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Courts, Legislature Eye Unconstitutional Property Tax Foreclosure Takings

Governments take and sell tax delinquent property, collect their taxes and fees, pocket the balance Read more

News Story

Whitmer Assails Supreme Court; Questions The Legitimacy Of Its Ruling On Executive Orders

She demeans serious and fundamental constitutional disagreements as mere partisanship Read more

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Farewell Wayfair Projected Jobs: $2.5 Million In Taxpayer Handouts Can't 'Buy' 503 New Michigan Jobs

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No Charge For Vehicle Seizure Data Over Three Years, But Wayne County Wants $19k This Time

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Whitmer's Government 0-for-3 Before Supreme Court Defending One-Person Governance

High Court ruled executive branch can't take legislative branch powers Read more

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Whitmer Cites Five Experts To Rebut Senator's 'Herd Immunity' Challenge; He Has Thousands

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‘The Science’ Revolts: Social, Health Costs Of Lockdowns And School Closures Exceed Benefits

Top-tier epidemiologists warn of ‘irreparable damage, with the underprivileged disproportionately harmed’ Read more

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House Speaker Says Whitmer Endangered Legislators By Not Disclosing Capitol Terrorism Plot

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Spend $99 Challenging This Group’s Agenda And It’s ‘Climate Science Disinformation’

They invoke science but their arithmetic equates $99 with $364,000 Read more

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State Data Rebuts Civil Rights Commission’s Claim Schools In Poor Cities Are Underfunded

For example, Benton Harbor and Flint Schools received about 50% more than the average district Read more

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30% Of State Workers Flee Their Unions

More than 9,000 in Michigan have canceled memberships and dues payments Read more

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Meet The New Coronavirus Mandates and Restrictions

Mostly same as the old ones, but now based on powers previous legislators granted to the health department Read more

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Civil Rights Commission: Cut Charter Schools That Serve Mostly Poor, Minority Students

Former Democratic leader: Commission ‘tells half the students in Detroit and Flint they're only worth three-quarters of a person’ Read more

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Whitmer Initially Defiant On Losing Emergency Powers, Now Says Will Work With Legislature

Senate Majority leader reported radio silence from administration as of 1 p.m. Sunday Read more

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Gov. Whitmer Defiant After Supreme Court Shuts Down Her Unilateral Governance

Rules give 21 days to request rehearing; Whitmer claims she can govern alone until then Read more

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Michigan Supreme Court Takes Away Whitmer’s Unilateral Emergency Powers

She’ll need legislative consent now; one-person governance ends Read more

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More Great Lakes Spending Hype: It’s A Multiplier!

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Health Officials Say Don’t Play Contact Sports; Whitmer Says Follow The Science, Play Contact Sports

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Corporate Subsidy Agency Claims Giving 18 Firms Average $321 Per Job Saved Those Jobs

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Michigan Unions Back In Court To Keep State Employee Dues Flowing

2018 U.S. Supreme Court ruling blocked dues withholding without employee consent and reapproval Read more

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Fossil-Fuel Friendly Group Scores Many Michigan Congressional Democrats 0%

Republicans straggle between Amash and Walberg at 100% and Upton at 61% Read more

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Cancel The Illegal 'Historic Abolitionist' Strike: U-M Grad Employees Return To Work

Demands included 'cut all ties with police' - and letting grad student instructors work from home Read more

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Whitmer's Football Flip-Flops Look Like Politics Not 'Science'

Initially against it, governor reversed course after presidential politics entered the mix Read more

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Recipe For School Budget Trouble: Enrollment Down, Teaching Staff Up, Pension Expense Rising

Bay City officials use the old ‘state funding cuts’ excuse — but their funding went up, not down Read more

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District Alleges Teacher Shortage, Fires Pro-Trump Teacher Over ‘Liberals Suck’ Tweet

Teacher was twice rated ‘highly effective’ by district Read more

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