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The Human Side of Right-to-Work Legislation

These are real people who have been hurt by forced unionization

… gets closer to becoming a right-to-work state, the focus often is on … moral one. In our state, right now, tens of thousands of people … SEIU. If Michigan becomes a right-to-work state, no union could ever … more

UAW Flier Short on Facts

Union right-to-work myths dispelled

… has put together a flier on right-to-work "facts" that it is handing … than their counterparts in right to work for less states." Fact: Unions … numbers to use. Other anti-right-to-work groups list the number … more

The Intellectual Firepower Against Right-to-Work

Who's who on right-to-work

… ny opponents of a Michigan right-to-work law cite figures generated … condition of employment. The right-to-work law in Michigan prohibits unions … cited by supporters of the right-to-work law in Michigan has … more

Right-to-Work Legislation Possible in Indiana

How will this affect Michigan?

… likely to act quickly on a right-to-work bill that could be introduced … consequences for Michigan. Right-to-work laws prohibit employers and … economic growth. No state with a right-to-work law currently borders … more

Despite Collapse in Membership, SEIU Poised to Go All-In in Michigan

$150 million campaign blunted by right-to-work law

… elderly — and the passage of the state’s right-to-work law. Since Michigan passed right-to-work in 2012 giving workers a choice about … more

That’s What We Said

Right-to-work studies confirm Mackinac Center findings

… nation’s 26th state to adopt a right-to-work law. One product of the debate … to the legislative vote on right-to-work in West Virginia, the state … called “The Economic Impact of Right-to-Work Policy in West Virginia,” … more

Unions Admit Forcing People to Pay Dues is Political

U.S. Supreme Court considers right-to-work for all

… to stop, essentially guaranteeing right-to-work for all public sector workers in the … writer and union supporter: When right to work was imposed in Wisconsin a few years … more

From Long Shot to Victory

Larry Reed recalls right-to-work fight

… first time we had called for a right-to-work law for Michigan, but getting … attitude was: "So let's get to work on it!" I had lived in Idaho … of Market Alternatives. We worked on many freedom-related issues including right-to-work and when Idaho voters … more

Senate Leader Supports Right to Work For Teachers

… R-Monroe, said he will support right-to-work for public school employees, calling it a “right-to-teach.” Richardville made … Education Association, under a right-to-teach law. “They would … also said he didn’t support right-to-work for the entire state, … more

Indiana Right-to-Work Coverage

… ~~~~~ Articles Indiana Is A Right-to-Work State BREAKING: Indiana House Passes Right-to-Work Bill, Measure To Become Law … Debate Indiana Dems Lose On Right-to-Work Bill and Run Again … more

Little Evidence That Unions Make Workers Safer

Workplace injuries are plummeting in right-to-work states

… warning West Virginians a right-to-work law would lead to more injuries and deaths on the job. Right-to-work prevents unions from having … refusing to pay union fees. Right-to-work doesn’t restrict union … more

Incomes Rise in Right-to-Work Michigan; Officials Project More To Come

Opponents' 'right-to-work for less' predictions fall flat

… next couple years. In their work, officials consider economic … quarter. When Michigan’s new-right-to-work law was enacted at the end … employment by calling it “right-to-work-for-less.” more

Former MEA Local Prez: Union May Lose 40% of Members – Including Him – if Teacher Right to Work Passes

… thinks the much-talked about “right-to-teach” legislation for public … Association membership if right-to-work for teachers became a reality. … percent of its members if right-to-work protections for school employees … more

Americans are Moving to Right-to-Work States

Right-to-work states gain 480,000 people from domestic migration

… underscore another aspect of the right-to-work debate that does not often … Americans continue to move to right-to-work states. The Mackinac Center … Census Bureau, states with right-to-work laws gained a net 480,411 … more


For the umpteenth time: No, wages won't collapse.

