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Michigan’s May Tax Proposal

Proposal 1 would raise taxes $2 billion

… into effect if approved. Proposal 1 would increase the sales … Tax Credit. Overall, the proposal will increase state taxes and spending by $2 billion in 2016, of which about … Bureau of Labor Statistics, Proposal 1 would increase the tax … per gallon in taxes under Proposal 1, a 4 percent increase. … more

Proposal 1 Will Cost Average Michigan Household Up to $525 a Year in Extra Taxes

May 5 proposal will hike taxes by $2 billion

… more in taxes in 2016 if Proposal 1 is approved by voters on … will have about $500 less if Proposal 1 is approved. Taxpayers … spending priorities in the proposal.” Proposal 1 is complex. It would make … constitutional changes. It would raise $2 billion, of which $1.3 billion … more

Voters Avert Disaster by Rejecting Proposal 2

… have good cause to be worried. Proposal 2’s failure indicates the unions miscalculated … with a labor-friendly inoculation; Proposal 2 would have empowered government … Michigan voters strongly rejected Prop 2, refusing to be the test-case for locking … down this election). Rejection of Prop 2 will only come as a surprise to those … more

Ballot Proposal Backers Weighing Strategy

$2 billion tax hike vote on May 5

… session. All told, that deal is a $2 billion tax hike, which is considerably … believe the May 5 ballot proposal has little chance of passing. … those trying to “sell” the proposal will be starting out in a hole. Yet, polling ballot proposals is a tricky business and … fact. The centerpiece of Proposal 1, which is what the measure … more

Proposal 2 Power Grab Demands Review of Government Unionism

… that Michigan voters have resoundingly defeated Proposal 2, it is appropriate for lawmakers to review the … the equivalent of a ballot initiative tantrum. Proposal 2 would not just have rolled back recent reforms; … Even though it was defeated, it’s likely that Proposal 2 has already cost Michigan jobs, as investors … more

Only Two Counties Voted for Proposal 2

Many voters in counties near cities or schools under emergency oversight supported Prop 1

… gan voters' rejection of Proposal 2, a ballot initiative that … counties, all but two rejected Proposal 2 on Tuesday.  In fact, 64 … Michigan counties — rejected Prop 2 by more than 60 percent. Ottawa … overwhelmingly against the proposal, with more than 75 percent … counties that voted for Prop 2 were Genesee and Wayne counties. … more

Prop 2 Means More Arbitrary Teacher Placements

'Last In, First Out' would be reinstated

… teacher performance when making layoff, recall and placement decisions. If Proposal 2 passes, however, union contracts will likely supersede and nullify this … seniority like this might not occur very often. But what will happen often if Proposal 2 is passed is that school districts will revert back to ignoring performance … more

Proposal 2 Is Not Simply About Collective Bargaining

… constitutional ballot initiative Proposal 2 was merely about establishing … membership. The lawyer for Proposal 2, Andrew Nickelhoff, said, … immediately” with the passage of Proposal 2, including laws dealing … their tone insisting that Proposal 2 is simply about basic rights … “conditions of employment.” Proposal 2 is local government and … more

Media Muddles Magnitude of May Tax Hike Vote

It's $2 billion

… be collected if voters approve a May 5 ballot proposal, according to a Mackinac Center for Public Policy … one example, when a letter-to-the-editor on the proposal from reader Howard Bouwens Jr. of Laketown Township … found here. ~~~~~ See also: Michigan's May Tax Proposal Projections Show Schools Get More Even With … more

Predators Back In the Classroom? It Could Happen

Proposal 2 would overrule state laws mandating certain protections

Supporters of Proposal 2 say an ad claiming the union-backed … Education Association, says Proposal 2 would not change the background … will be fair game under Proposal 2. “It can happen," said … spokesman for the anti-Prop 2 group, Hands Off Our Constitution. … memo reportedly said that Proposal 2 would overturn prohibited … more

Voters Reject Special Interest Power Plays

Proposals 2-6 soundly defeated

… were soundly defeated. Proposal 2, which would have enshrined … landslide 58%-42%, as did Proposals 3 through 6. F. Vincent … Barack Obama fared well while Proposal 2 was defeated. “It shows … Democrats voted against Prop 2. … The defeat is a major setback … trend that is gaining momentum.” Proposal 2 supporters spent more than … more

Everything You Need to Know, Except the Cost

May tax proposal will cost $2 billion

… story about the May 5 tax proposal with the headline: “Michigan … Everything — except, what the tax proposal will cost if approved. That’s $2 billion, which the article never … $500 million in taxes the proposal will impose. ForTheRecord … approve: How much? It's a net $2 billion tax increase. more

Unions Rig Proposal 2 Business 'Support' List

Workers trained to coerce, intimidate business owners for their support; ignored some requests

