
Getting Harder For Union To Spread Teacher Pay Disinformation

'Taxpayers have a right to know where government funds are going and to whom' Read more


Did School Choice Opposition Help Doom Detroit’s Bid For Amazon HQ?

Charters are city’s most promising schools yet face significant political opposition Read more


Media Plays Games, Misleads Readers When Its Target Is School Choice

Public Radio labels a charter school opponent as ‘pro-school choice’ Read more


DTE Produces Enough Wind Power To Run 24,000 Homes - But Part Of The Day Only

Oh, you wanted electricity 24/7? Read more


Teacher Shortage Claims: Republicans Did It

Yet hundreds often apply for teacher openings, and 2,045 for one in Troy Read more


Past Mistakes Haunt Builder Trying to Find Work

Michigan’s occupational licensure mandate can permanently impair those with criminal records Read more


Charters Schools ‘Segregated’? Children Only Attend If Their Parents Choose

That’s a challenge for opponents dredging up invalid Jim Crow associations Read more


Are Any Left? 100 Years Of ‘Michigan Teacher Shortage’ Headlines

Media keeps publishing the dubious claim, so public school establishment keeps repeating it Read more


The Most Bizarre Licenses in Michigan

Potato dealers, foresters, butter graders and more Read more


Insurance Reform Opponents Spin 'No' Votes; Drivers Just Want Rate Relief

Now what? Some special interests have reason to celebrate the high-cost status quo Read more


Spending And Tax Collections Up, But East Lansing Still Asks For Local Income Tax

Value of real estate in the city — its related tax collections — are higher now than before the housing bubble Read more


Fake News: HuffPost Article on DeVos Filled With Mistruths

Union officials presented simply as ‘teachers,’ hedge funds bizarrely linked to charter schools Read more


Rep. Sam Singh Says He Opposes Corporate Giveaways; His Voting Record Says Otherwise

Out of dozens of votes, it’s hard to find the Democrat opposing favoritism for select companies Read more


Meet The New Teachers Union Myths, Same As The Old Ones

New MEA leadership team promote old one’s false narratives in a ‘listening tour’ Read more


More Inaccuracies in New York Times Attack on Michigan Charter Schools

Fourth in a series. NY Times article gets wrong the number of charters that engage for-profit managers Read more


False Claims, Inaccuracies Rife in New York Times Article On Michigan Charter Schools

First in a series exposing NYT Magazine’s sloppy and/ or agenda-driven coverage Read more


It’s Labor Day, But Union Officials May Not Be Celebrating

The percentage of workers who are union members is down almost 50 percent since 1983 Read more


Change In Regulations On Electricity Markets Could Hit Schools

A law that lets one district save $40 per student on electricity costs could be undermined Read more


Holland Going Into The Broadband Business

City plans to make its numbers by undercutting private sector competitors Read more


School Officials, Teachers Unions, Media All Complicit In Edu-Disinformation

The effect is to undermine recent reforms opposed by unions Read more


Most Teacher Salaries Are Increasing

According to the best data available on teacher pay Read more


There You Go Again: Teachers Union Spins Misleading Food Stamp Claim

Average $60K teacher would need a household size of 10 to qualify Read more


Government Internet Coming to Traverse City

Taxpayers on the hook for risky broadband plan Read more


Schools in Poorer Towns ‘Poorly Funded’ — If You Don't Count All Their Funding

State union cites Rutgers study, national union gave gifts to authors’ employers Read more


Election Today! And Plenty of Taxpayer-Funded Electioneering, Too

Schools and local governments drive trucks through election-law loophole Read more

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