
The CapCon Guide: How to be an effective citizen-advocate in Michigan

Things are changing fast in Michigan. Here’s how to make your mark on the state Read more

MichiganVotes Bills

Michigan lawmakers have not tried to solve union ‘free rider’ problem

One in three bills in Michigan in 2023 has been labor-related. None try to solve a long-claimed problem. Why? Read more


Hohman: Michigan media asks the wrong questions, fosters bad policy

On roads, energy, schools and corporate welfare, bad questions lead to bad outcomes. These are four alternatives. Read more

MichiganVotes Bills

‘National Popular Vote’ scheme would let California choose Michigan’s president

House Bill 4156 would disenfranchise Michigan voters in presidential elections Read more


Could Michigan schools teach kids to read before trying to fix society?

Michigan’s education complex fails in its mandate, then embraces diversity and equity initiatives Read more

News Story

Michigan regulator seeks proposals for audit of DTE, Consumers

First-of-its-kind audit seeks root causes of Michigan’s unreliable energy grid Read more


The Whitmer agenda is a sop to the rich

Governor proposes EV subsidies that would benefit the well-off Read more

News Story

Whitmer budget would slash funding for online charter schools

Whitmer’s 2024 budget proposes a 20% funding cut for Michigan’s online charter schools Read more

News Story

Michigan House energy work group aims to address power outages

And three other takeaways from the House Energy Committee’s hearing on mass outages in Michigan Read more

News Story

Michigan Senate passes public sector right-to-work repeal; Whitmer to sign

In consecutive weeks, Michigan House and Senate pass repeal efforts Read more

News Story

Michigan Senate committee advances right-to-work repeal

Full Senate could take up bill as early as Tuesday afternoon Read more


On CNN, Whitmer misrepresents COVID record, suggests Florida data inaccurate

Whitmer echoes a debunked talking point and admits to seed-section folly in 9-minute interview Read more

News Story

DTE makes 5,170-page case for $619 million rate increase

Five takeaways from DTE Energy’s February 2023 rate case Read more

Washington Watch

Congress votes to declassify origins of COVID

Unanimous vote includes all Michigan lawmakers Read more


DTE, Consumers’ peak-hour pricing plans have it all backward

Stanford study undermines utility peak-hour rate planning Read more

MichiganVotes Bills

Michigan Legislature still lacks energy reliability bills, but House hearing comes Wednesday

Lawmakers promised oversight for Michigan’s biggest utility companies, then rammed through right-to-work repeal instead Read more


The people we serve

You don’t agree with the Mackinac Center on everything. But you agree with us on something. Let’s talk about those things. Read more


Michigan can have workers’ rights or mandatory union dues, but not both

Right-to-work repeal in Michigan would diminish workers’ freedom and empower labor unions Read more

MichiganVotes Bills

Two Michigan House bills shower favors on unions

House Democrats aim to make union dues tax refundable, give organized labor extra political privileges Read more

News Story

Why this Michigan paraprofessional left AFSCME

AFSCME has seen its Michigan membership fall by 49% since 2012, when right-to-work was signed into law Read more

Washington Watch

U.S. House, Senate vote to declassify docs on COVID-19 origins

Senate gives unanimous consent; Michigan House delegation opposes in party-line vote Read more

News Bite

Report: TikTok banned on state of Michigan devices — except for Whitmer

MLive reports that governor is the sole state employee who has sought the TikTok exemption Read more

News Story

Michigan House passes right-to-work repeal in party-line vote

Repeal bills still need to pass the Michigan Senate and be signed by Gov. Gretchen Whitmer to become law Read more

MichiganVotes Bills

House labor committee approves right-to-work repeal; full House to consider bill

Spring break deadline leads to rushed hearing, says committee chair Haadsma Read more

Washington Watch

Tlaib defends Biden student loan scheme, which faces Supreme Court review

Dearborn Democrat has also criticized court for eroding civil rights laws Read more

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