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Isabella County Closer to Allowing 200 or More Wind Turbines

Zoning changes would open door for wind turbines up to 600 feet tall

… of up to 200 industrial wind turbines in rural areas of the county, … designed to accommodate the turbines, the commission voted to … County commission. No wind turbine permit applications are … the U.S. and Canada, the wind turbine provider has already signed … Michigan communities targeted for wind development, a property owner … more

It Would Take 600 Wind Turbines to Replace One Closing U.P. Coal Plant

Natural gas the real replacement, but new Michigan wind mandate means more turbine towers coming, too

… clean renewable energy like wind and solar. There are 883 wind turbines operating in Michigan, … It would take about 600 wind turbines to generate the same 359 … plant can produce. But wind turbines only produce power intermittently … the very best locations, wind turbines only produce electricity … more

Huron County Pushes Stop Button on Wind Development

With more than 300 wind turbines, officials say they've had enough

… Michigan’s ground zero for wind energy are telling wind developers … enough.” Huron County has 328 wind turbines, more than all of the other … regulations for industrial wind turbines can be put in place. “What this means is no turbines for people who don’t want … living near industrial wind turbines causes adverse health impacts … more

Township Officials: Cronyism Rife On Lucrative Wind Project Deals

Wind farm developers pay landowners $1,000-$1,500 per month to allow a turbine tower

… for one of the largest wind turbine farms in the state. He … had, as landowners, signed turbine tower lease deals with the … rural townships targeted by wind farm developers. He said these … lease land to Exelon for wind turbines, as had two members of … members that their having wind turbine leases did not constitute … more

If Neighbor's Wind Turbine Flings Ice Chunks In Your Yard Is It Trespassing?

Michigan wind farm critic calls allowing the loss of use 'trespass zoning'

… to halt the expansion of wind turbine developments in Michigan. … concept is that the industrial wind farms’ towers and spinning turbines require such large safety … portions of their land if a wind turbine is nearby. “You did not … signed tower leases with wind turbine companies. “What they’ve … more

Huron County Looks at Wind Turbine Moratorium

Michigan’s wind capital may push the pause button

There are 328 wind turbines in Huron County, which is more than … firm, to draft a moratorium on wind energy. John Nugent, a member … experience the presence of wind turbines up close. We are not necessarily saying that no more wind turbines should be built or even … ordinance, it should prohibit new turbines within three miles of the … more

Bill Proposes Adding Wind Industry to 'Right to Farm' Act

House Bill 5886 would let wind turbines avoid zoning and building permits

Wind turbines could be erected without regard for some local … Right to Farm Act to include wind production. If enacted, it would allow wind turbines to be constructed on agricultural … about the construction of wind turbines in the region, called the … necessarily aware of the turbines generating health problems, … more

Township Votes Down Wind Energy Project

Meade voters shot down plan for 48 wind turbines

… prospective Detroit Edison wind energy project. On May 5, voters … Edison to erect up to 48 wind turbines in the township. The vote … County, which has more wind turbines than all of Michigan’s … tighter siting restrictions for turbines. In November, the Meade … about the construction of wind turbines in the region. “When the … more

Court Orders Utility To Address Wind Turbine Noise Problems

Residents near Consumers Energy wind farm complain of health issues

… with a plan to rid its Lake Winds Energy Plant of excessive noise … about the construction of wind turbines in the region. "There … the distance between the turbines and the homes, and it is … To Slap Down Excessive Wind Turbine Noise Finding Michigan's … County Over Safety of Wind Turbines Lawsuit Alleges Wind Power … more

Wind Turbine Answers Elusive

Experts disagree on how many turbines will blanket the landscape if 25 by 25 amendment passes

… spaces could be dotted with turbines nearly 500 feet tall — the … from renewable sources such as wind by 2025, would require a huge … Michigan currently has 292 wind turbines in operation with another … once they are installed. Wind turbines are measured by capacity … capable of producing. Wind turbines aren't always online because … more

Elected Officials Stand to Get Thousands from Wind Deals If Zoning Approved

Isabella County change would mean hundreds of turbines; some board members already have deals

… considering zoning changes to allow wind farms have apparently entered … Contracts for placing wind turbines reportedly pay landowners … developer to erect 200 or more wind turbines, county commissioners George … Frank Engler have entered turbine tower lease agreements with … to allow the additional wind turbines. Any changes to zoning … more

Another Michigan Community Moving Toward Wind Farm Restrictions

DTE turbine tower plans for Beaver Township stumble on proposed zoning board recommendation

… Thursday to amend a proposed wind farm zoning ordinance for the … The amendments require wind turbines to have a property-line … communications and electric lines. Turbine towers could not be taller … mostly from hundreds of new wind turbines, with the balance coming … could include 50 to 60 wind turbines that produce 2.5 to 3 megawatts … more