… challenge in defending the right-to-work concept, it isn't researching … Institute found that workers in right-to-work states have a lower standard … this legislation would be “right to work for less.” Greedy … more

Then and now, polling on right-to-work in Michigan shows it is popular

A dozen polls over 20 years, and almost all show broad support for the law

… the past 20 years shows that right-to-work is extremely popular in Michigan. Right-to-work laws make it illegal to require … union contracts. Michigan’s right-to-work law was passed in December … more

Don’t Limit Workers’ Right to Work

Bill would limit individual rights

… “Bills would allow employees to vote on right-to-work.” “If the employees are upset that … support a union. Under Michigan’s right-to-work law, employees have full authority … more

For State Employees, 2014 Means Finally Having the Freedom To Choose

Right-to-work now an option

… expired Dec. 31, meaning that right-to-work now applies to the vast majority … the state claiming the new right-to-work law could not be applied to … disagreed, ruling that the state's right-to-work "is constitutional … more

Right-to-Work States Have Faster Income Growth

Last year, seven of the 10 states with greatest increase in income were right-to-work

Opponents of right-to-work insist the policy causes wages to … Michigan, there are 25 states with right-to-work laws ensuring no worker can … condition of employment. In many right-to-work states, wages and incomes … more

Poll Results Could Be Positive Indicator For Right-to-Work Advocates

Michigan State University poll finds only 41 percent think right-to-work law will hurt Michigan

… Michigan adults believe the new right-to-work law will either help Michigan's … the same day that state's right-to-work law officially took effect. Instead, the theme was that the right-to-work law "sharply divided" … more

Right-to-Work and the Mackinac Center

Touting labor freedom for 25 years

… workplace destiny through a right-to-work law, which prohibits employers … pushing that window toward right-to-work since 1990, over the years … development, migration, changes in wages and more. Type right-to-work into our website’s … more

History, Economics and Right-to-Work

… December 2012 passage of a right-to-work law in Michigan was filled … economics displayed by anti-right-to-work politicians on the inside. … about the economic effects of right-to-work laws, some of which … more

Is Right-to-Work Racist?

'In a right-to-work state, I am a free man because my labor belongs to me'

… era up in the debate over right-to-work in Michigan. Michigan State … naturally be supportive of right-to-work laws. "All of the states that … Constitution giving women the right to vote passed the Congress, … more

The CapCon Guide: What to know about right-to-work in Michigan, post-repeal

Government employees can’t be forced to pay unions, even after Michigan loses right-to-work status

… e the repeal of Michigan’s right-to-work laws, many people have been … important to be clear about what right-to-work does. In a right-to-work state, employees cannot … more

School Districts Closed Because Of Excessive Teacher Absences Over Right-to-Work

Students suffer because 'several hundred' teachers call in sick to attend right-to-work protest in Lansing

… vacation day to protest proposed right-to-work legislation, which is expected … not the teachers, made the right call. "I think that political … in Lansing against proposed right-to-work legislation. Taylor School … more

Employees In Right-to-Work States Are Richer

When adjusting for the cost of living, workers in right-to-work states have 4.1 percent higher incomes

Scores of right-to-work critics ranging from politicians to … lower per-capita incomes in right-to-work states as why the new law is … December 2012. Hohman said the right-work-states didn’t surpass non-right-to-work … more

The False Social Concerns About Right-to-Work

… Henderson expresses concern that right-to-work states are doing worse than … these trends are in favor of right-to-work or forced unionism states, … similar increases between right-to-work and forced unionism … more

Private sector employees would be affected if right-to-work repealed in Michigan

A U.S. Supreme Court ruling gives public employees, such as schoolteachers, the right to opt out, but employees at private firms like Ford would be affected by a right-to-work repeal

… Hills Schools and because of a right-to-work law that went into effect in … each year on family needs. Right-to-work means workers cannot be forced … keep their job. Michigan’s right-to-work law was signed in December … more

Court Rules in Favor of Mackinac Center Clients

Ruling says union and district violated right-to-work law

… our years after Michigan’s right-to-work law passed, teachers in the … for helping us ensure our right to work.” As explained by the Associated … signed just weeks before the right-to-work law took effect in … more

