News Story

Whitmer Still Claiming Vaccine Credit From Subsidy For Unbuilt Pfizer Facility

‘Those are not the claims we are making,’ says economic development official Read more

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Government-Issued Super Bowl Party Guidelines: No Cheering Allowed

All that is not permitted is forbidden Read more

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No Face Masks In Indoor Driving Range Stalls? Violation Exposed With Police Escort

'We’re going to get through this, and we’re going to get through it together' Read more

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Nearly 40% Of Michigan Population Could Be Immune To COVID

Figure slightly overstated because some who got vaccinations had probably contracted the virus too Read more

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Social Gathering Limits Extended In Latest Order Despite 'Significant Strides'

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State To Businesses: We Will Allow You To Give Free Water After 10 PM

Thanks for that Read more

News Story

Whitmer Cited Virus Variant To Justify School Sports Lockdown; Silent On It In About-Face

Contact sports were locked down until Feb. 21; now they can reopen Feb. 8 Read more

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A License To Go Out Of Business? Michigan Retailers May Need One

Stores must get a city permit to hold a ‘going out of business’ sale Read more

News Story

Government Employees Thrive In Epidemic; Small Business, Wage Earners Crushed

Increasingly rigorous enforcement by increasingly well-paid enforcers is a bad look for a state Read more

News Story

Workers, Businesses Suffered In Pandemic While Government Thrived: Grand Rapids Edition

The city’s top 20 highest paid all got raises, some big Read more

News Story

Whitmer’s Health Department Boss Got Nice Raise While Administering Lockdowns

Private sector lost a million jobs in two months in 2020, Gordon gets $13,000 bump Read more

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Granholm Predicted 62,000 Michigan Battery Jobs — There's Less Than 1,800

She made big boasts on electric vehicle subsidy deals Read more

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Detroit Schools Get Seven Times More Federal COVID Money Than Other Districts

Flint gets even more: $13,407 per pupil; state average is $1,282 Read more

News Story

Study Whitmer Cited To Justify Restaurant Lockdown Doesn’t Do It

Report explained how limiting capacity to 20% is sweet spot for reducing virus spread Read more


All That is Not Permitted is Prohibited

Gov. Whitmer’s strict approach makes well-meaning Michiganders into criminals Read more

News Story

Yes, Granholm's Administration Gave Cash To Failed Electric Car Battery Company

She denied it in a U.S. Senate confirmation hearing Read more

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‘If It Stops Moving, Subsidize It’: Michigan Shuts Down 70,000 Firms, Gives Cash To 14,000

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State Senate GOP Shuts Down Whitmer Board Appointments Until Lockdowns Lifted

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News Story

County Clears Restaurant On COVID Violation, State Nails It For Missing A Later FAQ

Owner enters administrative law zone, where judge and prosecutor work for the same boss Read more

News Story

Detroit Schools Superintendent Blasts State For Ongoing Winter Sports Lockdown

‘This is govt babble’ Read more

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611,045 Vaccinated In Michigan; New Cases Plummet

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‘Betsy Ross’ Flags, Used At Biden Inaugural, Signaled ‘Exclusion And Hate’ at Michigan School Game

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News Story

Michigan Government’s Coronavirus Agents Active Statewide - Except Detroit

State has publicized 112 COVID busts but just two were in Detroit Read more

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When Diners Return To Restaurants, They’ll Have To Sign In With Phone Numbers

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News Story

Whitmer Erroneously Claims State Taxpayer Handout To Pfizer Covered Vaccine Work

Company to get $10.5 million for plant that hasn’t been started yet Read more

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