager Law

… emergency manager law, Public Act 4 of 2011, by voting against Proposal 1. This reinstates the older … would eliminate both Public Acts 4 and 72 and made their case to … about the differences between PA 4 and PA 72. The most material … clarifications that Public Act 4 made. The first version of Public … more

Arc Michigan Exec's Name-Calling Goes Against Group's Own Pledge

Dohn Hoyle, who also is Prop 4 spokesman, called parent caregiver Robert Haynes 'an idiot'

… also listed as a spokesman for Proposal 4 which would lock into the state … was governor. They also oppose Proposal 4. The SEIU takes about $6 million … Mackinac Center to speak out against Proposal 4. Actually, Haynes contacted the … Adult Kids Called An 'Idiot' by Proposal 4 Spokesman more

Love it or Hate it, Voters are Aware of Proposal 1

Poll suggests substantial turnout on May 5

… side in the battle over the Proposal 1 sale tax increase on the … poll, conducted April 1, 2, and 4, consisted of robocalls placed … landlines. ~~~~~ See also: Proposal 1 Will Cost Average Michigan … Taxes Michigan's May Tax Proposal Policy Brief: Proposal 1 of 2015 more

No, toll roads are not the answer in Michigan

Michigan will spend $4 billion on roads this year. It does not need to tap taxpayers for more money.

… Legislature’s $375 million increase in road funding. Whitmer had a failed proposal earlier that year to raise the fuel tax by 45 cents per gallon. After … and registration fees, that number increased to $3.6 million. In 2023 it’s $4 billion. Hohman added that toll roads would be fine as a strict user fee … more

Michigan Taxpayers Don’t Need to Spend Another $4 Billion Annually on Infrastructure

… claiming it says that Michigan needs $4 billion each year in extra infrastructure … considering that voters rejected a proposal to increase the existing mandate … increases proposed in the ill-fated Proposal 1 of 2015 wouldn’t have generated … report makes a very weak case for taking $4 billion from taxpayers and spending … more

The Cost of the Proposal 1: The May Tax Vote

… the typical taxpayer. The proposal increases sales and use taxes … in 2016 if voters approve Proposal 1. There are two proposed … $136 in 2016. Under the proposal, this new fuel tax would … based on inflation. But the proposal’s drafters used an odd formula … rate would increase between 4 and 14 percent above inflation, … more

All Five Constitutional Amendments Soundly Defeated

Emergency manager law repealed

… Vincent Vernuccio said of the Proposal 2 defeat. “The voters put … 53 percent in Michigan and Proposal 2 being defeated with close … rubber stamp their agenda.” Proposal 4, a scheme that would have … eventually get the message.” Proposal 3, the “25 x 25” renewable … lost, meaning that Public Act 4 of 2011 is repealed. “With the … more

SEIU 'Dues Skim' Days Are Numbered

Work to get caregivers their money back continues

… of the MQC3 changed hands, the union's last hope was the approval of Proposal 4, which would have locked the forced unionization in the state constitution. Voters soundly rejected Proposal 4 by a margin of 56 percent against to 44 percent in favor. ~~~~~ See … more

Proposal 2: More Power for Government Unions

… the state about the ballot proposals on the Nov. 6 ballot. We'll … day this week explaining Proposals 1 through 5.) Monday: Proposal 1 a Referendum on PA 4 Today: Proposal 2, The 'Collective Bargaining' … more

Emergency Manager Law Makes Pontiac Reforms Possible

… affirm or reject Public Act 4 of 2011. This law gives local … voters choose “yes” Public Act 4 remains in place, if “no” the … when the Legislature enacted PA 4. That was the ability for an … fire department to see why PA 4 is needed. Emergency Manager … today. That is why Public Act 4 is so valuable. It allows managers … more

Making Sense Of The Complicated Ballot Language For Proposal 1

Personal property tax cut would result in $500 million tax decrease when fully phased in

Proposal 1 on the Aug. 5 ballot would cut personal property … Hohman, who researched the proposal and wrote a policy brief … voters into thinking the proposal will raise taxes. The ballot … language on such a complicated proposal. "Let me put it this way, … to local school districts. 4. Prohibit Authority from increasing … more

'It's hard to believe the union could get away with something like this'