… bankrolling and supporting Proposal 2 have touted the business … recruiting "took kit" that Proposal 2 supporters provide after … small, knew little about the proposal and better, that operated … union customer base.  The Proposal 2 website listed 597 businesses … came into the shop seeking Proposal 2 support.  Kilwins was not … more

Proposal 2 Would Declaw Emergency Managers in Proposal 1

… the November ballot, some proposals are bound to impact others. The best example is how Proposal 2 impacts Proposal 1, if both issues pass. Proposal 2, which elevates union collective … struggling to pay their bills. Proposal 2, however, would strip emergency … managers in Public Act 4. But Proposal 2 would eliminate one of those … more

Making Sense of Michigan's Ballot Proposals

Chart explains supporters, opponents and what the six proposals mean for Michigan

… November with six statewide proposals that could reshape the state's … getting the most attention is Proposal 2, which would enshrine collective … unions could rollback if the proposal passes. The unions also … former Gov. Jennifer Granholm. Proposal 4 would allow the SEIU to … 2025; a proposal to require a 2/3 vote of the State House and … more

$1.6 Billion in Savings Lost Under Prop 2

Proposal 2, the “Protect Our Jobs” constitutional amendment, … cost to taxpayers should Prop 2 pass. Prop 2 gives government unions an increased … certain, however, is that Prop 2 will supersede several laws that … exhaustive accounting of Prop 2's possible financial burdens. … more

Whitmer’s Prop 2 rollout ‘weakens the integrity of our elections’

Implementing legislation goes far beyond mandate of last year’s voting referendum

… July 18 that will implement Proposal 2 requirements and more. … overwhelmingly in favor of Prop 2, expanding voting rights,” she … heard in every election.” Proposal 2, a Michigan constitutional … well beyond the mandates of Proposal 2, and further weakens the … ongoing costs to implement Proposal 2. Therese Boudreaux is a … more

Does Prop 2 render National Popular Vote unconstitutional in Michigan?

Before Congress or the U.S. Supreme Court, National Popular Vote faces a roadblock: The Michigan Constitution

… Michigan voters last year in Proposal 2. Proposal 2 passed in Nov. 2022 by a … wrote in its analysis of Proposal 2022-2: The proposal would add a provision to … more

Proposal 2: More Power for Government Unions

… the state about the ballot proposals on the Nov. 6 ballot. We'll … Referendum on PA 4 Today: Proposal 2, The 'Collective Bargaining' Amendment A “yes” vote on Proposal 2 would allow government union … law could change that. If Proposal 2 is adopted, passing a right-to-work … employer to the union. If Proposal 2 passes, other solid labor … more

BREAKING NEWS: 'Protect Working Families' Lists Proposal 2 Business Supporters Without Their Knowledge

… Families" website promoting Proposal 2, lists 598 small businesses … wife's business supports Proposal 2. The Proposal 2 supporter's website lists … business was listed on a Proposal 2 website at all. And some … that block was that the Proposal 2 supporter who walked that … more

NYT: Prop 2 'An Embarrassing Loss for Labor'

… Times reports that the failure of Proposal 2 is “an embarrassing loss for labor … The Times also pointed out that Proposal 2 received about 600,000 fewer votes … Caller noted that the rejection of Proposal 2 “was a major defeat for teachers’ … Obama Democrats voted against [the proposal].” more

SEIU 'Dues Skim' and U-M Research Assistant Bills Brought On Proposal 2

Issues brought to the forefront by the Mackinac Center cited by UAW President as reasons for ballot proposal

… key role in bringing about Proposal 2. That's what United Auto … in a recent interview. Proposal 2 on the 2012 ballot was a … In the wake of the ballot proposal's defeat, Michigan became … led to the unions putting Proposal 2 on the ballot. Excerpts … later became Proposal 2 on March 2. That was actually before Gov. … more

Proposal 2 Is Not Good For Government Union Workers

...or taxpayers, as Illinois shows what can happen when unions get nearly everything they want

… that the main supporters of Proposal 2, which would guarantee public … happen in this state if Proposal 2 gives those unions the power … school employee unions pushing Proposal 2 have touted dozens of laws … workers. ~~~~~ See also: Proposal 2: The 'Collective Bargaining' … Billion in Savings Lost Under Prop 2 more

Collective Bargaining a 'Right' to Coerce

… stuff. The union-funded Proposal 2 would amend the Michigan … to coerce another group. Proposal 2 would label that power a … this exercise. Language in Proposal 2 limits its effect on private-sector … not chosen to do so, and Proposal 2 would prohibit it from ever … employers, and these are what Proposal 2 is really all about. In … more


