News Story

More Evidence License Mandates Protect Special Interests Over Consumers

Legislation would require the least-restrictive method necessary Read more

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Governor OK Violating Her Own Rules At Event, But Parents At Hillsdale Graduation Are Lawbreakers

As was the case with protests, state officials appear selective on when rule-breaking is OK Read more

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Big Power Company Looks To Be Pursuing Best Legislature Money Can Buy

Consumers Energy a big giver to 'dark money' group that targets pro-consumer legislators Read more

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Lawmakers Consider Regular Review Of Burdensome Occupational License Mandates

Do they really protect public health and safety — or just restrict competition? Read more

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Group Wants Schools Serving Low-Income Students To Get More — But That’s Already Happening

A big pot of state and federal dollars is set aside for districts whose families have less Read more

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State 'General Fund' Revenue Flat? Only Because Lawmakers Shifted Money Around

Over 10 years, total state revenues grew 16% faster than inflation Read more

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No Record of Student-To-Teacher Coronavirus Transmission

Picking up COVID-19 from students at school? No record that it has happened Read more

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Even With Labor Law, Union Rep Can Be Disciplined For Abusive Conduct

Union members not shielded when their conduct suggests violation of anti-discrimination laws Read more

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New Superintendent Tells Leland Families, Students To Join Black Lives Matter And 'Protest'

Some Leelanau county residents resent the implications and have questions for the school board Read more

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Vaccine May Be Years Away; So May Be End Of Whitmer’s State Of Emergency

Prominent health policy group warns against depending on a quick vaccine fix Read more

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Traverse City Promised Government Internet, Can’t Explain Why Project Stuck On Hold

Delays, high costs and disappointed residents very common with city-owned broadband Read more

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Michigan Public School Teacher Fired For Pro-Trump Tweet

Washington Free Beacon reports his choice: resign or be fired Read more

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Whitmer Not Following Her Own Rules On COVID-19 Reopening Plan

Executive orders continue to multiply Read more

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Nearly As Many Michigan COVID-19 Orders As Illinois, Wisconsin, Ohio and Indiana Combined

Some police here complain they can't keep up Read more

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Teachers Union Has Demands Before Schools Can Reopen

Blames Trump and DeVos, shares legal tips on how to not go back to school Read more

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More Coronavirus Commands, More Confusion

‘Where does it end?’ Read more

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While Searching For Your Old Girlfriend, You Can Find ‘Analysis’ Of Whitmer’s Epidemic Response

She gets an ‘A’ from unidentified author Read more

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Michigan Cities Getting Around State Ban On Risky Internet Projects

Study finds local governments tilting the scale their way Read more

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Whitmer’s Backup Power: Health Department Epidemic Orders

Director’s June 5 order is active until it is rescinded, spokeswoman says Read more

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Man Decries Moratorium On Elective Procedures

‘I could have easily lost ... my life if that clot went to the brain or the heart’ Read more

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Retailers To Whitmer: We Aren't Your Face Mask Police

Governor imposes face mask mandate for customers at any business open to public Read more

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Was Not Wearing A Face Mask A Crime In Michigan? Hard To Say

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Will Your Kids Return To School In The Fall? One-Third of Parents Unsure

Survey indicates support for reopening schools rises with family income Read more

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Whitmer Praises Or Condemns Social Distancing Violators Depending On Who And Why

It looks political Read more

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Politicians’ Extreme Social Distancing Rhetoric Just Party Deep?

Hyperbolic warnings growing thin in light of increasing experience with epidemic Read more

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