Unionized Government Takes and Spends More

… government employee collective bargaining and binding arbitration laws, and right-to-work status. Here’s how the “strong public unionism” states did economically between … more

Michigan bill would require public sector employees to join unions, which is unconstitutional

MichiganVotes Monday: Bill ignores U.S. Supreme Court ruling that extends right-to-work protections to public sector employees, such as teachers

… unconstitutional. The bill would remove right-to-work protections for public sector … represented by the National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation. … have said they will target right-to-work. But because of the … more

Strong Support for Right-to-Work Measures in the Michigan Legislature

… that Indiana may soon enact a right-to-work law, a long-simmering Michigan … Michael LaFaive wrote earlier, right-to-work states appear to have significant … Snyder has said he would sign a right-to-work bill if it landed on … more

Survey: Teachers in Right-to-Work States Live Quite Comfortably

However, teachers' union still pushing stories that claim right-to-work linked to poverty, problems

… Dennis bemoans “life in a right-to-work state” in a story in the recent … Carolina, which already was a right-to-work state. Dennis lamented in … however, about low pay and right-to-work are contradicted by … more

School Union Proposes 9-Year Contract To Prevent Members From Exercising Right To Not Pay Dues

Berkley Education Association tries to avoid right-to-work law

… its members from having the right to opt out of the union.  … would allow the union the right “to pursue any other lawful … benefiting from the state's new right-to-work law, which gives workers the right to not pay dues or fees as … more

Show Me the Worker Freedom

Right-to-Work Vote in Missouri

… are seriously considering right-to-work. In early April, right-to-work legislation won majority approval … recess now, any potential right-to-work legislation will need … more

State Economic Development Group Has Little To Do With Job Success

Analyst: 'Right-to-work’s success will be determined by Michigan’s overall economic performance'

… because of the state's new right-to-work law. In an MLive column, Austin, a … little say in how successful right-to-work will be in Michigan. "Right-to-work's success will be determined … more

Michigan Considers Allowing Ex-Offenders to Work as Health Professionals

A step in the right direction on licensing

… into society by finding legal work. House Bills 5450, 5451 and … time people are ineligible to work in a health-related field, … would be a huge step in the right direction. While there is some … like Laurence Reuben, who worked as a nurse in the state of … These bills are a step in the right direction by giving ex-offenders … more

Government Is Different From Unions

The fallacy of a 'right-to-live' law

… sarcastically promotes in MLive a “right-to-live” law to balance right-to-work laws in Michigan. But the attempt … Graves proposes that his “right-to-live” law would allow Michigan … businesses benefit from their work. Though they support some politicians … more

Free The Unions — Let Workers Who Don't Pay Represent Themselves

Labor unions who complain about right-to-work 'freeloaders' should free them

… She blames it on Michigan’s right-to-work law. Taylor is the president … next two years. She calls right-to-work the “right-to-freeload.” ForTheRecord … more

Michigan Teachers Union Suffers Important Court Defeat

State Court of Appeals says right-to-work law means what it says on compulsory union dues and fees

… ruled that a teacher has the right to stop paying fees to the … further enhances Michigan’s right-to-work law. “The court ruled that … exercising their rights under the right-to-work law,” Derk Wilcox, an attorney … more

Reopening Union Contracts Could Free Workers

Altering contracts will trigger right-to-work law, according to legal expert

… unions to avoid the state's right-to-work law may trigger it anyway if … March 27 deadline for the right-to-work law to take effect. "We will … However, that will allow right-to-work to be enacted, said … more

Right-to-Work States Have Lower Workplace Injury Rates

Big Labor’s fatal error on state employee afflictions

… Big Labor that becoming a right-to-work state will result in lower … Consider Oklahoma, which became a right-to-work state in 2001. From 2000 to … than in Michigan. Overall, right-to-work states have a slightly … more