Prop 2 Would Protect Union Bosses at the Expense of Qualified Teachers

… to eventually end these "last in/first out" and "dance of the lemons" policies that weaken the overall quality of Michigan's teacher corps. If Proposal 2 passes, however, it's expected that most school districts will revert back to the pre-reform status quo. And for all the talk about how collective … more

Proposal 2 Could Protect Teachers Who Are Drunk, Dealing Drugs in the Classroom

Bay City contract shows what can happen when local union provisions overrule state laws

… Michigan voters approve Proposal 2 on Nov. 6, insane government … systems and more. But if Proposal 2 is enshrined in the state … at the bargaining table, (Proposal 2) would overturn that.' "  … provision unenforceable, but Proposal 2 would wipe that out. If … The relevant provision of the proposal reads, “No existing or future … more

Prop 2 May Put FOIA on Ice for Media, Others

… Detroit News on Sept. 27, 2012.) Proposal 2 on the Nov. 6 Michigan ballot would … on government operations. Under Prop 2, nothing would prevent state or local … is entirely possible that under Prop 2 government officials might be tempted … employee unions and the public. Proposal 2 could make discovering what government … more

Which Ballot Proposals Are 'Grassroots'?

… Rick Haglund writes that the 2/3 tax limitation and international bridge ballot proposals are not a grassroots effort. If you think a proposal on the November ballot requiring … tax-limitation group, you’re wrong. Proposal 5 is another maneuver by … employee union AFSCME. Proposal 2: The 'Protect Our Jobs' … more

Proposal 2 Would Cost Taxpayers $1.6 Billion Per Year, New Analysis Says

'Protect Our Jobs' initiative will be voted on in November

If Proposal 2 were to pass this November, it would cost taxpayers … savings would be due to Proposal 2 superseding Gov. Rick Snyder’s … F. Vincent Vernuccio. "Prop 2, the ‘Protect Our Jobs’ constitutional … One estimate found that if Proposal 2 was adopted, it could impact … $894,707 in savings. "If it (Proposal 2) passes, the sky is the … more

UAW Video Shows Political Influence

Proposal 2 on Michigan’s Nov. 6 general election ballot, once … the governor. This radical proposal and a campaign ad promoting … ballot. However, this year’s Proposal 2 will be on the ballot, and … (“paycheck protection”). While Proposal 2 primarily affects law overseeing … institutional gain. Should Proposal 2 pass, union bosses like … more

Media Resoundingly Rejects Prop 2, Prop 4

Only two weekly newspapers support either of the union-backed plans to alter the state constitution

As Election Day looms, Proposal 2 and Proposal 4 are without any serious … in the state has endorsed Proposal 2, which would allow union … newspaper endorsements through Nov. 2 and confirms the lack of support. … have all come out against Proposal 2. De Leeuw said the Lansing … more

Union Members Down, Money For SEIU Up

'Dues skim' contributes to higher union funding

… Michigan filed its annual (LM-2) disclosure report with the Office … $11,974,800. Meanwhile, the LM-2 reports show that Healthcare … constitution through a ballot proposal. Only part of the $11,974,800 … disclosures in the union's LM-2 reports over the past four years … fee rate” section of its LM-2 reports for 2010 and 2011. Other … more

How the Chicago Teacher Union Strike Affects Michigan

Michigan Ballot Proposal Could Nullify State's No Strike Law

… Beek said. "Unfortunately, [Proposal 2] the union-backed 'Protect … these reforms at risk." Proposal 2 will be on the Nov. 6 ballot. … soon come to Michigan if Proposal 2 passes. "The union bosses behind this deceptive proposal are telling parents it will … is the coalition opposing Proposal 2. ~~~~~ See also: CapCon … more

Michigan Press Association and Mackinac Center Joint Statement on Proposal 2 and the Freedom of Information Act

‘Chilling effects on citizens’ right to know’

… the public warning about the implications that Proposal 2 would have on government transparency. If passed … students two times before they are fired.  “If Proposal 2 is adopted it will become harder to discover … affects Michigan citizens directly,” Young said. “Proposal 2 offers a change to the constitution that could … more

Proposal 1 a Referendum on PA 4

… the state about the ballot proposals on the Nov. 6 ballot. We'll … day this week explaining proposals 1 through 5.) Proposal 1 on the ballot is a referendum … law. The wording of this proposal — and thus whether to vote … to Oakland County and saved $2 million annually while increasing … more

Prop 2 Supporters Putting Out Questionable Info

The proponents of Proposal 2 have been less than forthright lately in their bid to lock into the Michigan … not agree to be on the list and disagree with Proposal 2. One company called immediately to have its … should have the facts when voting on ballot proposals that would overhaul the state's political sys … more

Despite Rampant Tenure Abuses, Proposal 2 Would Wipe Out Slight Reform

Teachers caught with drugs, assaulting students, engaging in sex crimes and distributing alcohol to minors were all protected

