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Cancel The Illegal 'Historic Abolitionist' Strike: U-M Grad Employees Return To Work

Demands included 'cut all ties with police' - and letting grad student instructors work from home Read more

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Michigan's Big Ten Campuses Deemed High Risk For COVID-19 Yet Football Continues

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Whitmer's Football Flip-Flops Look Like Politics Not 'Science'

Initially against it, governor reversed course after presidential politics entered the mix Read more

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Recipe For School Budget Trouble: Enrollment Down, Teaching Staff Up, Pension Expense Rising

Bay City officials use the old ‘state funding cuts’ excuse — but their funding went up, not down Read more

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State Takes On First $800 Million In New Road Repair Debt

First installment on $3.5 billion of 'bonding' will cost taxpayers $565 million in interest Read more

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COVID-19 Hospitalization Cases Now 2,100 Less Than On April 30

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Official Michigan Regional Virus Risk Map Out Of Date

‘Map colors reflect official risk levels...’ - not anymore Read more

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District Alleges Teacher Shortage, Fires Pro-Trump Teacher Over ‘Liberals Suck’ Tweet

Teacher was twice rated ‘highly effective’ by district Read more

News Story

Left-Wing Group Funneling Money To Lansing Voter Outreach, Triggers Election Law Complaint

‘Targeting a demographic to increase turnout’ is flip side of targeting ‘to suppress the vote’ Read more

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Michigan Woman Could Be Key To Changing Federal Labor Law

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Not '100% Safe': State Medical Director Tells Parents To Cancel Play Dates

' creative and have video conference calls with your children’s friends...' Read more


MEGA Mistake: Big Corporate Welfare Program Still a Waste

State economic development incentives often don’t result in much development. Read more

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Five Times More Whitmer Executive Orders Than Ohio

But Florida's governor has issued even more Read more

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Michigan Averaged 125 COVID Deaths A Day In April; It’s Down To 4.9 In September

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Whitmer Hints She Won’t Lift State Of Emergency Until Coronavirus Vaccine Available

That could mean another two years or longer of lockdowns and restrictions Read more

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Liberal Group Gives City Of Lansing $443,000 For Voter Outreach

Funders and founders a who’s who of the moneyed left Read more

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State School Board Member Claims Teachers And Students Dying; Data Doesn’t Support It

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Michigan Supreme Court Takes Up Challenge To Whitmer's Emergency Powers Sept. 9

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Southfield Schools: Too Dangerous To Teach Classes, But Do Send Kids For $150 Per Week Daycare

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$600 Weekly Fed Unemployment Boost Also Boosted Michigan Income Tax Collections

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More Charters A ‘Complete Assault On Public School System’? Not Quite

Results of 2011 expansion not what school choice opponents said Read more

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Could Be More Lockdown Fallout: Opioid Overdoses Up 22%

‘I’ve seen far too many people die’ of overdoses, says state’s chief doctor Read more


Whitmer's Back-and-Forth on Football Raises Questions On The 'Science' She Cites

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Governor Allows High School Swim Team Members To Remove Mandated Masks 'When Swimming'

Other athletes must mask-up even on the field Read more

News Story

Saginaw County Stops Requiring Union-Scale Wages On Government Projects

After state prevailing wage law was repealed, local versions became hard to administer Read more

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