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Study: Michigan Falls Behind In Recovering From Pandemic

Health status, jobs and economy, travel and leisure return rates here all lag Read more

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Michigan’s 100 Year-Plus Teacher Shortage

The topic has been a state media staple Read more

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Whitmer Says 'Science' Governed State Epidemic Responses; Record Suggests Otherwise

Were previously declared vacc-rate reopening thresholds discarded without notice? Read more

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Michigan Company, Lauded As A Face Of Green Energy in 2012, Now Defunct

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Heavy Agency Email Chatter Before Lockdown-Defying Restaurant Owner’s Arrest

Attorney General staffers were monitoring social media posts and complaints critical of their actions Read more

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Michigan Capitol Confidential Inaccurately Described Attendance Policies Of Two School Districts

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Another School Establishment Ally Understates Michigan Teacher Salaries

This time in a poor district near Flint Read more

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State Agency’s ‘How To Form A Union’ Adventure Wilted Under Sunshine

Business leader: ‘Can be a labor organizer or .... impartial state regulator’ — but not both Read more

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Attorney General Wanted Lockdown-Defying Restaurant Owner Arrested Before Going On Fox News

Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel: ‘We should just have her picked up before she goes on’ Read more

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Michigan School Pension Deficits Eat District Budgets

Thanks to state underfunding, Lansing Schools' pension expense is up despite smaller enrollment and staff Read more

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Secretary Of State Fines Motorists For Delayed Service, Blames Legislators

‘Until the law is changed by legislators, we are obligated to charge them’ Read more

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Michigan Op-Ed Writer’s Defense Of Whitmer COVID Orders Confuses Cause With Effect

Her over-the-top Washington Post protests further politicize the epidemic Read more

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Granholm Wind Scheme Lauded At First, But Then Fell Into Obscurity When It Failed

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Vaccination Rate Lags Sharply In Detroit

Some national media point finger at lower uptake in conservative Michigan towns, but silent on Detroit Read more

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How Does Michigan’s Tax System Rank?

Not the best, not the worst across the United States Read more

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No State COVID Death Tracking At Nearly 3,500 Care Facilities

State officials play 20 questions-type game with efforts to define nursing home Read more

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Was This State COVID Spending Item ‘Appropriate?’ Auditor General Can’t Say

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Democrat’s Amendment Insinuates Legislative Leaders Affiliate With Domestic Terrorists

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State Spent $13 Billion More Last Year Than A Decade Ago, Even After Inflation

Still, there’s always calls for more Read more

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Granholm Green Energy Handout: A Glowing Promise And Cattle Feed

After getting millions from taxpayers, Alpena biogas refinery now makes a livestock ingredient Read more

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See You In Court: Contractors Sue Township Over Unlawful Union Contracting Privilege

Officials thumb noses at 2015 ban on special treatment for unions in government contracts Read more

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Billboard: Whitmer Dissed People With ‘One Rule For Others And A Different One For Themselves’

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Studies Can’t Prove Lockdowns Didn’t Work - Or That They Did

Did the costs outweigh the benefits? Read more

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Residents Testify Local Airbnb Bans Take Away Freedom And Income

Bill to permit restrictions but not bans approved by a House committee Read more

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Number Of Michigan Teachers Rises Even As Enrollment Declines

Yet media often tells a teacher shortage story Read more

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