Freedom to Work: A New Right-To-Work Effort in Michigan

… grassroots coalition called "Michigan Freedom to Work" held a news conference June 30, 2011, at several … Michigan to the list of states that have enacted right-to-work laws. These laws allow workers to choose whether … more

Michigan Senate committee advances right-to-work repeal

Full Senate could take up bill as early as Tuesday afternoon

… advance legislation to repeal right-to-work. It will move to the full Senate … law. The House passed its right-to-work repeal last week, taking the … agenda, none of which are right-to-work repeal. But the final … more

Despite a Setback, Right-to-Work is Advancing Across America

… case that would have brought right-to-work protections to public employees … meaning government unions in non-right-to-work states can still get public … they have a First Amendment right not to fund politics they disagree … more

At Least 90 School Contracts Expire This Month, Allowing Teachers To Leave Union

August is the only month for school employees to exercise right-to-work rights

… school teacher. When the right-to-work law was signed, teachers wanting … contracts past the date in which right-to-work took effect. Derk Wilcox, … Michigan Capitol Confidential Right-to-Work Coverage Michigan … more

Legislators Get Sworn In — And Get Cookies

Union protest was meant to shame those who voted for right-to-work bill

… were rallying against the state's new right-to-work law. "You're a dirtbag," someone yelled … shame legislators who voted for the right-to-work bill and send a message to the new … more

Indiana Democrat: Right-to-Work Bill 'One of the Worst ... In a Generation'

GOP Senator: Dems 'would do anything' to stop right-to-work legislation

… the leading proponents of right-to-work legislation in Indiana says … Indiana from becoming the 23rd right-to-work state in the nation,” Sen. … lawmakers who did not show up for work last week, denying the House … more

Michigan Democrats go 0-6 in predictions on right-to-work’s economic effects

In the decade of right-to-work in Michigan, dire predictions have not panned out

… gan’s legislators approved right-to-work in 2012 over the objections … Representatives Journal: So-called ‘right-to-work’ legislation will not boost … economies throughout our state. ‘Right to work’ erodes the financial … more

Michigan Workers’ Incomes Up Since Right-To-Work Became Law

Union activists’ ‘right to work for less’ snarks had it exactly backwards

… criticized a recently passed right-to-work bill in Michigan. This bill, … a headline that read: “The right to work for less,” activist and public … teacher Greg Talberg said, “Right-to-work legislation will have … more

Michigan can have workers’ rights or mandatory union dues, but not both

Right-to-work repeal in Michigan would diminish workers’ freedom and empower labor unions

… dues trample workers’ rights. Right-to-work is not about unions. It’s about … push through a repeal of the right-to-work law in Michigan, which Gov. … opted out of a union under right-to-work will be forced to pay … more

Right-To-Work Matters for Some Michigan Businesses

'If you treat your people right, they don't need a union'

… Wayne, Ind. "Indiana became a right-to-work state and (it) offers us a … employees. So did the pending right-to-work law come too late for the company … said. He said Android prefers right-to-work states because it gives … more

In the ‘Birthplace of Organized Labor,’ Union Membership Plummets

Since Michigan's right-to-work law was adopted organized labor struggles to retain dues-paying members

… eight-year anniversary of adopting a right-to-work law, which makes it illegal to force … realizing just how much the state’s right-to-work law had cut their ranks. For decades, … more

Right-to-Work Event Marred By Protesters Spitting At Worker Freedom Advocates

Union activists and supporters disrupt event where Mackinac Center expert was invited to speak

… 30 protesters holding anti-right-to-work and other signs with union … labor was so worried about the right-to-work event Thursday shows that the … Michigan Capitol Confidential Right-to-Work Coverage Despite Media … more

Union Rates Not Dropping Faster In RTW States

… states that have adopted ‘right-to-work’ laws.” The fact that unionization … difference in these trends between right-to-work and non-right-to-work states. It makes intuitive … more

Michigan Democrats submit right-to-work repeal bill

House Bill 4005 would remove the right to choose from private sector workers

… in 2023: Repeal the state’s right-to-work law, which took effect a decade … school teachers will retain the right to opt out of unions regardless … establishes that point. Any right-to-work repeal would affect only private … more