Wind Industry Titan Soaks Up Billions in Tax Subsidies

887 turbines here already; NextEra Energy sues Michigan rural townships for more

… municipalities to allow its wind turbine towers to be erected. The company has wind farm projects in 19 states … built more than 8,700 wind turbines in 110 wind farm facilities. … rollout of industrial wind turbines. NextEra is also seeking … vote could add many more turbine towers to the 473 already … more

In Picturesque U.P. Peninsula, It's Birds v. Wind Turbines

And the birds are losing, say environmentalist opponents

A wind energy developer who wants to erect 400-foot tall wind turbines on a picturesque U.P. peninsula … Energy, already operates 14 wind turbines on the Garden Peninsula, … plaintiffs argue that wind turbines are a threat to protected … shoreline. Hutchins said the turbines are a risk to migratory birds … more

MSU Professor: Wind Turbines Can Cause Illness

Dizziness and nausea are just two symptoms

… on the harms of a proposed wind farm development, on behalf … emitted by industrial wind turbines, commonly known as infrasound. … to Punch’s research, the turbines used in wind farm developments … physical health. “Large wind turbines generate infrasound, which … following exposure to wind turbines. Such symptoms in themselves … more

Proposed Wind Turbines In Michigan County Taller Than 'Mighty Mac'

… That makes the bridge 48 feet shorter than wind turbines being proposed for Shiawassee County. A Virginia … to erect as many as 60 of the 600-foot-tall wind turbines there. Huron County is already the site of 473 turbines, and plans call for 550 by the end of this year, … more

Utility Appeals Wind Turbine Noise Court Ruling

Ruling could impact wind plants across Michigan

… determination that the Lake Winds Energy Plant near Ludington … an impact on many other wind turbine plants across the state. … locating large, utility-scale wind turbines close to residential homes … near the $255 million, 56-turbine facility started complaining … about the construction of wind turbines in the region. “They denied … more

Comparing the Newest Wind Energy Facility in Michigan with the Rest of the US

Pine River Wind Park only produces electricity 36% of the time

… company that the Pine River wind facility is the most cost-effective wind project in the state, it does … electricity at the Pine River Wind Park in Gratiot and Isabella counties. This new industrial wind generation facility is billed … Pine River currently has 65 turbines that, together, have a theoretical … more

Michigan Is Not a Windy State

The true cost of wind in Michigan is beginning to become clear

… Legislature has favored the wind industry, mandating that an … in the state must come from wind. These mandates are typically … assumption that energy produced by wind will eventually become competitive … true for a while, but lately wind energy prices have been stuck … But building offshore wind turbines is both unpopular and significantly … more

Lansing takes step toward control of wind, solar zoning

Appointees of the governor, not local officials, would have the final say on large wind and solar projects in Michigan

… would remove local control over industrial-scale wind and solar developments in the state. The legislation … five-mile setback from Great Lakes shorelines for wind turbines, as a way to protect migratory birds. This … Democratic-sponsored bills. They cited the effects of turbines on farmland, livestock and nearby residents. … more

Resident Harmed by Windmills Now on County Planning Commission Which Approved Windmills

Plaintiff in wind turbine noise case appointed in Mason County

… safety was inadequate at Lake Winds wind plant near Ludington, is … about the construction of wind turbines in the region. “New local … Winds — a $255 million, 56-turbine wind plant — was the first in … residents who live near the turbines filed a lawsuit claiming … issues particular to the Lake Winds wind plant because of the lawsuit … more

Eroding rights?

Utility Asks Court To Slap Down Excessive Wind Turbine Noise Finding

County believes wind plant is too noisy

… Mason County found that Lake Winds Energy Plant was too noisy, … industrial wind plant, a 56-turbine facility south of Ludington, … reasons the Mason County wind turbine noise dispute is worth … out of compliance with a wind turbine noise ordinance," Martis … only means of mitigating wind turbine noise is by increasing … more

Clean energy isn’t clean

Wind turbines and solar panels don’t grow on trees

Wind and solar energy do not generate much electricity, but … disposing of solar panels and wind turbines. It takes a great deal … produce solar panels and wind turbines. Wind and solar energy … 100-megawatt natural gas-fired turbine about as large as a residential … with wind requires 20 wind turbines that occupy around 10 square … more

Bills Would Limit Wind Turbine Lawsuits

Industrial wind turbines are supposed to produce electricity. … “nuisance” lawsuits filed over wind turbines. Under the measures, those who operate or own wind turbines would be exempt from such lawsuits if the turbines were found to be in compliance … they have the right to harvest wind energy on their property.” … more

Court Backs Finding Of Wind Turbine Noise Problem

Lake Winds energy plant in Mason County now has to mitigate noise of its windmills

