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Detroit Repeals Some Burdensome Business And Occupational License Mandates

City piled its own rules and regs on top of state ones Read more

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Remember When Leaving The House During COVID Could Be A Crime? Detroit Free Press Doesn’t

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Union Sought Workplace Monopoly, Cries ‘Involuntary Servitude’ When Worker Chooses Not To Join

The union agreed to represent everyone but now doesn’t want to Read more

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Democrats Advocate Good-Paying Jobs, Except For Elected Democrats’ Staff

The Michigan Democratic Senate caucus is posting below-minimum wage pay rates Read more

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‘Years Of Budget Cuts?’ Dearborn Schools Funding Increases $957 Per Student, Even After Inflation

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Michigan Education Department Touts Video That Makes False Claims About School Funding

Video meant to prove systemic racism is wrong about which districts get more Read more

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Michigan’s Highest-Paying School Districts

Average teacher pay ranges from $77,377 to $86,812 Read more

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Hamtramck Superintendent Hasn’t Worked In Four Months But Is Still Getting Paid

School district silent on current status Read more

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New Buffalo’s Anti-Airbnb Mayor Is Warned, Cut The Cracks About Illinois People

Southwest Michigan beach town a popular getaway for Chicago area residents Read more

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Stabenow Slams Plan To Store Nuclear Waste Near Michigan, Earlier Opposed Remote Site

Voted no on considering plan for storing Michigan’s spent nuclear fuel in Nevada facility Read more

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Grand Ledge School Board Member Apologizes For School Policies

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Wind Energy Developer Compares Opponents To Hitler And The Holocaust

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School District Wants $14k To Give Parent Records On Mask Mandates

New legislation would require all public schools post annual curriculum info at no charge Read more

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Teacher Shortage? 2,153 On School Payroll Now Is More Than 2,099 Last Year

MLive news site carrying the teacher shortage narrative Read more

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Disgruntled? Double-Dipping Part-Time School Teacher Was Doing Pretty Well

State law allowed her to return to the classroom while collecting a teacher’s pension Read more

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State Human Services Department: Racism Guides Landlords

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Classes, But Not Sports, Closed In January At Many Michigan School Districts

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U-M More Than Restores Coaches' Pandemic Pay Cuts

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Former Teachers Union Heads, Staff, Parlayed Big MEA Paychecks Into Jumbo Public Pensions

Ex-MEA presidents get state-constitution guaranteed six-figure pensions Read more

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Michigan’s Big Pandemic Consultant Involved In Opioid And Cuomo Nursing Home Issues

McKinsey & Company is everywhere Read more

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Auto Employment In Lansing Plunged Despite Earlier Round Of State GM Subsidies

State's media again buying same big-promises narrative as 1999 Read more

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Michigan Legislature Approves Taxpayer-Funded Subsidies For Affluent Home Buyers

Fiscal agency reports the money will flow to people who likely don’t really need it Read more

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Hospital Chain: ‘Patently False’ That Staffing Shortage Due To Its Vaccine Mandate

Henry Ford says just 1% of its workforce left; in January feds sent in Disaster Medical Assistant Team Read more

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Detroit Schools’ Big Spending Trend Rides COVID Money Spike, Likely Requires Enrollment Spike To Sustain

Superintendent’s bet on more and higher-paid staff in the balance Read more

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Union Membership In US Stands At Lowest Level On Record; State Drops To 12th Nationally

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