In 2012, Michigan voters rejected a ban on right-to-work

Nearly 60% of Michigan voters rejected the attempted constitutional amendment, and Gov. Snyder signed the right-to-work law a month later

… voters have already spoken on right-to-work. In November 2012, a majority … rejected an attempt to outlaw right-to-work in Michigan. Any attempt to repeal right-to-work would be in direct … more

Right-to-work no longer rules in private sector

Agency fees still apply; public sector workers still have right-to-work

Right-to-work protections no longer apply to people who work in the private sector, meaning … Legislature repealed Michigan’s right-to-work law last fall, and the repeal … more

MEA Spends More On Salaries, Benefits Than Member Representation

Union deficit, spending issues hit as Michigan becomes right-to-work state

… benefits increased. Michigan's new right-to-work law, which goes into effect in late … Union 'Free-Rider Problem' Myth In Right-to-Work Debate Teacher Union Executives Get … more

As Right-to-Work Expands, So Do Union Membership Rolls

… 4, 2016 under the title, “Right-to-work strengthens workers.” In March, … substantial number of UAW members work in right-to-work states like Michigan. But the … more

Indiana Leads the Manufacturing Belt

… policymakers are poised to pass a right-to-work law, which would make it the … most to gain from enacting a right-to-work measure. A right-to-work law means employees … more

Virtual Justice: Using New Technology in the Criminal Justice System

It can work if used judiciously

… employees. Jason Tashea is the founder of Justice Codes, an organization that worked with the University of Michigan Law School to pilot the Matterhorn project … replacing visits with video calls are just too high. They are probably right. There is a certain amount of deprivation and hardship that we expect jail … more

Majority of States in Country Are Now Right-to-Work

West Virginia Legislature overrides Governor’s veto

… legislation that will make the state right-to-work, meaning unions will soon no … will be the country’s 26th right-to-work state, following Wisconsin and Michigan, which became right-to-work in 2015 and 2012, respectively. … more

Lawmaker: 'No Real Savings’ in Wayne State Contract

Contract with little financial benefit that avoids right-to-work law could cost university

… University helped unions dodge Michigan's right-to-work law without getting much in … February. Under Michigan’s new right-to-work law, requiring an employee … contract was approved before right-to-work went into effect on … more

Know your Janus rights: Government employees still can’t be forced to pay unions in Michigan

Across America, a 2018 U.S. Supreme Court ruling, Janus vs AFSCME, protects right-to-work for government employees

The repeal of right-to-work left some public sector workers … country have a First Amendment right to not pay a union thanks to … AFSCME decision. Repealing right-to-work does nothing for public sector … more

Rule Request Would Require Public Sector Unions To Notify Members Of When They Are Eligible To Resign

Union members often unaware of limited windows when they can opt out under state's right-to-work law

Having the right to leave a union doesn't mean much if union … the passage of the state's right-to-work law, union members can no longer … members of when they have the right to resign from the union. … window." Before the state's right-to-work law went into effect, … more

Michigan Union Membership Reached Historic Low In 2019

Right-to-work law accelerated an ongoing trend

… entering its eighth year as a right-to-work state. Figures show that unions … 2013, the year Michigan’s right-to-work law went into effect. Jarrett … decades, but the state’s 2012 right-to-work law has certainly accelerated … more

West Virginia Right-to-Work May Turn on Supreme Court Race

Possible backtracking on worker freedom if union-endorsed candidate elected

… could leave the state’s new right-to-work law in peril. On that day, … striking down the state’s right-to-work protections. As I explained … AFL-CIO, that argued that the right-to-work law took their property … more

Rumors of Unions' Post-Right-to-Work Death Exaggerated

'Unions have seen very little decline in membership'

… looking at the impact the 2012 right-to-work law had on unions in the state … story on Michigan passing its right-to-work law with a title that read: “Right to Work Won’t Doom Michigan’s … more