… affiliate, believes that passing Proposal 2 “would restore dignity” … positive impact on children."  Proposal 2 guarantees the ability of … nullified by the passage of Proposal 2. Greenwood believes "none" … administrators or taxpayers. Proposal 2 would wipe out even this … kids. ~~~~~ See also: Proposal 2: The 'Collective Bargaining' … more

Vernuccio Talks Prop 2 on Fox Business

… Vincent Vernuccio was on “After the Bell” on Fox Business Tuesday afternoon, discussing the crushing blow organized labor took with the defeat of Proposal 2 last week. Vernuccio also talked about the ramifications of the election on “The Tony Conley Show” on WILS AM1320 in Lansing and wrote about it … more

Michigan lawmaker pitches $2B transit proposal

Wayne State University professor calls plan another boondoggle

… Arbor, tweeted a plan last week to use $2 billion in taxpayer funds for transit … was not a tax increase. Morgan’s proposal could leave taxpayers with the bill … transportation nonprofit supports Morgan’s $2 billion increase in transit spending. … service for transit riders. The new proposal also comes as Michigan roads are … more

Prop 2 Supporters Misled on Other States

The proponents of Proposal 2 made the rounds claiming that collective … constitutions and therefore Proposal 2 was nothing new or radical. … agencies, their grievances and proposals through representatives of … Article 13, Sections 1 and 2 of Hawaii’s Constitution allow … with Michigan’s now failed Proposal 2, the states that put private-sector … more

Michigan Ballot Proposals

… compiled analysis and commentary on the following proposals expected to appear on the statewide ballot in … post additional material regarding these ballot proposals as Center analysts develop new content in the … Election Update! "Emergency Manager" law repealed Prop 2: Election Update! "Collective Bargaining" Amendment … more

Video Confirms Negative Union Stereotypes

… presence of the union-funded Proposal 2 on Michigan’s Nov. 6 ballot. Proposal 2 would give provisions of … more than $1 million to the Proposal 2 campaign through July of … as unions.” This year’s Proposal 2 initiative to change the … year’s even more radical Proposal 2 — initially and aptly dubbed … more

Prop 2 Would Change at Least 170 Laws

… is reporting that proponents of Proposal 2 claim the constitutional amendment … by the amendment. The lawyer for Proposal 2, Andrew Nickelhoff, didn’t contradict … issues at the bargaining table, [Proposal 2] would overturn that.' "  In short, if Proposal 2 were to pass, a local bargaining … more

Prop 2 Supporters Say States Without Unionized Teachers ‘Among the Worst’ On Standardized Tests — Michigan Scores Lower Than Them All

… previous site. The group supporting Proposal 2, the collective bargaining ballot … based on just one variable like Proposal 2's proponents are doing is misleading … — far higher than the states the Proposal 2 supporters attempt to make a comparison … as "false." ~~~~~ See also: Proposal 2: The 'Collective Bargaining' Ame … more

Prop 2 Supporters Change Name

… a name? Plenty if you’re Proposal 2. The unions behind the proposal to change the state constitution officially … Working Families.” We know Prop 2 would apply mostly to government … appeal even if the ballot proposal still does not reach a broader … lost to taxpayers under Prop 2. "The fact that they’re changing … more

Constitutional Convention Won’t Fix Michigan’s Problems (Michigan Capitol Confidential)

… Problems"). Michigan voters on Nov. 2 will face Proposal 1, which will ask whether … convention in the first place. Proposal 1 will be on the ballot because … they disapprove by more than 2-to-1 when told the cost could … started with. The passage of Proposal 1 would set a process in … more

Constitutional Convention Won’t Fix Michigan’s Problems

On Nov. 2, Michigan voters will face Proposal 1, which will ask whether … convention in the first place. Proposal 1 will be on the ballot because … they disapprove by more than 2-to-1 when told the cost could … started with. The passage of Proposal 1 would set a process in … more

Transit: So Popular it Needs to be Subsidized

Michigan Proposal 1 spends an extra $116 million on mass transit

The May 5 Michigan sales tax ballot measure, which if approved by voters will trigger a $2 billion net tax increase, would add $116 million to current state mass transit spending, mostly subsidies to local bus agencies. A recent MLive article describes the views of some people who support or oppose … more

Commentary: Unions Ducking the Truth With Proposal 2 Ad

Excessive union contracts have bankrupted cities, school districts

… essence tell viewers that Proposal 2 is a harmless plan even … the state's constitution. Proposal 2 supporters don't want voters … want people to know that Proposal 2 would benefit only union … want people to know that Proposal 2 would take away worker freedoms … want you to know that if the proposal fails, nothing changes. … more