… justified in determining that wind turbines at the Lake Winds Industrial Wind Plant near … allowed. Lake Winds is a 56-turbine facility located south of … mitigation plan, affected wind turbines are now operating at reduced … about the construction of wind turbines in the region. "The citizens … more

Industrial Wind Farms Bring Political Conflict, Recalls and Lawsuit to Township

State’s renewable mandate also bringing hundreds of new turbine towers

… legal battle over a proposed wind farm of 63 turbines is brewing in a small community … special land use request by wind turbine supplier NextEra Energy … hundreds of additional wind turbines to hit that goal. Wind turbines from General Electric produce … more

How Wind Energy Creates More Dependence on Fossil Fuels

'Any informed student of wind energy ... understands that'

… “nasty little secret” about wind energy: It relies on fossil … about the construction of wind turbines in the region, what the … See also: Wisconsin Wind Turbines Declared Health Hazard Utility Appeals Wind Turbine Noise Ruling Court Backs Finding of Wind Turbine Noise Problem Utility … more

Energy Company At Odds With County Over Safety of Wind Turbines

'The only way you can build wind power in Michigan is to inflict harmful noise levels on people'

… are at odds over whether a wind plant located south of Ludington … Those living close to the wind plant continue to be exposed daily to the turbines and their apparent negative … and reported that the wind turbines were in "general compliance … putting large industrial wind turbines too close to where people … more

Wind industry strikes against local zoning control in Michigan

After losing big in township votes, turbine companies seek state preemption of local rules

Wind energy businesses are targeting local zoning ordinances … Michigan with large vertical turbines lost four referenda and seven … allowing Apex’s commercial wind turbine project to go forward. … the stalled visions of wind turbine interests. French assured … Michiganders do not want wind turbines in their backyards, basically.” … more

Group Opposing Wind Project Accused Of Misleading Public

Advocate of project says photo was misleading

… voice their concerns about wind turbines at an April 26 Beaver Township … Energy, which wants to build wind turbines in Bay County, and wind supporter Peter Sinclair said a photo of wind turbines and buildings on the flyer makes the wind turbines appear much closer to the … more

'Best Article on Wind Farms You Will Ever Read'

… Internet grand?) Myers’ focus is on the potentially fatal results of European wind energy, should this form of green delusion be carried to its logical extreme, … over three hundred people died. Did anyone even think of deploying our wind turbines to make good the energy shortfall from Russia? Of course not. We all … more

Commentary: Natural Gas Plants Better Than Wind Turbines

Natural gas is cheaper with few emissions — why is the state pushing wind?

… people and renewable energy (wind) is the cure. To that end, … Michigan on industrial wind turbines, including the $500 million … 900 megawatts (MW) of wind turbines will combine to create … those $2.5 billion in wind turbines plus transmission will … gas-fired combined cycle gas turbine plants (gas plants), which … more

Wind Farm Developer Responds to Michigan Conflict of Interest Questions

… County Board of Commissioners have entered wind turbine lease agreements with a company called Apex … been asked to consider zoning changes regarding wind development. Michigan Capitol Confidential published … story on the lease arrangements on July 10. The wind farm development company responded to a question … more

DTE Produces Enough Wind Power To Run 24,000 Homes - But Part Of The Day Only

Oh, you wanted electricity 24/7?

… explain the impact of solar and wind energy. But one expert says … example, says its Pinnebog wind park in Huron County provides … home relied solely on wind turbines, it would only have power … they would need if no wind turbines or photovoltaic solar cells … means that if you put up a wind turbine or a solar array, they … more

Residents Question Replacing Michigan Farmland With Miles Of Solar Cells

Hundreds of wind turbines also changing character of rural communities

… would join a growing number of industrial wind turbines — already more than 1,100, according to the … Taylor said he believes very few of the large-scale wind and solar renewable energy projects would be developed … it was not developed). A decade ago, a giant wind turbine farm was proposed, but local voters rejected … more

Whitmer signs clean energy package; it will cost you

By 2040, Michigan utilities will be forced to run mostly on solar panels and wind turbines

… so-called clean energy, mostly wind and solar, by 2040. And appointees … say on large-scale solar and wind projects. “Estimates show … sometimes reject big solar and wind developments. Without allowing … Michigan are now covered by wind and solar infrastructure, Scripps … would be needed for solar and wind projects. Michigan’s energy … more

Poll: Just 1 in 3 Know Wind Energy Depends on Fossil Fuels

Wind is so undependable that fossil fuels are used as backup more than half the time

… percent of voters know about wind energy’s dependence on fossil … that may be associated with wind energy. “Based on the way … and safety problems with wind turbines have caused some neighbors … County declared the Lake Winds wind plant south of Ludington … $250 million, 56-industrial turbine facility was making them sick. … more

