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Michigan Unemployment Numbers Plummet As $600 Federal Bonus Ends

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Strike! Detroit Teachers Union Demands Teachers Stay At Home

Children may not return to school until number of cases ‘falls to nearly zero’ Read more

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Nearly Six Months Into Michigan Emergency, Lockdown Rationales Keep Changing

Normal life and large parts of state economy have been suspended since March 10 Read more


Michigan's Corporate Welfare Programs Are a Bad Investment

Resources expended for these programs would be better spent on higher priorities Read more

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Biden Plan Would Let Nation's Worst School District Shut Down Charter Competitors

Detroit school district has long history of underserving the neediest students Read more

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Schools Spend $228 Per Pupil On Supplies; Teachers Claim They Spend, Too

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Epidemiologists To Michigan Supreme Court: Lock Down State Until Vaccine

But that could be years Read more

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What Defines 'State of Emergency?' What The Governor Says It Is

And the governor keeps changing the criteria Read more

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Stores Could Be Committing Coronavirus Crime If Hand Sanitizer Less Than 60% Alcohol

Using 'best efforts' a defense but it's not defined Read more

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Union Contracts Protect Bad Cops, Mayors’ Report Says

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Two Day 1943 Riot Inspired Law Authorizing 159-Days-And-Counting State Of Emergency

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State Will Pay Schools For Unenrolled 'Ghost' Students

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Court Tosses Politicians’ Lawsuit Against Residents For Critical Comments

Action by township board members is a frivolous affront to free speech, circuit court rules Read more

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One Michigan Child Age 5-To-14 Has Died Of COVID-19; Four Of That Age Group Died From Flu

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Teacher Fired For Dissing Liberals, U-M Prof Got Raises After ‘I Hate Republicans’

To save his job, district demanded teacher admit he was wrong Read more

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Fauci Poor-Mouths As 'Government Worker'; His Federal Job Pays $417,608

Average federal worker gets $124,600 in pay and benefits Read more

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Law Whitmer Cites For Unilateral Emergency Powers Used Just Once Before In 43 Years

Other governors have used less undemocratic 1976 emergency law dozens of times Read more

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Virus Killed 2,021 In Nursing Homes; Whitmer Defends Not Letting Them Bar COVID Patients

Average age of Michigan coronavirus fatalities is 75.4 years Read more

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School District And Superintendent Both Get More —But Not Enough, He Says

Wayne County district gets $862 more per student more than in 2010; his after-inflation hike since 2014 is 4.6% Read more

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Whitmer’s Unilateral Governance Opposed By More Than Just Trump Supporters

About two dozen lawsuits filed against Michigan governor by a variety of interests Read more

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State Offers Corporations $593,913 On Average To Create A Single Job

New Mackinac Center study questions the return from corporate handouts Read more

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Schools May Be Empty But State Superintendent Says Send Money Anyway

Wants funding to be based on same student counts - even if there are no 'live' students Read more

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Did Michigan See 7,431 People Die In April, Or 13,011? Watch Those Revisions

For just COVID-19 the state initially reported 2,386 April deaths; revisions now indicate there were 3,232 Read more

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112 Outbreaks In Nursing Homes, 5 In Bars - So Lock Down The Bars?

Michigan governor defended placing virus patients in nursing homes, and just closed inside service at bars Read more

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Whitmer Speaks At Event That Appears To Violate Her Own Orders

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