Why we withdrew our Benton Harbor story
When the premise of a story is undercut, the story must be removed
On Dec. 27, we published a story titled “Benton Harbor won’t account for $10 million in federal COVID money.”
The premise of the story is that Benton Harbor had failed to submit federally required forms, which would explain what it did with the COVID relief money.
CapCon’s attempts to reach Benton Harbor officials were unsuccessful, as were attempts to find the documents in question.
But on Thursday Mayor Marcus Muhammad furnished proof that both reports in question had been submitted to the federal government. There will be a future story about what those reports say.
But as the premise of the Dec. 27 story proved inaccurate, we withdrew the story.
We apologize to the city of Benton Harbor and Mayor Muhammad for the error.
Michigan Capitol Confidential is the news source produced by the Mackinac Center for Public Policy. Michigan Capitol Confidential reports with a free-market news perspective.
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