Community Group Fighting Third Attempt To Bring Wind Farm To Town

… overturned regulations for wind turbines in referendums twice in … up on plans to locate wind turbines there. Now, Next Era Energy wants to locate wind turbines in the township and local … been able to help keep the turbines away is poised to fight them … let them come in anyway." Wind plants are being built in Michigan … more

1,400 Michigan Wind Turbines Needed To Replace The Palisades Nuclear Plant

Michigan also plans to shutter all its coal plants

… electricity. A typical wind turbine in Michigan has an average … would take around 1,400 wind turbines to replace the energy produced … There are currently 883 wind turbines working in Michigan, most in the Thumb region. Wind energy is intermittent and … sources like natural gas turbines for when the wind doesn’t … more

Conflict Of Interest: Officials With Turbine Tower Leases Approve Wind Development

‘First you harvest the (local) officials, then you can harvest the wind

An industrial wind facility is set to launch in Hillsdale County … construction and operation of wind turbine towers and related facilities. Opponents of the Crescent Wind Energy Center, organized as … of members who had signed turbine tower lease contracts with the wind development company or had … more

The Costs and Benefits of Wind Energy: Competing Groups Hold Forums

CapCon reporter kicked out of pro-wind energy forum

… and listen to its Michigan Wind Energy Forum in Lansing on … manufacturers of industrial wind turbines and related systems. Michigan … coming from the company's wind turbines near his home. He has been … mail. ~~~~~ Wisconsin Wind Turbines Declared Health Hazard Utility Appeals Wind Turbine Noise Ruling Court Backs … more

‘Can’t count on it’: DTE boss says the quiet part out loud on wind and solar

Hayes: Relying on wind and solar would leave Michigan in the lurch

… American Experiment describes wind energy’s continued failures … electricity demand was highest, wind produced only 5.9 percent of … “This means MISO expected wind turbines to produce 5,171 MW of … nuclear energy to unreliable wind and solar. But if the wind doesn’t blow and the sun doesn’t … more

Effort In Lansing To Override Voters' Rebuke of Higher-Cost Energy Mandate

Demonstrators to picket upcoming wind forum

… is "poor" or "marginal" for wind energy. But that's not stopping … Lansing during the American Wind Energy Association Wind Forum. At issue is an ongoing effort by the wind energy industry to increase … had it been spent on gas turbine generation rather than wind … more

MSU Pulls Down Windmill Safety Guidelines After Industry Complains

Surprised Extension Service staffers at center of conflict between industry and targeted communities

… model zoning ordinance for wind energy developments after industry … safety standards would impede wind farm development. The ordinance … that version would allow for turbines and their towers to be located … in Michigan means more wind turbines. In May, voters in Huron … version recommended that wind turbines and towers have a 2,500-foot … more

Awarded Millions, Wind Turbine Company Defaults on State Loan

State gives very little information on companies it subsidizes

… in Monroe.” The news was that Ventower, which was supposed to make wind turbine towers and bases, had been given $2.5 million by the federal government … Industries, completed construction of a factory in Monroe to build commercial wind turbine towers. The only other information revealed by the one paragraph update … more

Wisconsin Wind Turbines Declared Health Hazard

First of its kind ruling; similar to Michigan situation

… declared a local industrial wind plant to be a human health … 2.5 megawatt industrial wind turbines. The board made its finding … noise emanating from the turbines was detectable inside homes … away from the effects of wind turbines.” According to Tibbetts, … miles from the nearest wind turbine,” Tibbetts said. “There … more

Texas Moves Toward Dumping Wind Mandate

Texas Senate tells wind energy industry the preferential treatment is ending

… Standard, which is primarily a wind energy (with a certain degree of solar energy) mandate. Wind energy is more efficient in … is far and away the leading wind energy state in the nation … about the construction of wind turbines. “But now Ohio has frozen … the second filled with wind turbines, when only one is required … more

Communities Again Say ‘No’ To Industrial Wind Farm Developers

But state’s big utilities look to install hundreds of turbine towers

… issues related to industrial wind farms during the May 7 election, … looking to install dozens of wind turbines in the area. Local resistance … around 450 new industrial wind turbines and towers in these counties … possibly a few elsewhere. Wind turbines of the type now being used … officials support adding turbines in their own jurisdictions, … more

Wind industry declares war on Michigan man

‘Like a Cult’ producers sling mud for clean energy

Wind energy activists believe they have found an explanation … homeowners whose objection to turbines is, according to a new video … for landscape-altering wind turbine projects. Popular opposition to wind turbines in Michigan is part of … from an industrial-scale wind turbine project. He signed a wind … more

Expert: Consumers Energy Trying To ‘Muddle’ Wind Turbine Noise Solution

… issues at a Northern Michigan wind plant won't work, a sound expert … that the $250 million, 56-turbine wind plant is in violation of … sound levels from the wind turbines. There was no evidence … minor adjustments to the turbines that are located close to … probably longer." If wind turbines are causing health problems … more

A Fresh Angle: Taking on 'Big Wind' With Competition

How should Michigan change its energy mandate?