Auto workers can still resign from UAW and work during strike

Michigan’s right-to-work law, slated for repeal, is still in effect

… organization that supports right-to-work laws. Union members who report to work during a strike are subject … union fines, the National Right to Work Legal Foundation announced … more

Despite Media Claims, Michigan Among Highest Job Growth States

Top jobs producing states are right-to-work

… Snyder’s policies such as right-to-work and cutting business taxes … states except Colorado are right-to-work states*. Michigan's performance … comment. (*Michigan has been a right-to-work state since the end … more

House labor committee approves right-to-work repeal; full House to consider bill

Spring break deadline leads to rushed hearing, says committee chair Haadsma

… Legislature’s repeal of Michigan’s right-to-work law is being hurried through … Michigan had dropped under right-to-work. “Many people have unfortunately … “people we talk to” support right-to-work repeal. “I can get … more

What You Read Last Year: Our Top Stories of 2015

Union bullies, EPA overregulation, and right-to-work

… overregulation, union bullying, and right-to-work income gains were among our … miles from where they live or work. Michigan’s May Tax Proposal … ability under the state’s new right-to-work law to stop giving the union … more

'We'll Be At Your Daughter's Soccer Game!'

Union protest speaker tells governor that union members will 'visit you' everywhere over right-to-work bill

… at a union protest against right-to-work legislation said if Gov. Rick … into law making Michigan a right-to-work state. One of his daughters … ~~~~~ See also: Facts On Right to Work vs. Forced Unionization … more

Right-to-Work Laws Work

New study shows economic advantages

… Public Policy released a new right-to-work study titled, "Economic Growth and Right-to-Work Laws" in which these authors find that states with right-to-work laws do better economically … more

Right-to-Work Will be Blamed

If Gov. Snyder loses re-election

… his support and enactment of right-to-work. Blaming a Gov. Snyder loss on right-to-work would, of course, be totally … asked the Legislature to pass right-to-work in late 2012; it did … more

Michigan Is a Right-to-Work State

Violent union protest outside leads to vandalism, damaged equipment, a tent pulled down onto children and an assault

… has become the nation’s 24th right-to-work state. Gov. Rick Snyder signed … this is pro-worker." Under right-to-work laws, no employee is forced to … week. House Bill 4003 applies right-to-work to government unions, … more

Michigan Incomes Up Strong After 4 Years of ‘Right-to-Work-for-Less’

Law says employers can't make paying the union a condition of employment

… rise faster. (Indiana adopted right-to-work a year before Michigan.) In … anniversary of when Michigan’s right-to-work law went into effect. The law … was that the new law was “right-to-work-for-less.” more

BREAKING: Indiana House Passes Right-to-Work Bill — Measure To Become Law Soon

Rep: 'How can this bill be radical when 22 other states have right-to-work laws?'

… way to make Indiana the 23rd right-to-work state in the nation. The vote … Wednesday afternoon, ending their work stoppage over the issue. Under … the Senate passed its own right-to-work bill, SB 269, which is currently … more

West Virginia Could Become 26th Right-to-Work State

Unions unhappy, orchestrate protests

… Wednesday night to protest right-to-work and other items on the Legislature’s … becoming the nation's 26th right-to-work state. Indiana, Michigan, … Wisconsin have all passed right-to-work laws since 2011. If … more

Right-to-Work Laws Are Not Inspired By Hitler

The Nazis saw government as the absolute authority

… NSING — While at the union right-to-work protests this past month, there … strange: Is allowing workers the right to choose whether to financially … salaries and take away their right to strike," Levine quoted. … production, at the same time setting work rules and compensation, why … more

Right-to-Work Means Right-to-Freedom

Workers deserve more opportunity and control

… profound misunderstanding of right-to-work laws. At the April 1 summit … The nonunion worker is in a right-to-work state where they can't even get the right to join a union, so what would … more

Michigan’s Right-to-Work Law Led to Huge Drop in Union Membership

For the first time in decades, state falls outside of the top 10 nationally in unionization

