News Story

Wayne Prosecutor Endorsed By Attorney General Nessel Seized Poor Peoples' Cars

Took more than 2,600 cars over two years in aggressive sting operation Read more

News Story

Governor's ‘Trying To Save Your Life’ Standard Places Few Limits On State Epidemic Orders

Telling diners they can remove their mask before they eat Read more

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Whitmer Partners State With ‘Science-Backed’ Buddhist Tradition

State constitution encourages religion but bars support for a particular sect Read more

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Executive Order Suspending Evictions Doesn’t Let Renters Off The Hook

People who rent out property wish the state told tenants they still must pay Read more

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Whitmer Skirted Her Own Executive Orders Twice Before Blowing Them Up

Nothing ambiguous or confusing in executive order against joining crowds in public Read more

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Court Rejects Whitmer’s Effort To Impose Severe Lockdown Penalties On Businesses

‘There is simply no room ... for adding additional penalties’ Read more

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Whitmer Admits Social Distancing Violation; Thousands Face $1,000 Fines

Democrats censured elected lockdown protestor for same offense in April, mayor said then Republican 'put residents at risk of death' Read more

News Story

Supreme Court Justice on Owosso Barber: 'Decisions Made According To The Rule of Law, Not Hysteria'

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News Story

Backlog Of Used Beverage Containers Headed To Michigan Stores

‘Grocers are really worried about being inundated’ by unwashed bottles as ban on bottle and can redemption ends Read more

News Story

Will Michigan Remain In State Of Emergency Until COVID-19 Vaccine Released?

No answers from Whitmer on end date - and the law is silent too Read more

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Whitmer Joins Protest, Appears To Violate Governor's Social Distancing Order

Executive order: 'must adhere to ... social distancing measures' Read more

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Claims of State Fiscal Collapse Exaggerated

No, the sky isn’t falling on Michigan state government Read more

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Where’s The Data On Whitmer’s Perplexing Orders?

Public in the dark on why pet groomers can open but not barbers, and much more Read more

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Michigan, New Jersey Only States Still Prohibiting Haircuts

Gov. Gretchen Whitmer: ‘That's our judgment’ Read more

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Lockdown Fine Print Also A Challenge For Whitmer, Family

' ... travel during the epidemic is strongly discouraged' Read more

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MSU: Lockdown Doesn’t Apply To Us, We’re Reopening

Classes start Sept. 2, lockdown or not Read more

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Salon Owner Charged With Working During Lockdown, Six Employees Unemployed

If they pull her license, she loses her business Read more

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Whitmer's Defense of Husband Conflicts With Her Own Lockdown Orders

Is raking leaves 184 miles away considered 'critical'? Read more

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Whitmer Blames Dam Failure On Low Funding After She Proposed Funding Cut For Dam Repairs

Governor points finger at legislators — but they rejected her cut Read more

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New State Website Little Help In Determining COVID-19 Risk Levels

Data on site appears to conflict with governor's reopening plan Read more

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Court To State: Can’t Just Claim Health Emergency, You Need Evidence

Challenge to flavored tobacco ban could affect state’s COVID-19 response Read more

News Story

Your Dog May Be Free To Get A Haircut In Michigan, But You’re Not

Lack of clarity abound in Governor’s confusing lockdown orders Read more

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Daily Rate Of COVID Deaths, New Cases Down In Month Since Georgia Reopened

Opposite of the ‘human sacrifice’ some voices predicted Read more

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We’re No. 45 In Readiness To Reopen Society and Business

Only five states are less prepared to open up than Michigan Read more

News Story

Patients And Hospitals United On Elective Procedures Lockdown: It Could Kill Us

On May 3, state appeared to back down, but it’s getting sued anyway Read more

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