… setback requirement for wind turbines. I can tell you that the wind industry definitely understood … Huron County Looks at Wind Turbine Moratorium Wisconsin Wind Turbines Declared Health Hazard Utility Appeals Wind Turbine Noise Ruling Court Backs … more

Energy Policy Director: Wind Energy isn't Cheap and Alone Can't Meet Our Needs

'We left wind a couple hundred years ago'

… “major” misconceptions about wind energy – particularly about … See also: Wisconsin Wind Turbines Declared Health Hazard Utility Appeals Wind Turbine Noise Ruling Court Backs Finding of Wind Turbine Noise Problem Michigan's … County Over Safety of Wind Turbines Utility Asks Court To … more

Wind Power 'Success Story' Was a Massive Failure

Wind project still cited years after it failed to materialize

… President Joe Biden called a wind turbine facility in Saginaw one … equipment needed to create wind turbine components in a facility … The facility produced one wind turbine that triggered news reports … project. Yet, that hasn't stopped wind power advocates around the … municipalities, cited the wind turbine facility on its website, … more

Michigan Energy Battle May Mean More 500 Foot Wind Turbines in Communities

Activist: Rural townships 'are being sacrificed' but 30 have pushed back

… 500-foot-tall industrial wind turbines. The deal is the result … side with environmentalist and wind-industry interests that want … increase the number of wind turbines. Current law mandates that … prospect of hundreds of new turbines and towers spreading across … built in the state. “Since wind turbines only last 20 years, this … more

One Lawsuit Settled, But No Truce in Wind Energy Debate

… residents living near the Lake Winds wind plant south of Ludington … the health impacts of wind turbines, they (the wind energy … who lived near the Lake Winds wind plant – others joined the … wind plant’s 56 giant wind turbines, which the plaintiffs claimed … with these industrial wind turbines will be common knowledge. … more

DTE Declines Participation In Township Wind Farm Debate

State’s largest utility wanted just one consultant to give both sides

… participate in a public forum about wind farm development in Bay County’s … increasing the number of wind turbines, according to Beaver Township … moratorium on erecting wind turbines and towers. The township … there wasn’t one word on wind turbines in the current zoning ordinance. … figure in perspective, a new wind turbine has a capacity of around … more

Windmills Power Controversy on Great Lakes

… near you soon? Answer: Wind turbines — an alternative source … latest target for 160 wind turbines, according to State Rep. … discuss the impact the wind turbines will have on the lake. Bledsoe said the turbines are as tall as a 40-story … too shallow to get reliable wind during the summer months. I'm … more

Group Rallies Against Push For Unproven Alternative Energy

Wind energy is 'a scam of Olympic proportions'

… information showing that most wind energy is a farce. Spearheading … Informed Citizens Coalition. "Wind energy is a scam of Olympic … capacity value because the wind stops blowing whenever it feels … fuel at one-to-three ratio of wind-to-fossil forever. It is simple … rejected efforts to allow wind turbines to be located there. In … more

Wind Energy Allegations Deserve Hearings

Claims about efficiency, health hazards should be explored

… unanswered allegations against wind energy in Michigan. The first … Senate. The allegation that wind turbines often constitute a health … disconnecting from the wind turbines would be both more efficient … frequency “noise” emitted by wind turbines, when erected in too close … health issue concerning Lake Winds wind plant near Ludington. The … more

Is Erecting Wind Turbines ‘Essential’ During Epidemic Lockdown?

Union suggests company at work now with out-of-state workers

… company erecting industrial wind turbines is at work here. Local … monopolies are planning to use wind turbines and solar collectors to … generated by hundreds of turbine towers that are now operating … towers in the works. In 2019, wind provided 4.7% of the state’s … breakdown specifically how much wind facilities contribute to state … more

Michigan Wind Energy Report Generating Some Sparks

… it is being described by the wind energy industry, which is financed … coincides with the American Wind Energy Association's Wind Forum at East Lansing. The … the impact of industrial wind turbines in the region. Martis … the health impacts of wind turbines are real. Additionally, … more

Scripps: One-half percent of Michigan’s land needed for wind, solar projects

Land devoted to wind and solar would go from 17,000 acres to 209,000 under state zoning plan

… final say in siting large solar and wind projects in Michigan has advanced to … Michigan’s acreage could be permitted for wind and solar projects. The Senate Energy … reject large-scale solar fields and wind turbines. Under the bills, as amended by … acres in Michigan were now covered by wind and solar infrastructure, Scripps said. … more