Ex-Teamster says it's 'thievery' that the SEIU is taking money he could use to take care of his mother

… money has been used to bankroll Proposal 4, a proposal on the November ballot that will … to continue taking the money. Prop 4 supporters have used a variety of stories … supporters have said the ballot proposal will ensure that people can stay … more

Michigan Road Spending Near an All-Time High

And just as much as state would have spent if Proposal 1 passed

… level it would have been had voters approved Proposal 1 in May. “This year’s road funding budget is … provide slightly more than $50 million and about $4 million comes from interdepartmental grants. The … amount that the proposed long-term solution (Proposal 1) was expected to generate.” ~~~~~ See also: … more

Legislators Chip Away at Proposal A Property Tax Limits

Legislation would break 1994 promise to taxpayers

… constitutional amendment known as Proposal A to both overhaul school … promises, which they may do with a 3/4 supermajority vote in the House … expenses of the type covered by Proposal A’s restrictions on new millage … spending items restricted by the Proposal A promise. Some of these … expenses of the type covered by Proposal A millage limitations. Three … more

Michigan Sales Tax Hike Proposal May Provide Schools With Less

What the law says now and what it would be changed to

The tax hike proposal that goes before Michigan voters on May … unfounded and the language in the proposal not only wouldn’t create … exists. Under the ballot proposal, the state sales tax would … percent since passage of Proposal A in 1994. In the Michigan … split in two portions — the 4 percent that had existed prior … more

Per-Pupil Spending About Even

… public school options. The proposal has received harsh criticism … to the facts. The Oxford proposal would expand school districts’ … serving high school students[4] spent $7,584 on average. Per-pupil … average in Oakland County was only 4 percent more than what is spent … exceed 9th grade; 48 schools [4] Grade configurations that included … more

The Price Tag on the Ballot Proposals

Constitutional changes would cost billions to Michigan taxpayers, citizens

… reasons to judge many of the proposals extend beyond dollars and … contribute to a union, as Proposal 4 requires) there also are … fiscal consequences to the proposals. Next to each of the proposals … is fully implemented. Proposal 4. Voting “yes” on Proposal 4 would constitutionalize … more

Happy Anniversary Proposal A

… Michigan voters approved "Proposal A," a fundamental overhaul … increasing the state sales tax from 4 percent to 6 percent, the imposition … After the initial rollback, Proposal A capped property tax increases … after inflation. The other Proposal A promises have held up better. … and May. In contrast, the Proposal A limit on property assessment … more

Federal Spending To Top $4 Trillion in 2017, Highest Ever

Up $210 billion from last year

… stories from federal bureaucrats complaining about Trump administration proposals to cut next year's budget. Yet federal spending this year is projected to break $4 trillion for the first time, according to White House budget documents. The … more

$1.6 Billion in Savings Lost Under Prop 2

Proposal 2, the “Protect Our Jobs” constitutional amendment, would fundamentally change the power structure … liabilities, according to a 2011 Mackinac Center report.[4] MPSERS reforms. In addition to the savings mentioned … (accessed Sept. 12, 2012). [4] Richard C. Dreyfuss, "Estimated Savings From Michigan’s … more

Michigan Taxpayers Don’t Need to Spend $4 Billion Annually on Infrastructure

Recent report has been misinterpreted

… claiming it says that Michigan needs $4 billion each year in additional infrastructure … considering that voters rejected a proposal to increase this mandate to 25 percent … increases proposed in the ill-fated Proposal 1 of 2015 wouldn’t have generated … report makes a very weak case for taking $4 billion from taxpayers and spending … more

Union Power Grab Proposal Heading To Court

… promoted "Protect Our Jobs" proposal for the Nov. 6 statewide … residents will get to vote on the proposal will now be decided in the … final date by which ballot proposals need to be ready is Sept. … those opposed to putting the proposal on the ballot would then … the other change in Section 4. "This proposal would totally … more

School Aid Budget Proposals Not That Far Off

Legislature approves 99% of what Whitmer seeks without a tax hike

… “game-changing,” even though the resulting 4% increase is smaller than Gov. … several versions of its own proposal before agreeing to a school … the two remaining budget proposals — more than half of which … Legislature’s new school aid proposal: “I feel like I’ve been punched … rightly resisted the governor’s proposal to fund cyber school pupils … more

