
September 21, 2012, Weekly Roll Call

Y = Yes, N = No, X = Not Voting

Senate Bill 1259, Increase licensure fees: Passed 33 to 5 in the Senate
To increase fees imposed on a wide range of businesses and occupations in which registration or licensure mandates are imposed as a condition of operating the firm or earning a living in the profession. This is one of a number of such bills passed by the House and Senate this week, which technically repeal the sunsets of previously enacted “temporary” fee increase laws, and are related to the budget for the next fiscal year. According to the House and Senate Fiscal Agencies, the bills would extract $15 to $20 million annually from business owners and tradesmen.

 Who Voted "Yes" and Who Voted "No"

House Bill 4934, Require school Pledge of Allegiance recitation: Passed 36 to 2 in the Senate
To require classes in public schools to recite the Pledge of Allegiance each day. The bill would prohibit compelling a student to recite the pledge. The Senate has also passed Senate Bill 637, to require a flag in each classroom.

 Who Voted "Yes" and Who Voted "No"

House Bill 5400, Appropriate money for fruit grower loan subsidies: Passed 103 to 2 in the House
To appropriate a $15 million for low-interest loan subsidies for fruit growers and producers who suffered extensive crop damage in 2012 due to an extended March warm spell followed by a hard freeze.

 Who Voted "Yes" and Who Voted "No"

House Bill 5617, Expand state home improvement loan subsidy program: Passed 82 to 22 in the House
To expand the authority of the Michigan State Housing Development Authority (MSHDA) to provide government loan guarantees on home improvement loans to individuals with “low and moderate income.” Specifically, the bill would increase the family income cap for such loans to 175 percent of the statewide median gross income ($105,700), up from the current cap of $65,000 (or $74,750 in a designated “distressed area), and allow for a 30-year repayment period instead of 20 years.

 Who Voted "Yes" and Who Voted "No"

House Bill 5697, Establish athlete concussion “time out” criteria: Passed 104 to 1 in the House
To require coaches or other adults in charge to remove a student or young athlete from participation in a sports activity due to a suspected concussion until clearance is received from an "appropriate health professional." The bill would also require schools and youth sports associations to distribute specified educational materials about concussions to coaches, young athletes and parents, and require parents and athletes to sign a statement indicating they have read them. The bill would not apply to the Michigan High School Athletic Association (MHSAA), which has separate concussion guidelines.

 Who Voted "Yes" and Who Voted "No"

Senate Bill 797, Cap municipal pension board travel expenses and more: Passed 104 to 1 in the House
To cap municipal and state pension board spending on board members' travel and training expenses at $150,000 per year, and $30,000 maximum per board member. The bill also proposes specific pension system transparency requirements; restricts payments to service providers who made large political contributions; increases limits on how much can be invested in real estate, "private equity" and global equities; establishes other regulations on investment service providers; and more.

 Who Voted "Yes" and Who Voted "No"

House Bill 5818, Increase licensure fees: Passed 88 to 16 in the House.
To increase fees imposed on a wide range of businesses and occupations in which registration or licensure mandates are imposed as a condition of operating the firm or earning a living in the profession. This is one of a number of such bills passed by the House and Senate this week, which technically repeal the sunsets of previously enacted “temporary” fee increase laws, and are related to the budget for the next fiscal year. According to the House and Senate Fiscal Agencies, the bills would extract $15 to $20 million annually from business owners and tradesmen.

Who Voted "Yes" and Who Voted "No"

SOURCE:, a free, non-partisan website created by the Mackinac Center for Public Policy, providing concise, non-partisan, plain-English descriptions of every bill and vote in the Michigan House and Senate. Please visit

Michigan Capitol Confidential is the news source produced by the Mackinac Center for Public Policy. Michigan Capitol Confidential reports with a free-market news perspective.