Ohio Starts Holding Wind Industry Accountable

In-state renewable energy mandate eliminated in the Buckeye State; still exists in Michigan

… legislation that ends Ohio’s in-state wind energy mandate and also signed a measure to keep wind turbines farther away from neighboring … distance an industrial wind turbine must be from property is … manufacturer recommendations that turbines be located at least 1,500 … distances less than what wind turbine manufacturers recommend, … more

Federal Judge: Michigan Renewable Energy Mandate Unconstitutional

Court cases may deflate wind energy in Michigan

… renewable energy sources with wind energy the predominate source … Michigan is not well-suited for wind energy production. If courts … think it would virtually kill wind energy in Michigan. Such a ruling would force Michigan's wind energy industry to compete … Gas Plants Better Than Wind Turbines Most of Michigan Is 'Poor' … more

Wind Subsidies Upon Mandates Upon Subsidies

Ad Infinitum, Ad Absurdum

… “renewable” sources — read wind turbines — will come before voters … weeks before another taxpayer wind subsidy is set to expire. … during hours of low demand wind producers actually pay grid … cost of imposing a 25 percent wind mandate onto Michigan electricity … a gift worth $12 billion to wind producers over the next 10 … more

Windmills Tall as Skyscrapers Proposed for Rural Michigan County

… Energy has proposed building as many as 60 wind turbines in Shiawassee County — some up to 600 feet … is about 20 percent higher than the tallest wind turbines currently in Michigan, which are 494 feet tall. … in downtown Detroit.       The expansion of wind farms into many Michigan communities is being driven … more

Numbers Are In: Fossil Fuels Kept Furnaces Running During Polar Vortex

Wind production fell 79 percent over three coldest days

… coming from solar arrays or wind turbines. On Friday, Feb. 1, nearly … per hour). Production from wind was down 79 percent (2,461 … generation from sources like wind turbines goes hand-in-hand with … a necessary backup when the wind doesn’t blow. As the polar … it dangerous to operate wind turbines. In Michigan, natural gas … more

Doubling State’s 1,100 Wind Turbines Won’t Replace This One Coal/Gas Plant

Michigan’s electric utilities gamble that the reliability of service won’t collapse

… to double the number of wind turbines currently operating in … is that those additional turbines only spin about one-third … operate 1,107 industrial wind turbines in Michigan. These can … electricity, but only when the wind is blowing. Compare that to … blows intermittently, wind turbines in Michigan have a 36% … more

More Windmill-Related Environmental Concerns

'We're picking up 10 (dead) bats for every bird'

… Today suggest that large wind turbines may be more lethal to bats … the ground around large wind turbines. Baerwald and her colleagues … occurs as air flows over the turbine blades,” according to Discovery’s … of the study findings. Wind turbines have long been recognized … finding of 10 bats killed by turbines for every bird killed applied … more

DTE Electricity: Out With Old Coal, In With New Gas

Utility is adding lots of wind capacity, and it mostly needs to be matched by fossil fuel capacity

… with natural gas, solar and wind. By the end of 2023, the company … natural gas, coal, hydroelectric, wind and solar; an energy portfolio … primarily rely on natural gas, wind, and solar to produce more … produced by biomass and wind turbines. Unlike gas and coal, … state’s utility monopolies. Wind turbine farms produce electricity … more

Will GOP Control Change the Wind on Wind Energy?

… The company is URV USA, a wind turbine castings foundry in Eaton … Critics point out that generating wind energy is too expensive to … Information Administration, wind generation costs $141.50 per megawatt hour, and offshore wind is $229.60 per megawatt hour. … schools.  If the political winds change in Washington or Lansing, … more

Commentary: Court Decision Could Unplug Green Energy Mandate in Michigan

… region, Michigan is a high-priced wind energy producer. Wind energy in Midwest Independent … range. But Michigan's cheapest wind energy contracts are just slipping … will ever drive a boom in turbine manufacturing in Michigan … Gas Plants Better Than Wind Turbines Michigan Capitol Confidential … more

Whitmer’s Renewables Order Would Cover Whole Regions In Turbines And Solar Arrays

… to rely on intermittent solar and wind power. Supplying 100% of Michigan’s … fuels and nuclear energy with wind turbines would require enough turbines to cover the equivalent of the entire … 920 square miles. Energy from the wind and solar facilities envisioned above … more

Ohio One Step Closer To Ending In-State Renewable Energy Mandate

Bill headed to Ohio Gov. Kasich for his expected signature; Michigan mandate still in effect

… electricity produced by wind turbines. Ending Ohio's in-state … utilities to shop for cheaper wind-produced energy from states that produce more wind, such as Minnesota and Iowa. … about the construction of wind turbines in the region. "Even in … County Over Safety of Wind Turbines Lawsuit Alleges Wind Power … more