Holland government broadband proposal follows troubled history

Other cities have broadband projects short on customers and swimming in debt

… will decide on the new debt issue in an August ballot initiative. The proposal closely follows broadband projects implemented in Marshall and in Traverse … feasible for many low-income residents. The city is also considering using $4 million in federal COVID money it received from the federal government through … more

Federal Tax Proposal Not Perfect, but Good for Michigan, Nation

Reform plans are on the right track

… government employees, it belongs to those who earn it in the first place. This proposal will allow more people to keep more of what they make. It makes the lives … over the last 8 years — we are already at 3 percent — this take us up to 4 percent. This is a very strong, pro-growth, job-creating package.” Grover’s … more

Prop 3 Would Cost Taxpayers Billions

… the state about the ballot proposals on the Nov. 6 ballot. We'll … day this week explaining Proposals 1 through 5.) Monday: Proposal 1 a Referendum on PA 4 Tuesday: Proposal 2: More Power for Government … more

Board approves language for ballot effort restoring local control of solar siting

Appointees of the governor can override local will, per Public Act 233 of 2023

… Canvassers approved its ballot language. The 94-word proposal, submitted by Citizens for Local Choice, reads: … facility development decisions. If enacted, this proposal will allow local units of government to continue … jurisdictions. The board approved the language in a 4-0 vote. The law would amend provisions of Public … more

Union-Supported Ballot Proposal Targets Right-to-Work, Recent Reforms

UAW-backed constitutional amendment would prevent future workplace choice

It was billed as proposal to prevent Michigan from becoming … promoting the anti-right-to-work proposal would attempt to gather 500,000 … many needed — to put the proposal on Michigan's November election … However, when the ballot proposal was unveiled Tuesday, it … emergency manager legislation (P.A. 4), which was designed to force … more April 1 Weekly Roll Call Report

… break, so rather than votes, this report instead contains several new proposals to amend the state constitution. House Joint Resolution S and Senate … amendment to give local governments the power to impose a sales tax of up to 4 percent on merchandise and services. A vote of the residents would be required … more

Small Business Owner: An Increased Minimum Wage Hurts Everyone

… y Kevin Kelly The ballot proposal that would raise Michigan's … Research indicates that today 1 in 4 restaurants fail in the first … increase significantly with this proposal. Furthermore, future investments … The coalition behind this proposal suggests that this increase … this minimum wage increase proposal. They stated that if approved, … more

SEIU Fined Almost $200,000 Over Actions Tied To 2012 Ballot Proposal Campaign

Union suffers another loss related to dues skim, which took more than $34 million from home-based caregivers

… concealing that it bankrolled Proposal 4 in 2012, which would have … finance violations surrounding Proposal 4. According to a press release … backing of the failed ballot proposal." The penalties are part … the campaign committee for Proposal 4. Home Care First was the … created at the start of the Proposal 4 campaign to shield the fact … more

Michigan's Voter Approved Ban On Racial Preferences Goes Before U.S. Supreme Court

… (MCRI), which was on the statewide ballot as Proposal 2. At the time, it was opposed by the Democrat … arguments by whim." In the Grutter case, U-M won in a 5-4 decision with the argument that it had a compelling … the MCRI. "I think our basic argument is that Proposal 2 (MCRI) prohibits people who want to increase … more

School Districts Value Best Teachers $1 More Than The Worst

District officials said merit pay law is an 'unfunded mandate'

… top-notch teachers $3 more than the worst. A state law became effective Jan. 4, 2010, that said public schools "shall implement and maintain a method of … The merit pay law is one of many that school districts could undo if Proposal 2 passes in November. If passed, the law would allow government union … more

Prop 5: Protecting Taxpayers from the Government

… the state about the ballot proposals on the Nov. 6 ballot. We'll … day this week explaining Proposals 1 through 5.) Monday: Proposal 1 a Referendum on PA 4 Tuesday: Proposal 2: More Power for Government … more

School District Allows Union, Employees To Exclude Material From FOIA Requests

Legal expert says they are breaking the law

… of reprimand, or other records of disciplinary action which are more than 4 years old.'  However, pursuant to other statutory provisions, we would not … FOIA," Hohman said. Similar issues regarding FOIA requests could arise if Proposal 2 passes.The union-backed initiative deals specifically with collective … more