Love it or Hate it, Voters are Aware of Proposal 1

Poll suggests substantial turnout on May 5

… side in the battle over the Proposal 1 sale tax increase on the … The poll, conducted April 1, 2, and 4, consisted of robocalls … know how you’ll vote. Press 2 if you’re still gathering information. … landlines. ~~~~~ See also: Proposal 1 Will Cost Average Michigan … Taxes Michigan's May Tax Proposal Policy Brief: Proposal 1 … more

Commentary: Prop 4 Supporters Promise Programs That Already Exist

Home-based caregiver proposal would lock SEIU unionization scheme into state constitution

… the unions telling people what Proposal 2 won’t do instead of what it will … recovery. Monette then says that Proposal 4 ensures that will continue. Guess … continue without the passage of Proposal 4. The federal Home Help Program … care already exists in Michigan. Proposal 4 does nothing to keep people any … more

Property Tax Protections Assaulted Again by House

Eleven GOP members vote to undermine Proposal A

… as a result of passage of Proposal A in 1994, school district … November election days." Under Proposal A, school districts may hold … original justification for Proposal A, approved by 69 percent … money at the state level. Proposal A's constitutional protections … those districts levy less than 2 mills, rather than the 5 mill … more

How Michigan can have term limits and lifetime service

A modest proposal to bring the best of both worlds to Lansing

… of 3-two-year House terms and 2-four-year Senate terms – has … service? Why not have both? My proposal: Let them serve, as long … talk like that. There is a proposal on the November ballot to … two. As a sweetener, the proposal carries a transparency measure, … “overwhelming support” for the proposal. Under my plan, Bolger could … more

The Cost of the Proposal 1: The May Tax Vote

… the typical taxpayer. The proposal increases sales and use taxes … fees, generating a projected $2 billion in its first year. As … in 2016 if voters approve Proposal 1. There are two proposed … $136 in 2016. Under the proposal, this new fuel tax would … based on inflation. But the proposal’s drafters used an odd formula … more

Will Michigan Follow California’s Lead In Redistricting?

Voters will decide who should draw political districts

… districts are redrawn. Proposal 2, spearheaded by a group … district lines, something Proposal 2 would explicitly forbid. Proposal 2 also outlines factors that … government). Additionally, Proposal 2 would ban the parents, stepparents, … arrangements called for by the proposal. Advocates of Proposal 2 … more

Do Teachers Really Need More 'Protection?'

In its October newsletter, the Michigan Education Association wrote that Proposal 2 “…goes beyond just protecting collective bargaining. It protects the middle class and working families, giving them a chance to negotiate for fair wages and benefits and the ability to support themselves.”  Frankly, … more

May Sales Tax Proposal Explained

… Voters should know how this proposal was developed and how it … deadline, they compromised on a $2 billion tax increase. The proposal increases sales and use taxes, … annually. Voting yes on the proposal would certify the changes … drawing board. Overall, the proposal will increase taxes by $2 … more

Making Sense Of The Complicated Ballot Language For Proposal 1

Personal property tax cut would result in $500 million tax decrease when fully phased in

Proposal 1 on the Aug. 5 ballot would cut personal property … Hohman, who researched the proposal and wrote a policy brief … voters into thinking the proposal will raise taxes. The ballot … a tax increase. It reads: "2. Require Local Community Stabilization … language on such a complicated proposal. "Let me put it this way, … more

UAW President Bob King Admits Proposal 2 Was About Right-to-Work

… much for union claims that Proposal 2 on the 2012 ballot wasn't … voters soundly rejected Proposal 2 in November, 58 percent … discussed enough. And when Proposal 2 was defeated, they claimed the proposal hadn't been about right-to-work. … announcement of the proposal on March 2. Then he started talking about … more

All Five Constitutional Amendments Soundly Defeated

Emergency manager law repealed

… Vincent Vernuccio said of the Proposal 2 defeat. “The voters put … percent in Michigan and Proposal 2 being defeated with close … rubber stamp their agenda.” Proposal 4, a scheme that would have … eventually get the message.” Proposal 3, the “25 x 25” renewable … would already be doing so.” Proposal 5, which would have required … more

Double Tax on Some Fuels is Problematic for $2 Billion May 5 Proposal

Mistake in ballot language means fuel for boats, snowmobiles, lawnmowers would cost extra

… Dave Murray). The ballot proposal that goes before Michigan … anonymity. Officially dubbed Proposal 2015-1, the ballot measure … statewide election. The proposal would be a $2 billion tax hike in its entirety, … problematic language in the ballot proposal states: “No sales tax or … more

Here's the Upcoming Political Drama in Michigan

Prevailing wage, the May 5 ballot proposal and energy are all on the table

… Founder Bill Ballenger. “If Proposal 1 fails at the ballot box … cooperation from organized labor on Proposal 1 that he expected, or if … bring up the issue.” The proposal to hike the state’s sales … you were a proponent of the proposal, would you be hoping for … turnout will be somewhere around 2 million and I think the proposal's … more

