News Story

State of Michigan Bans Day Care Providers From Giving Young Children Timeouts

‘This is not about children; it’s about increasing government control’ Read more

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Feds Permit Malaria Drugs For Coronavirus Patients, State Has Not Rescinded Threat Of Sanctions

FDA’s chief scientist: ‘Based on the totality of scientific evidence … may be effective’ Read more

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Never Mind Lockdown, Dentists Shut Down By Demand For Masks

If suppliers could raise prices surgical masks might not disappear so fast Read more

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Michigan Licensing Bureau Vs. Dr. Fauci On Off-Label Coronavirus Treatment

Fauci tells MDs, 'Yeah, of course' - prescribe it; state agency threatens their license if they do Read more

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What Is An ‘Essential Business’ Under Government Lockdowns?

More questions: Why shouldn’t a gift store be able to make deliveries? Read more

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Economist: No Sanitizer Because ‘Selfish People Demanding Price Be Held at $1’ Bought It All

Under ‘price gouging’ bans, after the lucky first few, ‘everyone else gets nothing’ Read more

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If Only Other Stores Could Have Raised Toilet Paper Prices

Buyer happy with $1.75 per roll from convenience store versus 32 cents and no rolls at big stores Read more

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Detroit School Problems Weren’t Caused By Coronavirus Or Funding ‘Disparity’

The ‘poor districts get less’ claim goes against years of data collected and posted by state officials Read more

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Can Virus Orders Shut Down Church? Yes And No

State can’t single out churches, but can ban all assemblies — including religious ones Read more

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Price Gouging? ‘Right Now, We Are Out Of Any Hand Sanitizer’

Michigan Attorney General appears ready to find business bad guys Read more

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Amid Pandemic, Michigan Consumers Return Germ-Soaked Bottles To Food Stores

‘Cans and bottles are very dirty’; just 10 states have ‘bottle bills’ Read more

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Schools Feeling Short-Term Pension Pain For Long-Term Gain

One catch: Some benefits of a 2017 reform will take years to pay off a lot Read more

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Yes, A Michigan Law Rations Number Of Hospital Beds Here

Now public health experts concerned about hospitals surge capacity Read more

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State Government's Obstacles To Virus Recovery

Removing them could help us get through this better Read more

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Take Your Pick: ‘Price Gouging’ Or Toilet Paper Shortages

Scarcity pricing in emergencies is reasonable and humane; there’s no repealing law of supply and demand Read more

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Michigan School District Helps Bankroll Private Wi-Fi Provider

Grosse Pointe also looking at closing schools; ‘Taxpayers were not asked’ Read more

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Headlines From An Earlier Outbreak: 1968 Hong Kong Flu

Pandemic 52 years ago killed 100,000 in US Read more

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House Passes On Chance To ‘Fix The Roads’ With New Spending Bill

But money for Capitol security cameras, Michigan Speedway traffic control, tourism marketing and much more Read more

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‘Vital’ Great Lakes Program Funds Playground Rehab In Milwaukee

Many Great Lakes Restoration Initiative projects only loosely tied to 'critical' protection Read more

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Disputed Union Wages Could Cost Taxpayers In County Construction Projects

Now Saginaw faces lawsuit over policy board approved by slim margin Read more

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Nine Years After Promising, Detroit City Officials May Get Rational Payroll System

City now says completion expected by end of 2020 Read more

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Teachers Unions Gave $180,000+ To Misleading Macomb Tax Hike Campaign

Tuesday ballot proposal would cost property owners $55 million annually Read more

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Charter School Profiteering? Don’t Turn That Lens On Larger, Richer District Schools

The really big money is in conventional school districts and all their intermediaries Read more

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Proposal Would Tear Up Michigan Constitution’s Ban On Graduated Income Tax

Rates of 8.5% or more could cause higher-income residents to move to low- or no-tax states Read more

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US Oil Boom Happened Despite Obama, Not Because Of Him

AP 'fact check' lacks context Read more

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