The Human Side of Right-to-Work Legislation

These are real people who have been hurt by forced unionization

… use it for politics — to try and lock the dues skim into the state constitution: It failed. Every newspaper in the state editorialized against Proposal 4. The Detroit Free Press called it "easy to dismiss" and The Detroit News said it was a "crass power grab." Several families reached out to Michigan … more


Fall 2012 Edition

In this issue: Proposal 2 Would Cost Taxpayers $1.6 Billion … New Analysis Says Study: Proposal 3 Would Result in Lost Jobs, … liberties: ‘Collective Bargaining’ Proposal Would Protect the 3 Percent … Jobs Has Actually Dropped Proposal 4: The Unionization of Home-Based Caregivers Proposal 4 Supporters Promise Programs … more

State Dems Want Public Education To Do And Spend More

Universal preschool programs could cost taxpayers $826.5 million

… begun putting some of these proposals into bill form. On Nov. … the cost of preschool for all 4-year-olds whose household income … schools. One of Whitmer’s main proposals, and also one of the most … Readiness Program” to all Michigan 4-year-olds over a four-year period. … each of the roughly 114,000 4-year-olds in the state would … more

State Officials Question Detroit’s Universal Preschool Plans

Is this the best use of that money? Can the city manage the program?

… plan to provide preschool to 4-year-olds. The concerns, outlined … According to the memo, Detroit’s proposal did not take into account … not presented a clear case for 4-year-old need,” it reads. The … government-funded preschool to all or most 4-year-olds in the city comes as … government-funded preschool to every 4-year-old in Michigan. About … more

There Are Alternatives to PA4 ...

... But the unions will like them even less

… unions for alternatives to PA 4 is somewhat like asking the Japanese … extent they are the problem. PA 4 is not without its drawbacks. … bargaining. The saving grace of PA 4 and the entire EM law is also … probably want to have tempered PA 4 when it was proposed. The Mackinac Center's original proposal provided for judicial review to … more

Michigan Senate bills would revive dues skim for home health workers

Government employees can opt out of unions, but Senate Bill 790 would make it much harder

… November 2012, the people of Michigan rejected Proposal 4 of 2012. According to Ballotpedia, the people of Michigan rejected Proposal 4 by a 56-44 margin. The proposal would have allowed in-home care workers to collectively … more

Emergency Managers: A Distasteful Necessity

… government unions are backing two proposals which would repeal Public Act 4, the Local Government and School … overturn legislation like PA 4 by making government union collective … referendum to directly repeal PA 4. PA 4 expanded the power of emergency … more

Many More Walk To Work As Take Subsidized Transit in Michigan

Politicians talking metro transit tax again, but costly buses and trains benefit few

… again talking-up a regional transit property tax proposal for the November ballot in Wayne, Oakland, Macomb and Washtenaw counties. A similar proposal in November 2016 would have imposed $4.6 billion … public transit services; 96,000 people walk and 4 million people drive. Ten percent of Michigan gas … more

Right-to-Work Law Means Less Money For Union Political Power Grabs

… when labor unions pushed the Proposal 2 ballot initiative, his … Democratic Party pushed a ballot proposal "Reform Michigan Government … outlining the scheme. The proposal was roundly criticized in … variety of labor unions pushed Proposal 2 (discussed above) and Proposal 4, which would have locked … more

How Right-to-Work and the End of the 'Dues Skim' Killed the SEIU in Michigan

Membership, revenue and political spending plummet

… Healthcare-Michigan then tried to pass a ballot proposal, which would have enshrined this scheme in the Michigan Constitution. But Proposal 4 of 2012 went down overwhelmingly and the “dues … during the high-water 2012 election and ballot proposal year. All of this goes to show that this SEIU … more

How Public School Funding Works

… significantly when voters approved Proposal A in 1994. The nearly 400 … for operations under the Proposal A funding mechanism. Schools … simplified description of how the Proposal A foundation grant system … the other factors in the Proposal A formula are calculated. … revenue in 2008 was $12,825,[4] well above those "basic" and … more