Most of Michigan is 'Poor' or 'Marginal' For Wind Energy

U.S. Department of Energy stats say state not well suited to meet proposed 25 percent renewable energy mandate

The newest wind turbines are nearly 500 feet tall and will be … is “poor” or “marginal” for wind as a resource at 50 meters … many as 13 times more wind turbines in Michigan than currently … 3,790 nearly 500-feet high wind turbines would have to be added … Michigan currently has 292 wind turbines in operation. The maps … more

Analysis: Great Lakes Wind Development Too Risky

… unproven development of off-shore wind energy. On-shore wind energy is expensive and off-shore wind energy even more so. A study … quantifies the economic cost of wind energy. The study predicts … Constructing hundreds of wind turbines in the water, each approaching … more

Michigan’s Not Good For Wind Power, So Consumers Energy Customers Will Pay More

Under 2016 state regulation rewrite, electric utility monopoly makes money either way

… Energy to buy an industrial wind farm development in Hillsdale … December 2020. The Crescent Wind Project is said to have a levelized … costs for the proposed 63 turbine towers to be $57.75 per megawatt … electricity generated by wind turbines because the wind isn’t … generate electricity through wind turbines. This is due to a 2016 … more

Lawsuit Alleges Wind Power A Threat To Health And Safety

'We've moved our beds to the basement ... so I can try to sleep'

… claiming a new Consumers Energy wind farm has been making people … lawsuit, the $250 million Lake Winds Energy Park wind farm, south of Ludington in … because of the noise. The 56 turbines (some as far away as a half … greater distance between the wind turbine and resident. As a result, … more

Wind Energy Developer Compares Opponents To Hitler And The Holocaust

… that works with a national wind farm developer. Recently, he … state residents trying to halt wind farm developments in their … Coalition has worked to halt wind farm developments promoted … for a group called Montcalm Wind, which is working with Apex … Energy is pressing to place wind turbine developments in Ingham … more

In-State Renewable Energy Mandate Could Be Eliminated In Ohio

Michigan legislators have not acted to end mandate

… profound negative impact on Ohio's wind industry. The legislation would … citizen fighting against a wind development in Champaign County, … In regard to suitability for wind-produced electricity, Ohio … about the construction of wind turbines in the region, said there … County Over Safety of Wind Turbines Lawsuit Alleges Wind Power … more

Renewable Energy Mandate Takes A Hit In Michigan

Influential judge says Michigan law is unconstitutional

… become almost a euphemism for wind power. At the heart of the … is not a particularly good wind state. That means that in Michigan wind is not as efficient for producing … that raises awareness of wind turbine issues, said the potential … Gas Plants Better Than Wind Turbines Michigan Capitol Confidential … more

Coal And Nuclear Out At Consumers, Wind And Solar In

Intermittent sources make electric outages more likely? ‘Get used to it’

… replace that capacity with wind turbines and solar arrays. It also … installing enough industrial wind turbines to generate 550 megawatts … installed capacity. By comparison, wind and solar provided just 5% … would take 38,500 acres of wind turbines to produce the company’s … with solar panels and wind turbines to fulfill the plan laid … more

Wind Noise Dispute Pits Scientists Against State Officials

… noise level guidelines for wind turbines in Michigan had their work … decibel level limit for wind turbines. This means wind turbines can operate at 55 dBA (decibels … that level to 40 dBA. The Wind and Health Technical Work Group … of onshore industrial wind turbines. Dr. Jerry Punch, an audiologist … more

Granholm Wind Scheme Lauded At First, But Then Fell Into Obscurity When It Failed

… scheme to build a $2.2 million wind power project in Manistee County. … Michigan company, Mas-Tech Wind, to build “residential windmills.” These turbines are much smaller than the 380-foot tall industrial wind turbines that have since sprung … Mariah Power had donated a wind turbine to be installed on the … more

'Big Oil' and 'Big Wind' Keep Public in the Dark About Wind Dependence on Fossil Fuels

And 'big media' is missing the story

… (which is almost exclusively wind energy) and the fossil fuel … the "regular" news media sees wind energy as the underdog to what … casting of what we will call “Big Wind,” in an underdog role to “Big … simplistic, uninformed thinking. Big Wind is backed by billions of dollars … erroneous belief that once the wind turbines are in place, whatever … more

Michigan’s Local Wind Farm Opposition May Drive New Developments To Iowa

Utility’s figures also suggest tens of thousands of acres of solar collectors coming here

… when it comes to building more wind power developments, in part … believe that opposition to wind farm developments in Huron County, and poor wind speeds in counties west of … looking to build more wind turbines in states west of Michigan, … building more than 200 new wind turbines. It expects the new wind … more