… the Michigan Legislature passed a right-to-work law, allowing workers the ability to … membership rates would accelerate after the right-to-work law took effect in early 2013. Newly … more

Bouchard Embraces Right-to-Work

… for governor to campaign on right-to-work legislation when he announced … it. Twenty-two states have right-to-work laws that allow employees to … "Twenty two states have a right-to-work law and their unemployment … more

Michigan home health workers would be protected from dues skim if right-to-work is repealed

Home health care workers are one group of people who would not be affected by right-to-work’s repeal

… Legislature plan to repeal the state’s right-to-work law, she was concerned. But she was … the SEIU, even if lawmakers repeal right-to-work. That’s because she is protected by … more

Union Steward Paid $100K By Taxpayers Attends Rally Advocating Against Them

It’s Easy To Attend Rallies When You're Paid

… response to the legislature taking up a right-to-work bill, Maryanne Levine, the president … workers’ salaries and take away their right to strike," Levine quoted Hitler as … released from her duties as a teacher to work for the union. That's the perk of being … more

More Jobs, Higher Pay Since Right-to-Work Passed in Michigan

Since its right-to-work law took effect, Michigan has experienced … Gov. Rick Snyder for signing right-to-work into law, claiming it has not … job that has been created by right-to-work since it’s been implemented,” … more

Right-to-Work States Enjoying Faster Job Growth

Establishing a right-to-work law, by which employees in unionized … legislators considering their own right-to-work law this month and similar … arises: What is the effect of right-to-work on the creation of … more

How to Help Those with a Criminal Record Find Work

Eliminate unnecessary crimes, right-size punishments and repeal licensing laws

… will make our country safer. Right now, almost 60 percent of individuals … and enabling contractors to work in their field. There are … prevent ex-convicts from finding work, we can ensure that our government … for the Legislature to get to work on these issues so that more Michiganders can go to work, too. more

Making Michigan Right-to-Work: Encouraging School Districts to Follow the Law

When Michigan’s right-to-work law was passed in December 2012, … school district unions have worked to avoid and circumvent the … local union tried to avoid right-to-work. Incredibly, Wyoming union … more

Right-to-Work Laws Influence Migration

People flocking to RTW states

… that critics who claim that right-to-work laws reduce economic opportunity … in that decade, six have a right-to-work law and a seventh — Colorado … non-members in a workplace. (Right-to-work laws do not affect … more

Republicans Against Right-to-Work

Four Michigan Senators voted against worker freedom

… two years, many doubted a right-to-work bill had enough support in … becoming the nation's 24th right-to-work state made headlines across … most by voting against the right-to work legislation. He represents … more

Tea Party Groups Engaged In Battle For Right-To-Work

… how to deal with a possible right-to-work bill and union executives have … voices are heard regarding the right-to-work discussion in Lansing. "We're … seen today as a number of right-to-work supporters are scheduled … more

CMU, Ferris State Protecting Worker Rights

Some universities not agreeing to lengthy agreements that force faculty, others to pay dues or fees after right-to-work law goes into effect

… have averted the state's new right-to-work law. The Ferris State University … members from exercising their right to decide if they want to pay … becoming the nation's 24th right-to-work state late last year. Some … more

Right-to-Work: What Now for Schools?

… supporting unions, making it a right-to-work state. While this concept … the implementation of the right-to-work law would deprive a considerable … something they may value: the right to choose to support their … more

After Decades of Little Change, Why Are So Many States Going Right-to-Work?

Five years, five new worker freedom states

… just three states adopted a right-to-work law – Louisiana (1976), Idaho … step toward becoming the 29th right-to-work state, when its Republican-controlled … Wisconsin and Indiana all passed right-to-work laws when Republicans … more

Three Cheers for Michigan House Democrats

Questioning MEDC transparency is the right thing to do

… advertisement under the “Pure Michigan” label that featured Michigan’s new right-to-work legislation. This is not the first time Democrats in Lansing have complained … more