
Labor's Voices Sound More False Notes On Teacher Pay

A regular 16-year teacher in this St. Clair County district gets $62,940 to $71,915 Read more


Hard to Find: 'Teachers On Food Stamps'

A first-year teacher would need three or more dependents to qualify Read more


When Was Flint 'Run Like a Business'?

'Never waste a crisis' becomes rewriting history Read more


Hoping Against History: Clinton Calls for Millions of Clean Energy Jobs

There are very few 'clean energy' jobs Read more


Post-Bankruptcy Detroit Hasn't A Clue How Much Comp Time It Owes Employees

'Antiquated' payroll system's update two years overdue Read more


After Billions in Subsidies, Just 918 Michigan Car Battery Jobs

In 2010, Granholm predicted 62,000 jobs Read more


Children Poisoned by Lead Shouldn't Be Turned Into A Limerick

Granholm trivializes Flint water crisis with tasteless demagoguery Read more


Not in a Box, Not With a Fox; GOP Didn't Cut School Funding

Granholm blames Republicans for faux cuts to schools in Seuss-style poem Read more


Trust Parents or Political Appointees to Choose Best School for Kids?

Children come first Read more


No Conspiracy Behind Cheap Gas Prices, Just Good Old Supply and Demand

Thank the frackers when filling up Read more


Party In Crony Capitalism Revolt Holds Convention at Government-Owned Hotel

But some Michigan GOP delegates may feel right at home Read more


Mark Ruffalo Wants Government to Defund the Police — But Fund His Films

'Hulk' star has appeared in many taxpayer subsidized movies Read more


Mr. Dem House Leader, You're Still Not Entitled to Your Own Facts

No 'unfettered' charter school expansion; no school 'funding cuts' Read more


School Funding Is Complicated: One Part Goes Down But Total Goes Up

State's foundation grant to Ann Arbor goes down, but aid per pupil goes up Read more


More Mythical School Funding Cuts Reported

But even with no cuts, school boards face big challenges Read more


School Budgets Stressed Alright — But Not From Mythical State ‘Cuts’

Watch the skyrocketing pension expenses Read more


Not So Fast ... Dems Don't Get That School Spending is Up

There they go again Read more


You're Wrong, Senator: Many Detroit Teachers Do Earn More Than You

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Need A Microscope to Find the Corporate Welfare Jobs in Michigan's Economy

Press releases roar, subsidies bring forth a mouse Read more


Dear Teachers: Here's Why Your Salary Isn't Higher

It's the pension costs Read more


Here's How Much More Money Detroit Public Schools Has Received Over the Years

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Thousands of Detroit Parents Vote With Their Feet for School Choice

Interest groups are trying to block their choices Read more


School Districts Receiving More and Spending More

Schools have got more money per pupil for years, but costs squeeze Read more


Teaching Jobs Still Getting Plenty of Applicants

82 applicants for one job Read more


Yes They Are: National Magazine Says Poor Detroit Charter Schools Not Closed

Academically failing district schools a different story Read more

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