Natural Gas to Wind Energy: You're Nothing Without Me

Energy from windmills is mostly backed up by fossil fuels

Wind energy in Michigan is approximately two-thirds fossil fuels … Fossil Fuels Wisconsin Wind Turbines Declared Health Hazard Utility Appeals Wind Turbine Noise Ruling Court Backs Finding of Wind Turbine Noise Problem Utility … To Slap Down Excessive Wind Turbine Noise Finding Michigan's … more

Hawaii offers a case study on the inadequacies of wind and solar

Rolling blackouts could prove deadly in Michigan winters

… rely on more weather-dependent wind and solar, which means that … them with non-dispatchable wind and solar, their ability to … online. Energy generation from wind facilities “started to fall … backup for reliably unreliable wind and solar. But with that type … “fuel-flexible” simple-cycle combustion turbines. “The new units will use … more

Consumers Energy Has A Solar And Wind Electricity Plan

… such as market prices, energy demand and levels of clean energy resources (wind, solar, batteries and energy waste reduction).” Hayes questions the value … spent on solar collectors and new transmission lines for them and for wind turbines are a “significant driver of the requested relief” – the rate increases, … more

Green Energy Mandate Supporter Claims Individuals 'Do Not Have Rights to Quiet'

25/25 ballot proposal would require a lot more windmills, noise

… Act request pertaining to wind turbine noise level issues in Michigan. … renewable sources — primarily wind — by 2025. It would also likely require utilities to push wind farms into an increasing number … number of persons are annoyed by wind farms. Probably a significant … lower noise limits for wind turbines. ~~~~~  See also: Wind … more

Wind, Solar Firms Picked For Granholm’s Governor Mansion Soon Went Broke

Detroit Free Press reported the installation meant she’s not kidding on renewables

… the article stated. “To prove her point, Granholm had a Michigan-made wind turbine installed at the official residence in Lansing, and it started producing energy last week.” The 1.2 kilowatt-per-hour turbine was made in Manistee by Mariah Power. The 2009 article also reported that … more

Wind Association Executive To State Bureaucrats: 'Delete These Types of Emails'

State derails scientific panel recommendations regarding windmill noise levels

… noise level limit for wind turbines be lowered. Written 14 … Information Act pertaining to the wind turbine noise level issue. "I … efforts to promote solar and wind energy. He was program manager … bureaucrats disbanded the Technical Wind Group before it wrote its final … could vote on a statewide wind turbine noise level standard. … more

Wasting Money on Windmills

… describes how Texas has more wind generator capacity than any … basis, all those spinning turbine blades are expected to contribute … connecting those distant rural wind turbines to where most people live. … Lakes shorelines with huge wind turbines and towers. And as in Texas, … centers. If not poured into wind generators expected to produce … more

Windmills Power Controversy on Great Lakes

… near you soon? Answer: Wind turbines — an alternative source … latest target for 160 wind turbines, according to State Rep. … Pointe Farms. Bledsoe said the turbines are as tall as a 40-story … too shallow to get reliable wind during the summer months. I'm … developer pitching the wind turbine plan, didn't return messages … more

Confectionery Job Growth Trumps Green Energy Job Growth in Michigan

A miniature wind turbine is featured in former Gov. Jennifer … accounts, Granholm said that the turbine is a symbol “of her administration's … in the past few years than wind and solar combined. Wind energy accounted for 45 jobs … were 315 jobs generated by the wind and solar industry in the state. … more

Michigan’s Renewable Energy Mandate Causing Harm, Probably Unconstitutional

The state cannot feasibly have a 30 percent mandate

Michigan wind energy promoters have used the state’s recently … too close? Regarding wind turbines, the report says:   “[S]etback distances [from turbines to homes] need to be greater … developers who regularly declare wind turbine noise limits of 45 or 55 … limits. But now, regarding wind turbine noise and health effects, … more

Michigan is 2.3% toward 2030 EV registration goal

Energy expert says 2 million EVs would double demand for energy

… says poor weather deters Michigan from relying on wind and solar to produce more energy. “Even if you carpeted the state with wind turbines and solar panels, you’re not going to generate … get all the electricity? It will not come from wind and solar,” Lesser said. “That’s simply impossible.” … more

Windmill Spin: 'No' Means Maybe

… the utility will not put wind turbines where they are not wanted. … that would have allowed wind turbines to operate within township … not wanted, have put the wind turbines in if the plan to bypass … saying "no," as meaning the turbines were "not wanted." "We were … speaking, we wouldn't put a wind farm where a community wouldn't … more

Opposing Groups Rally At State's 'Good Energy Decisions' Panel

… views both for and against wind energy. The college’s Lecture … plummeted as a result of wind turbines placed near land he owns … he said. McLean said the turbines have created noise far above … conducted to ensure the wind turbines were compliant.  Speakers … for his opposition to wind turbines. "We need to conserve our … more