County Prevailing Wage Law Could Add Millions To Taxpayer Costs

'Union-scale wages' means Muskegon County jail proposal will be extra pricey

… be on the hook for an extra $2 million for the project. Prevailing … would mean they'd pay about $2 million more," said Chris Fisher, … financial position to be spending $2 million more than they have to. … of other things." Fisher's $2 million estimate might be low. … if the ordinance would add $2 million or more to the project. … more

Proposal 1 Would Pay Michigan's Road Debt Hangover

The Proposal 1 road funding initiative on Michigan’s May 5 ballot has excited … Specifically, if voters approve Proposal 1’s $2 billion tax increase (and if as expected … amount will begin to fall off. Love Proposal 1 or hate it, clearing away the burden … more

Michigan's Voter Approved Ban On Racial Preferences Goes Before U.S. Supreme Court

… Civil Rights Initiative (MCRI), which was on the statewide ballot as Proposal 2. At the time, it was opposed by the Democrat and Republican parties, … for the movement against the MCRI. "I think our basic argument is that Proposal 2 (MCRI) prohibits people who want to increase the opportunities for — particularly … more

School Districts Value Best Teachers $1 More Than The Worst

District officials said merit pay law is an 'unfunded mandate'

… "highly effective" fared better with $3 a year; "effective" teachers got $2; and a teacher who "meets goals" gets $1. “What a tragic symbol the school … The merit pay law is one of many that school districts could undo if Proposal 2 passes in November. If passed, the law would allow government union contracts … more

Michigan Supreme Court rejects request to overrule canvassers’ action on $15 wage proposal

Court declines to override decision

… the minimum wage for employers with fewer than 21 workers instead of raising the minimum wage for all employees. The canvasser’s board deadlocked 2-2 and rejected the revised petition submitted for its final approval. Justice Brian Zahra wrote a concurring opinion. “It was abundantly reasonable … more

Union Contract: Teachers Can Be Caught in School Drunk Five Times and On Drugs Three Times Before Being Fired

Students are reported to the police on first offense

… offense was a three-day suspension without pay. The third offense was termination. ~~~~~ See also: Helpful Facts About Michigan's Public Sector Proposal 2: The 'Collective Bargaining' Amendment more

Connect Southeast Michigan Transit Proposal: Looking Backward

… Southeast Michigan has released a proposal to tax metropolitan area residents … is travel to and from work. Less than 2 percent of workers commuted to work … where the automobile is king. Even with 2 million new residents in Los Angeles … a better name for this hopeless proposalmore

Why Are Some Tea Party Supporters Fighting Proposal 1 In Michigan?

… the ins and outs of what Proposal 1 would do in Michigan, James … Tea Party members. “This proposal cuts taxes and pays for it … some Tea Party supporters.” Proposal 1 will be voted on Tuesday, … governments," Hohman said. 2. This will lead to future tax … 3. Confusion about how the proposal is worded and a general distrust … more

Michigan Sales Tax Hike Proposal May Provide Schools With Less

What the law says now and what it would be changed to

The tax hike proposal that goes before Michigan voters on May … unfounded and the language in the proposal not only wouldn’t create … exists. Under the ballot proposal, the state sales tax would … percent since passage of Proposal A in 1994. In the Michigan … prior to Proposal A, and the 2 percent that was added by Proposal … more

Per-Pupil Spending About Even

… selection of public school options. The proposal has received harsh criticism from … stand up to the facts. The Oxford proposal would expand school districts’ ability … serving primarily elementary students[2] spent an average of $7,284 per pupil … athletics or building construction. [2] Grade configurations that included … more

Weekly Roundup - Oct. 2

… Security. Wall Street Journal - McDonald's may drop health plan as a result of Obamacare. My Way News - House Democrats shelve a "net neutrality" proposal. ...leave to campaign without passing a budget.   Quote of the Week "The high cost of batteries will keep pure electric vehicles such as the … more

The Price Tag on the Ballot Proposals

Constitutional changes would cost billions to Michigan taxpayers, citizens

… reasons to judge many of the proposals extend beyond dollars and … contribute to a union, as Proposal 4 requires) there also are … fiscal consequences to the proposals. Next to each of the proposals … emergencies $100 million. Proposal 2. Voting “yes” on Proposal 2 would give government unions … more

School District Allows Union, Employees To Exclude Material From FOIA Requests

Legal expert says they are breaking the law

… disagreements in the accuracy of a report. "You can't use that law to limit FOIA," Hohman said. Similar issues regarding FOIA requests could arise if Proposal 2 passes.The union-backed initiative deals specifically with collective bargaining and such clauses could be included to shield union contracts from … more