Audit Shows SEIU 'Dues Skim' Likely Bolstered By Extra $3.7 Million; Union-Run Registry Ineffective

… state constitution with Proposal 4, the registry became its centerpiece. But first the Proposal 4 campaign tried to claim the proposal would create a program that … been exposed, proponents of Proposal 4 acted as though the registry, … for the SEIU that funded Proposal 4, did not respond to a request … more

Legal Foundation Seeks End to Forced Unionization of Home-Based Caregivers

State agency asked to award $3 million back to workers that the SEIU took as dues

… then and it is wrong now." The SEIU is backing Proposal 4 in an effort to lock the forced unionization … money themselves on essentials and supplies. If Proposal 4 were defeated on Nov. 6, the skimming of union dues could end permanently. If Proposal 4 were to pass, the SEIU could still be forced … more

Connecticut Now Struggling With Caregiver Unionization Efforts

SEIU loss in Michigan not stopping the union

… should be on its last legs with the rejection of Proposal 4, but a similar forced unionization plan exists in Connecticut. Michigan Proposal 4, which would have locked a scheme orchestrated … Dohn Hoyle, was the head of the unsuccessful Proposal 4 campaign. "Our concerns only involve the people … more

What the Emergency Manager Referendum is About

Supporters of Proposal 1 on the Nov. 6 ballot, a referendum on the emergency manager law, believe that … the law while voting “no” stops the action. PA 4, the emergency manager law, was signed in 2011 and … 1990, the emergency financial manager law. If PA 4 is repealed, that would automatically put PA 72 back … more

Limiting Term Limits

House plan would extend careers of most Lansing politicians from 6 to 14 years

… Jan. 12. The next day, they were at work on a proposal that could greatly extend the years that most … Center’s senior legislative analyst. In 1992, Proposal B was passed by 58.7 percent of the voters. It … to run for the Michigan Senate and add two more 4-year terms. However, as McHugh points out, there … more

Legislative Year Finishes With High Fiscal Notes

Solid changes to public policy deserve applause

… too, was backdrop on a $2.5 billion tax increase proposal which was made by the governor but not considered … the Legislature. The governor’s first budget proposal included a recommendation to trim $5 million … recommendations, and its members voted in favor of $4 million worth of cuts that line item. The state Senate … more

Overselling Whitmer’s Education Budget

Increase in line with years past, not 'game-changing' and 'historic'

… Gretchen Whitmer’s K-12 budget proposal represents a dramatic break … Press described Whitmer’s proposal in momentous terms: “It would … funds. That reduces Whitmer’s proposal from $526 million to $523 … increase in state dollars to 4% over the last budget enacted … the calculation, Whitmer’s proposal falls short in percentage … more

Legal Foundation Defends Clients Caught in a Catch-22

… Service Employees International Union before it finally ended earlier this year. Voters seem to agree. Last November, they overwhelmingly rejected Proposal 4, which would have enshrined the forced unionization scheme in the Michigan Constitution. Gov. Rick Snyder signed legislation in April 2012 making … more

The Cost of Road Building is Spiking, and That’s a Problem

MDOT chief says system can handle it

… percent back in 2009 as the federal stimulus of $1 billion rolled in. The proposal today is for a $2.5 billion increase in a year and a half — at a time … decade, Michigan is set to double state spending on roads – from $2 billion to $4 billion. The state does need to spend more on roads and bridges to counter … more

Union Proposes Trimming Retiree Health Benefits to Save Money; Opposed It When Taxpayers Were Footing the Bill

Michigan Education Association asking its retirees to pay more and get less

… to pay 20% of their premiums. At the time, the typical teacher paid only 4%, while the average private sector worker paid 22-27%. The move has saved … Doug Pratt, in an MLive story. And since then, the MEA has supported proposals to remove aspects of recent cost-saving efforts. But now the union has … more

Auditor’s office repeatedly finds evidence of poor performance in state agencies

The office is slated for a budget cut

Gov. Whitmer’s recent budget proposal, which could mean a significant funding cut for the Office of the Auditor General, could imperil the work of an … This investigation covered 2017 to 2020. In June 2023, the OAG found that 4% of all school contract employees are never fingerprinted and 7% were not … more

