News Story

Teachers Who Talk Down Their Profession Often Don’t Mention The Benefits

A decent pension and good health coverage for life among them Read more

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Term Limits Blamed For Philandering Politicians, No Local Casino, More

The excuse for everything Michigan’s political class doesn’t like Read more

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Latest Audit Finds Detroit Schools Budget Is Solid

District has 20% reserve, state average is 14.5% Read more

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Regulators Imagine Possible Harms, Seek Car Market Restrictions

Rule good for dealers, regulators, lawmakers; consumers not consulted Read more

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Teachers Spin Low Pay Horror Stories, But Actual Figures Are Public Records

Claims mislead public on important public policy issue Read more

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Got Lawyers? State Elections Bureau Shoots Down Union PAC Payroll Deductions

Extensive body of state law now micromanages political spending and activism Read more

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Flint School Officials Blow It Again On Budget, Heading Back Into Debt

A shadow of its former self, district enrolls just 16% the number of kids as in 2000 Read more

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State Tells Landowners: Sandbags Along Great Lakes OK — For Now

Agency suspends permit mandate that usually takes up to 90 days Read more

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Warren Mayor Nixes Lifetime Health Benefits for City Council Members

‘If they want to, they can take me to court’ Read more

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Four-County Bus Tax Failed in 2016; Politicians May Go For Three Counties In 2020

Bus ridership declining in region, and more people walk to work than ride Read more

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$71k Average Pay Has Ann Arbor Teachers ‘Contemplating Bankruptcy’

‘None of those examples are exaggerations,’ $65k, five-year teacher tells school board Read more

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Warren Council Votes Self Free Lifetime Health Care; $228 Million Short On Workers’ Benefits

Unfunded liability for promised retiree health care benefits is double city’s annual revenue Read more

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Schools With Many Poor Families Get More Per Kid In Michigan, Not Less

Activist calling for illegal teacher strikes still makes claim Read more

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Look For The Union Label On Legal Pot Shops?

State marijuana regulators propose unauthorized union privilege as condition of licensure Read more

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Teachers Filing Union Unfair Labor Complaint Appear To Be Doing Well

Average pay at their Macomb district $79k; $100k+ not uncommon with optional duties Read more

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Local School Union Claims Unfair Labor Practice, Cites Cuts That Weren’t

Teachers union says its members lost money, but don’t blame state taxpayers Read more

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Tlaib Against Corporate Welfare Except When She Votes For It

In Michigan House she voted ‘yes’ on giving $1.031 billion to corporations Read more

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College Instructors Not Getting Rich, But Downtrodden A Stretch

$69k community college instructor, union president laments poor pay in newspaper essay Read more

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Teacher Shortage? For Physics Maybe, But Not Phys-Ed

Union pay restrictions prevent schools from filling some slots Read more

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Detroit Schools Fiscal Decline Began Before Emergency Manager

Media narrative blames school district’s deficits on state, ignore its previous history Read more

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Detroit Schools Enroll More Low Income Students, Get More Money

Despite richer tax base, Grosse Pointe schools get less per student than Detroit Read more

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Michigan’s Not Good For Wind Power, So Consumers Energy Customers Will Pay More

Under 2016 state regulation rewrite, electric utility monopoly makes money either way Read more

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Conflict Of Interest: Officials With Turbine Tower Leases Approve Wind Development

‘First you harvest the (local) officials, then you can harvest the wind’ Read more

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Olympic Pool Holds 12 Times Annual Road Runoff Saved By $475K Great Lakes Grant

Total Great Lakes Restoration Initiative spending at $300 million a year Read more

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Taxpayers Pay $50 Million For State Police Double-Dipping Program Since 2015

Incentives let active officers also receive pensions during last six years on the job Read more

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