State Department of Civil Rights Not In Line With Gov. Snyder's Views

Despite vote of state citizens, department files brief to overturn constitutional amendment

… treatment of minorities (by race, color, sex, or religion) in getting admission to colleges, jobs, and other publicly funded institutions. It was Proposal 2 on Michigan's 2006 statewide ballot. At the time, the Democract and Republican political parties, most of the state universities, many corporations … more

Happy Anniversary Proposal A

… Michigan voters approved "Proposal A," a fundamental overhaul … After the initial rollback, Proposal A capped property tax increases … after inflation. The other Proposal A promises have held up better. … and May. In contrast, the Proposal A limit on property assessment … assessment to current value. 2.      Increase the sales/use … more

Prop 1 Unpopularity to Voters was Unprecedented

'We can elect Democrats and get that result'

Proposal 1 may go down as the most unpopular constitutional … percent of voters rejected the $2 billion proposal to fix the roads and give … on the ballot since 1963, Proposal 1 is the only one not to … since 1963 was enjoyed by Proposal K of 1978 (deny bail for … more

$1.6 Billion in Savings Lost Under Prop 2

Proposal 2 would fundamentally change the power structure in … cost to taxpayers should Prop 2 pass. Prop 2 gives government unions an increased … certain, however, is that Prop 2 will supersede several laws that … exhaustive accounting of Prop 2’s possible financial burdens. … more

Freep Editorial Page Editor Not Going to be Bullied by Prop 2 Supporters

Stephen Henderson says he offered to meet anytime the unions wanted

… thrown under the bus by Proposal 2 backers who disagree with his opinion that Proposal 2 is bad for Michigan and … voters should vote "no" on Proposal 2. In response, the unions … editorialized against the amendment proposal. Henderson went public with … record of requests from Prop 2 backers asking for a meeting. … more

Activist's Critique of Prop 3 Study Completely Incorrect

Union of Concerned Scientists analysis of Mackinac Center study wrong on every single point

Jeff Deyette at the pro-Proposal 3 “Union of Concerned Scientists,” makes factually … about the Mackinac Center’s study on Proposal 3’s economic impact. In fact, not … percent mandate. He forgets Graphic 2, which does so. Deyette makes the judgment … cost cap included as part of the proposal. The cap is fully addressed in the … more

With $2 Billion at Stake, $100 Fines Won't Deter Violations of State Law

… which includes an article, "Proposal 1 Straight Talk." The article circles … Board of Education Supports Proposal 1." ForTheRecord says: Michigan … electioneering. If voters approve Proposal 1 on May 5 it means an additional $2 billion in state government revenue, … rules is a $100 fine. With $2 billion at stake, a $100 fine … more

So What Happens if the May 5 $2 Billion Tax Hike Fails?

Pundits give their thoughts

… Approval or rejection of Proposal 1 by Michigan voters will … political observers about Proposal 1 and other topics. Q. If Proposal 1 — the $2 billion sales tax hike that is … RevSix Data Systems, if the proposal is rejected by the voters, … more

Taxpayer Funded Electioneering in Full Swing Before May 2 Tax Votes

Officials claim messages ‘presenting factual information’ (wink, wink)

… will put property tax renewals or increases before voters next Tuesday, May 2. Many are delivering pre-election pitches that clearly advocate for a yes … law that says local government can’t use tax money to promote ballot proposals,” she said. more

Federal Tax Proposal Not Perfect, but Good for Michigan, Nation

Reform plans are on the right track

… government employees, it belongs to those who earn it in the first place. This proposal will allow more people to keep more of what they make. It makes the lives … told you could never see 3 percent growth again by the people who brought us 2 percent growth over the last 8 years — we are already at 3 percent — this … more

Prop 3 Would Cost Taxpayers Billions

… the state about the ballot proposals on the Nov. 6 ballot. We'll … day this week explaining Proposals 1 through 5.) Monday: Proposal 1 a Referendum on PA 4 Tuesday: Proposal 2: More Power for Government Unions Today: Proposal 3: '25 X 25' Renewable Energy … more

Union-Supported Ballot Proposal Targets Right-to-Work, Recent Reforms

UAW-backed constitutional amendment would prevent future workplace choice

It was billed as proposal to prevent Michigan from becoming … elected officials. On March 2, United Auto Workers President … promoting the anti-right-to-work proposal would attempt to gather 500,000 … many needed — to put the proposal on Michigan's November election … However, when the ballot proposal was unveiled Tuesday, it … more

Emergency Manager Repeal Ballot Proposal Likely Headed to State Supreme Court

… political observers say. On Thursday, the Board of State Canvassers voted 2-2 on whether to approve the petition that would put repeal of the emergency … petition was not approved and will not get on the ballot. Supporters of the proposal are expected to file an appeal to the state Court of Appeals. But few … more