SEIU 'Dues Skim' Finally Grinding To A Halt

… checks would be going out sometime around March 4. "The legal prospects seem pretty clear," Krause … the MQC3. Nonetheless, the SEIU bankrolled Proposal 4 in November, which would have locked the forced … privileges and they overwhelmingly defeated Proposal 4. In its final weeks of the MQC3's existence, … more

Election Today! And Plenty of Taxpayer-Funded Electioneering, Too

Schools and local governments drive trucks through election-law loophole

… the vast majority being tax hike proposals for public school districts. A … district’s website asks, “Why is this proposal necessary?” The district’s answer: … Ann Arbor Public Schools is running a 4 1/2-minute video that promotes a tax … governments from “referencing” a ballot proposal they place on the ballot during the … more

Minimum Wage, Minimum Employment

… hear a long list of policy proposals and counter proposals, including perhaps some formal … the recent “SeaTac” ballot proposal for a minimum wage hike to … wage is associated with a 2- to 4-percent decline in state GDP … and it increased turnout by 4 percent.” His article sources … more

Be Wise in Deciding How to Spend Taxpayer Funds on Infrastructure

… Commission has announced that the state should spend $4 billion more each year on several policy areas, including … principle. Those who drive more should pay more. 4. Identify and recommend ways to direct more money … integrity, it’s politically smart. Part of the reason Proposal 1 of 2015 (promoted primarily as a road funding … more

Michigan’s Most Expensive Mass Transit Agencies

Even at a price now above $4, a gallon of regular unleaded gasoline will move … public transit agencies report that $4 isn’t enough spending for them to move … percent level of user support, the proposal would penalize them by reducing their … percent requirement of the Agema proposal. The requirement would apply to operating … more

Extra Early Voting Opportunity in Heavily Democratic Area Raises Eyebrows

'One clerk decided the voters of one city would get a voting opportunity those in the rest of the state didn't get'

… portion of Lansing. The timing, noon to 4 p.m., coincided with people getting … saying 'Vote Today.' There was a pro-Proposal 2 tent (a union-backed ballot initiative) right … voters who weren't clear on the proposals. It looked to me like they were … hours the polls were open, from noon to 4 p.m., were those chosen to accommodate … more

Confirmed: The SEIU ‘Dues Skim’ Finally Ends

Home-based caregivers no longer losing money to union

… went to great lengths to continue taking the money, including putting Proposal 4 on the 2012 statewide ballot. Had Proposal 4 passed, the forced unionization would have been locked into the Michigan … more

Supreme Court Rules Unionization Schemes Involving Home-Based Care Providers Are Illegal

Mackinac Center represented workers similar to those in Illinois who were forced to pay union dues simply because they got state money

… forced to pay union dues. The Justices ruled 5-4 in favor of an Illinois mom and a group of Illinois … scheme locked into the Michigan Constitution. Proposal 4 on last November's ballot would have done just … for concealing that it bankrolled the ballot proposal.  Before the decision, the Heritage Institute's … more

Bills Would Put the State in Charge of Setting Private Salaries

Commission of interest groups would oversee system

On April 19, 2007, a legislative proposal to impose a "comparable worth" labor standard on Michigan’s … recommendation to the full House of Representatives after a 7-4 approval vote by the House Committee on Labor. The … co-sponsors of at least one of the bills in this proposal. Since 56 votes are needed for a majority vote … more

Poll Shows Solid Opposition To Detroit Bailout

State Rep.: 'I am not going to bail out the City of Detroit on the backs of the families and taxpayers of Northern Michigan'

… voters in Michigan oppose Gov. Rick Snyder’s proposal to send $350 million in state funding to help … bankruptcy. According to the poll results the proposal is just as unpopular among Independents, who … respondents by geographic area was as follows: Detroit, 4 percent; Wayne County other than Detroit, 12 percent; … more

Despite Claim, Tax Cuts Have Not 'Overwhelmed' Michigan

Michigan has seen more major tax increase than reductions

… decreased. The increases Since 1994, sales and use taxes increased from 4 percent to 6 percent. Tobacco taxes increased from 25 cents per pack to $2 … past 20 years. "We've had major tax changes, certainly," Wolfram said. "Proposal A, Single Business Tax, those are major policy changes. Tax cuts have … more