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10 Years Of Michigan Capitol Confidential Online

If CapCon doesn’t report it, who will? Read more

News Story

Rough Estimate Puts Cost Of 25-Year Whitmer Road Debt Well Above $1 Billion

State has money to fix roads now without borrowing Read more

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Using State's Credit Card To Fix Roads Now Means 25 Years Of Payments

Money will come out of tomorrow’s road repair budgets Read more

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Auditors Discover Oversight Failure At Detroit Fire Department

More than 200 former employees had department fuel cards Read more

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Some Basis For Voters' Suspicion No Tax Hike Needed To Fix Roads

53.3% say state has enough to fix roads; fiscal agency says $897 million is available Read more

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All On Its Own, Flint Was A Financial Basket Case For Years

Evidence from years gone by contradicts current effort to blame past Flint misgovernance on state Read more

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Detroit Schools Spent $250K Sending Students, Staff To Italy

State’s largest district spent $961,534 on out-of-state travel; second-largest district spent just $18,397 Read more

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No Debt, No Tax Hike: Michigan Can Add $897 Million To Road Budget Right Now

Legislators and governor just have to say ‘yes’ Read more

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Michigan College’s $98k Equity And Inclusion Officer To Political Opponents: ‘F**k Trump’

Diversity has its limits at Kellogg Community College Read more

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Bans And Bad Feelings After ‘Stealth’ Odd-Year, August School Tax Hike Election

Superintendent bans two residents from U.P. school property without prior notice Read more

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Bill To Increase State Transparency Could Reduce It

Wouldn’t be first time the legislative process worked against open government Read more

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Open Records Law Request? See What The Lawyers Say (You Pay)

Tuscola County raises stakes for obtaining public records Read more

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State Worker Salaries Stagnate Due to Skyrocketing Cost Of Benefits

Costs $122,959 to employ a state worker; $54,845 of that is benefits Read more

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Change In Basic Water Use Law Could Hit Michigan Farms

Bill aims at particular water bottler, could restrict fruit and vegetable growers Read more

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Strong Demand For Government-Owned Broadband – From Government Officials

Two more Oakland cities well-served by commercial broadband looking to enter the business Read more

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These Teachers Earning More Under ‘Right To Work For Less’

Their union is getting less, though Read more

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Motorists Already Doing More For Roads Without Another Tax Hike

'Nothing?' Drivers paying $298 million more gas tax + $226 million more license plate tax in 2020 Read more

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Gov. Whitmer Says Michigan Carmaker Jobs Up; They’re Not

And subsidized job projections not the same as actual jobs Read more

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Detroit School’s Response On Costly Travel Expenses Raise More Questions

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Moving Company Reports More Customers Leave Michigan Than Move Here

State will likely lose another seat in Congress after next census Read more

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Motorists Still Paying For Engler And Granholm’s Road Debt

Payments on those bonds use transportation tax dollars that would otherwise go to fix today’s roads Read more

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Water Bottler A Drop In The Trillions Of Gallons That Fall On Michigan

State appears awash in water Read more

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‘The Nation’ Blames Michigan GOP For Cuts In School Budgets Signed By Dem Governor

Cuts came during single-state recession; funding only higher since GOP gained trifecta in 2011 Read more

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Bill Extends Criminal Sanctions To Eavesdropping Via Siri, Alexa, Smart TVs

Law’s definitions of eavesdropping, surveillance, secret records date from 1966 Read more

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More Inaccurate Media On Amount Michigan Taxpayers Pay For Schools

Reports do reveal what school establishments want public to think about how much they get Read more

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