Union Pushes Ballot Proposal To Keep 'Dues Skim' Alive

… refers to the SEIU ballot proposal effort as a “Hail Mary pass.” He also maintains that the proposal is unconstitutional. However, it's too early in the ballot proposal process for challenging it … home now have to receive a W-2 and have union dues taken out … is turning to the ballot proposal route. On Monday, the State … more

Prop 4 Would Put Union Scam in Constitution

… the state about the ballot proposals on the Nov. 6 ballot. We'll … day this week explaining Proposals 1 through 5.) Monday: Proposal 1 a Referendum on PA 4 Tuesday: Proposal 2: More Power for Government Unions Wednesday: Proposal 3 Would Cost Taxpayers Billions … more

Lower Gas Costs Benefit School Funding in May 5 Ballot Proposal

… roads” initiative that increases taxes by some $2 billion overall, of which $1.2 billion would go to … just 12 cents per gallon when the price falls to $2. In contrast, the fuel tax increases are not affected … gas averaged $2.11 per gallon in Michigan on Feb. 2. A year ago, the average was $3.26 per gallon. The … more

Prop 5: Protecting Taxpayers from the Government

… the state about the ballot proposals on the Nov. 6 ballot. We'll … day this week explaining Proposals 1 through 5.) Monday: Proposal 1 a Referendum on PA 4 Tuesday: Proposal 2: More Power for Government Unions Wednesday: Proposal 3 Would Cost Taxpayers Billions … more

New Taxpayer-Funded Electioneering Restrictions Anger Local Government Tax Hikers

But 1st Amendment gives rights to people, not governments

… referencing local tax hike ballot proposals during the 60 days before … news conference about the proposal, which was part of Senate … electioneering for its tax hike proposals. In 2009, the district mailed … read: “Please vote on November 2 on the Building and Site Sinking … $120 million debt and tax proposal on the May 3, 2016, ballot that … more

Nessel to sue fossil fuel industry, but still flies over driving

Nessel’s flights cost a total of $6,202

… have had a climate impact, and she seeks private law firms to submit proposals to partner with the state to sue oil and gas firms for that alleged impact. … to adopting EVs. Michigan is 2.3% of the way toward reaching its goal of 2 million EVs by 2030. more

Local Government Stories

… School District Walled Lake District Tells Parents That Parental Choice Proposal Threatens Funding A2 Schools' Union Prez and Board Member Add Up Wrong … 'Sick Out' Average Eaton Rapids Teacher’s Salary $55,826 ; Contributes Just 2 Percent for Health Plan Average Comstock Teacher Receives $53,756 in Salary, … more

Michigan House OKs bill creating museum tax authority

If enacted, the plan could cost Oakland County taxpayers $167M over 10 years

… Oakland and Wayne counties, assuming a 0.2 mill levy from 2024 to 2033 and a 2% growth each year of taxable property values. The projection found the plan … “Property taxes should support essential community services, but this proposal could tax Oakland County homeowners to subsidize museums in Detroit that … more


Fall 2012 Edition

In this issue: Proposal 2 Would Cost Taxpayers $1.6 Billion … New Analysis Says Study: Proposal 3 Would Result in Lost Jobs, … Proposals Quick-view Guide Proposal 2: The ‘Collective Bargaining’ Amendment Proposal 2 Would Make Union Bosses … About Politics Proposal 5: The 2/3 Tax Limitation Tax Limitation … more

Taxpayers get three small wins in $83B budget

Massive spending package moves $670M from debt payoff, but lawmakers reject bills on SOAR extension, film credits, data center tax breaks

The 2025 budget passed by the Michigan Legislature Thursday would spend $2 billion more than Gov. Whitmer requested in her own proposal, but Michigan taxpayers won three small victories amid debate that stretched … more

In 2012, Michigan voters rejected a ban on right-to-work

Nearly 60% of Michigan voters rejected the attempted constitutional amendment, and Gov. Snyder signed the right-to-work law a month later

… will of the people. If Proposal 2 of 2012 had never been brought … pursue an amendment — through Proposal 2 — and things did change. … voters who cast a ballot on Proposal 2, about 58% voted no, compared … spoke, and they said no. Proposal 2 of 2012 read: The next … attempted to play coy on Prop 2, arguing that it wasn’t really … more

Court of Appeals Says Union Power Grab Should Be on Ballot

Opponents say they will appeal to State Supreme Court

… “Protect Our Jobs” ballot proposal should be put on the Nov. … business groups opposing the proposal. The State Supreme Court … which would result in the proposal being put on the ballot; … would also result in the proposal being placed on the ballot; … it would affect. However, in 2-to-1 decision, the three-judge … more