
Taxpayer Funded Electioneering in Full Swing Before May 2 Tax Votes

Officials claim messages ‘presenting factual information’ (wink, wink) Read more


Property Tax Bills May Spike Due To School Pension Underfunding

Sales pitch varies for May 2 school tax hike votes, but underfunded pension gorilla lurks behind all Read more


School Claims Its Tax Hike Emails Don't Invade Privacy - but Opponent's Would

No one gets to ask, ‘Why is the district NOT in need of tax hike?’ Read more


Union Rules: Ineffective Teacher's Raise is 4x That of 'Teacher Of The Year'

Recent top educator got a $400 bump, colleague rated 'ineffective' got $1,836 Read more


Michigan Will Soon Restrict Real Estate Agents When Displaying Their Names

New state licensing rules called anti-competitive Read more


Close Failing Public Schools? Not In Michigan — Yet

Charter schools are closed for poor academic progress, but not conventional district schools Read more


DeVos, Charters, School Choice Threaten Democratic Party Finances

Follow the money: Fewer dues to teachers unions, fewer dollars for Democrats Read more


DeVos Attacked For Supporting Free Speech, Due Process On Campus

Group she supported exposed the checkered free-speech record of Michigan universities Read more


State Officials Caused Michigan's Pension Crisis

No accident that school pension system is underwater Read more


Truth Optional When Teachers Union Defends Its Turf

Union goes to lengths to protect its piece of public education pie Read more


Bullying Failed, So Teachers Union May Try Honey To Attract Dues Payments

Bill collectors out, membership engagement director in Read more


Detroit Schools Implosion Stumps Parents – And City Makes It Worse

Media report blames choice for failing traditional schools Read more


Detroit’s Anti-Charter Interests Are the Real Big Political Spenders

School choice 'David' took on establishment 'Goliath' Read more


Soaring Pension Costs Breaking School Budgets, Crimping Teacher Pay

Underfunded state retirement system helping to drive this district into deficit too Read more


Experts: Michigan Senate's Utility Bill Shackles State To Obama EPA Overreach

Even as President-elect Trump promises repeal, which legal scholars say could happen fast Read more


Despite Union Claims, School Pension System is in Trouble

Debt up to $26 billion and climbing Read more


Michigan Energy Battle May Mean More 500 Foot Wind Turbines in Communities

Activist: Rural townships 'are being sacrificed' but 30 have pushed back Read more


Wayne County Schools’ Tax Hike Sponsors Paint False Picture With ‘Factual Information'

'Significant cost cutting measures?' What about recent $114.4 million school spending increase? Read more


Media Loves Corporate Welfare Stories, But Silent When Jobs Go Bust

'Amelia Earhart economics – disappears with no evidence of what happened' Read more


WikiLeaks: Granholm's Obama Job Application Oversold Clean Energy Jobs

No evidence in data of meaningful green jobs growth Read more


Feds Claim Power Over Every Mud Puddle Under 'Migratory Molecule' Theory

'More of a political crusade than reasonable regulation' Read more


Governor Gives Academically Failed Detroit Schools a Three-Year Pass

Charter schools in Detroit still accountable Read more


Management Model No Guarantee of County Pension Soundness

Management culture important for success or failure Read more


The Most Important State Election This November: Michigan's Next House Speaker

Three representatives face off for the top spot Read more


Michigan's Underfunded Pensions: A Tale of Two Counties

Wayne County governments have dug a $3.4 billion pension hole Read more

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