
Michigan higher education policy is out of wack — here’s how to improve it

Give the money directly to students, not the universities Read more


Michigan taxpayers spend more to get the same or worse government services

Lawmakers need to care about outputs, not just inputs Read more


Michigan’s efforts to boost housing are far short of what is needed

Even spending billions of dollars isn’t coming close to meeting demand Read more


Michigan’s largest unions have seen plummeting membership over the past decade

Jobs and incomes are up, workplace injuries are down Read more


UAW membership drops significantly in Michigan

Membership is the lowest in more than a decade Read more


Six charts to change your mind about Michigan

Our state’s competitiveness ranges from poor to middling Read more


Michigan taxpayers funded artistic and financial flops in last film-subsidy effort

In movies and subsidy programs, the sequel is rarely better Read more


Hawaii offers a case study on the inadequacies of wind and solar

Rolling blackouts could prove deadly in Michigan winters Read more


Michigan roads are falling apart faster than they’re being fixed

In a decade, 48% of Michigan’s busiest roads will be in poor condition Read more


Michigan Education Association is down 37,000 members in a decade

Teachers union has dropped to under 80,000 members Read more


Michigan test results show big post-COVID learning loss

Struggles in early grades signal trouble in later years Read more


‘Charging can be a challenge’ says Ford CEO as EVs gather dust

Farley’s reality check comes as Dearborn automaker is set to lose $4.5B on electric vehicles in 2023 Read more


Déjà vu: Michigan going all-in on taxpayer-subsidized battery plants

State battery subsidies have been an enormous bust so far Read more


On ‘Growing Michigan’ council, Alabas Farhat counts as fresh face

Whitmer’s search for youth appeal leads to Democratic Dearborn rep Read more


Supreme Court ruling will not leave Michigan’s waters unregulated

Ruling in Sackett v. EPA rolls back federal overreach; state regulators can still act Read more


Michigan growth czar should know where to look

The popular places for people in America have changed Read more


Barriers to entry: Occupational licensing laws hold Michigan back

About 160 occupations in Michigan now require a license Read more


Michigan cellphone ban is a myopic approach to distracted driving

The numbers indicate that phone use is only a sliver of the problem facing motorists in Michigan Read more


Highland Park, water authority reach ‘good faith’ agreement on $24M debt

‘Tentative agreement’ will start with $1M payment from Highland Park by Friday; effect on bailout scenarios is unclear Read more


Duggan: ‘You can’t build a new house in Detroit’ due to high taxes

Four takeaways from Duggan’s interview with The Detroit News Read more


Benton Harbor pension system only 39% funded

State law requires 60% funding; Benton Harbor has been on a corrective action plan for years Read more


Lansing Math: Michigan pays $340,000 per (promised) job at Gotion factory

New $175 million round of corporate welfare brings state’s tab for Mecosta County project to $800M Read more


Michiganders want energy choice; Michigan can’t deliver it

Michigan’s Electric Choice program has more people waiting for it than using it Read more


Testimony reveals that National Popular Vote has many critics in Michigan

On an Elections Committee stacked 6-2 for Dems, written testimony comes out even Read more


When workers in Michigan had a choice, they left unions

Union numbers and former members tell the story Democrats will not Read more

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