Farmington Schools’ Equity, Diversity And Inclusion Consultant Wants Dissenters Targeted And Pressured
The firm hired by Farmington Public Schools to produce a report on equity in the school district states that teachers who believe public education’s role is to be “supporting all students, not dividing them into categories or groups” should be targeted and pressured to change their views.
The equity audit states, “Other teachers additionally felt that diversity, equity, and inclusion was not an issue and wanted to keep the focus on supporting all students, not dividing them into categories or groups. This mindset, of ignoring, can be very detrimental and elude to a lack of understanding around how different identities are treated within our society. It is encouraged for the district to provide explicit self-reflection activities and facilitated discussions for all staff to recognize their own personal biases as well as the impact of identities within our society.” (Ed.: The incorrect usage of "elude" is in the original document.)
US2 is the Michigan-based diversity consulting firm, headed by Megan Fuciarelli, that was hired by the district.
Michigan Capitol Confidential is the news source produced by the Mackinac Center for Public Policy. Michigan Capitol Confidential reports with a free-market news perspective.
There’s something wrong with Union Township: Part 3