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School Mask Agony: Two Public Education Systems, Two Policies, One Shared Building

It’s happening in Midland and illustrates parents' challenges Read more

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Could Be Worse: Study Finds Michigan’s Regulatory Burden On Business Less Than Nearby States

Mercatus Center finds this to be the least-bad Great Lakes state Read more

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Health Department Issues Scary Kids-In-COVID-Ward Headlines From Elsewhere; Just 12 In Hospital Here

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Michigan's ‘Are Vaccines Working?’ Report Covers Period When Vast Majority Of Residents Were Not Vaccinated

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Don’t Forget The Other Taxpayer Dollars Detroit Schools Collect: Debt Relief

Two legal entities, one created by a state bailout to repay old debt, the other to operate classrooms Read more

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Schools Serving Michigan’s Poor Cities Get More Taxpayer Dollars, Not Less

Benton Harbor schools received twice as much per student in 2019-20 as those serving its affluent neighbor St. Joseph Read more

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School and Road Funding Up $2.3 Billion; Teachers Union Head Says Michigan Not Taxed Enough

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Just In Time For 2021 Inflation Spike, Michigan Gas Tax Getting Cost-Of-Living Increase

Levy was approved in 2015 when annual price increases were still modest Read more

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School Policies On Student Face Mask Mandates Trigger Raucous Board Meetings

A growing movement among parents to pull children from districts over mask mandates Read more

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Media Heavy Breathing Aside, 100% Of Very Few Juvenile COVID Cases Is Still Very Few

Beware reports with percents only and no actual numbers Read more

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Consumers Energy Has A Solar And Wind Electricity Plan

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Kent County Health Department Order Could Devastate Organized Sports

10-day quarantine for any player contact with COVID-positive teammate Read more

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Kent County Imposes Virtual Mask Ultimatum On Schoolchildren

Mask-up, or parents will likely have children at home for 10-day quarantines Read more

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Report: U-M’s 163 Diversity Officers The Most Among Big US Universities

2.3 for every history instructor; ‘more focused on promoting narrow and divisive political agendas’ Read more

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Granholm Brings Michigan’s Failed Green Energy Subsidies To Washington

Former governor, now U.S. energy secretary, visits state promoting same plan as if it worked Read more


Governments Light Up Cigarette Smuggling

A tax hike will make cigarette smuggling even more lucrative Read more

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U-M Law Prof: Public Schools Must Reopen Or Won’t Get Money Under Law Signed In July

State budget requires ‘Each district shall provide at least 1,098 hours and 180 days of instruction’ Read more

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Scary-Sounding Oakland COVID News Story Missing Key Facts/Context

In county of 1.26 million, there are 67 COVID admissions in its biggest hospitals Read more

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Michigan Households Paid Nation’s 10th-Highest Electricity Cost In May 2021

Big utilities CMS Energy and DTE took profits of $752 million and $1.37 billion in 2020 Read more

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School Sports Reopening Group’s Fall Campaign: Pull Kids From Schools With COVID Mandates

Organizers: ‘There are many other options out there and together we can make it work!’ Read more

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Agencies Use Questionable Legal Reviews To Inflate Charges For Open Record Law Requests

Almost half of one $12,000 charge went to attorneys Read more

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Fewer Children In Michigan Schools But Bigger Staffs

More adults for fewer kids Read more

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Public Health Officials Oppose Placing Limits On Their Power

Restraints will bring ‘suffering and death’ Read more

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More Michigan Teachers Per Student Now Than 10 Years Ago

A modest 2% decline in teacher numbers swamped by 8.6% plunge in enrollment Read more

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State’s Initial Epidemic Responses Guided By ‘Worst Case But Possible’ Scenario

The reality fell short Read more

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