
Higher Education Spending Still Down After Michigan's 'Lost Decade,' But Rising

Union overshoots with claim of 30 percent decline Read more


Cost of Federal Employees Who Said They'd Quit Under Trump: $65 Billion

Poll says 25 percent would leave, but going to private sector could mean big pay cuts Read more


Annual Cost To Pay Teachers Same As Doctors $1,283 Per Person

Viral song’s pop politics only cool until you do the math Read more


Only Two of the Nation's 72 Largest Newspapers Endorsed Trump

Not a single newspaper in Michigan picked the winner Read more


MEA Union's Latest In Persistent Pattern of Lowballing Teacher Salaries

New engineers weren't making $164,000 in 1964 Read more


Ghosts Of Corporate Welfare Past To Suck $7.6 Billion From State Budget

Granholm administration economic development giveaways dumped multi-decade liability on taxpayers Read more


Free The Unions — Let Workers Who Don't Pay Represent Themselves

Labor unions who complain about right-to-work 'freeloaders' should free them Read more


Pension Debt Soaring After Three Rounds of Reform Half-Measures

GOP almost enacted real reform in 2012, but even good tweaks can't fix core problem Read more


Liberal Math: Millions More Equals a 'Billion Dollar Cut'

Partisan 'big lie' campaign still going Read more


Pension Debt ‘Like a Mortgage?’ Yeah – On a Home You Sold Years Ago

Shakiest cover story yet from defenders of unsustainable government pensions Read more


Metro Transit Tax Ad's False Claims About Riders With Disabilities

If the tax hike fails, buses will continue as usual Read more


Wayne Co. Schools’ $80 Million Annual Tax Hike Won’t Cover Pensions

Backers promise more teachers and smaller classes, but filling pension hole is the reality Read more


You'd Be In Big Trouble If You Spent Like Uncle Sam

How big? A $147,631 credit card balance and growing Read more


Granholm Touted Failed Companies in Bid for Federal Energy Job

WikiLeaks memo cites flops as proof of her leadership Read more


Michigan Spends Hundreds of Millions Supporting Private Schools

But liberal commentator believes small amount added this year is 'clearly unconstitutional' Read more


State Takes Minnow-Bite From City’s Budget, Lobbyist Cries 'Shark'

Media outlet follows their lead Read more


Progress Michigan Hits Road With False School 'Cuts' Claims

Respect for the facts still matters Read more


Note to Hillary Clinton: Right-to-Work Laws Are Very Popular

Democratic candidate asks ‘why aren’t I 50 points ahead’ because of union issue Read more


We Verify Teachers Union Pay Claims, You Choose Whether to Trust Them

Union president’s compensation storylines often don’t hold water Read more


Union Claims Experienced Teachers Make Less Than $30K; They Don't

Benton Harbor teacher pay below average, but apparently not low enough for union rhetoric Read more


Michigan Class Sizes Hard to Find, So Public Radio Reports Opinions

The facts are available, but not easy to collect Read more


Wild West: What Education Establishment Calls Parents Choosing Their Kids’ School

Poor performing school districts unused to having competition Read more


Troubling Lack of Student Test Progress Deserves Candor, Not Spin

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State Ed Chief: Opening School Near Another One is 'Wasteful'

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This Fall Will Be the First Time There are Fewer Charter Schools

'Flood' of charters claim doesn't hold water Read more

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