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Whitmer Claims Credit For 15,000 New Auto Jobs, But Fed Data Shows We’ve Lost That Many

First round of pandemic lockdowns slammed the industry hard Read more

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Gaylord School Official Brought Armed Officers When Ordering Students To Mask-Up Or Else

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Michigan In Trouble If Flint Meets State Government's Definition Of ‘Thriving City’

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Conventional School Interests Warned Lifting Cap On Charters Meant A 'Wild West' Expansion

There are 38 more now than the 256 Michigan charters of 10 years ago Read more

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Michigan School Revenues Up 47% Over Two Years

Feds pouring in $7.9 billion this year Read more

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Local United Way Raises Money For School Supplies State Already Must Provide

With $6.1 billion in federal COVID funds pouring into Michigan public schools money is no obstacle Read more

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U.S. Appeals Court Upholds State Health Department’s School Mask Mandate Authority

Turns back a raft of constitutional violation claims Read more

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School and Road Funding Up $2.3 Billion; Teachers Union Head Says Michigan Not Taxed Enough

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Media Heavy Breathing Aside, 100% Of Very Few Juvenile COVID Cases Is Still Very Few

Beware reports with percents only and no actual numbers Read more

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Kent County Health Department Order Could Devastate Organized Sports

10-day quarantine for any player contact with COVID-positive teammate Read more

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Michigan Households Paid Nation’s 10th-Highest Electricity Cost In May 2021

Big utilities CMS Energy and DTE took profits of $752 million and $1.37 billion in 2020 Read more

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Fewer Children In Michigan Schools But Bigger Staffs

More adults for fewer kids Read more

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Benton Harbor Schools Held Back No Third Graders In 2020-21 School Year

District cited in liberal nonprofit’s panic about law to restrict promoting children who can’t read to next grade Read more

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Population Fell In Post-Bankruptcy Detroit, City Revenue Rose

The school district saw a modest enrollment increase after its 2016 bailout Read more

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Detroit’s Unemployment 8.1% Before Epidemic, Spiked To 40.4% In May 2020

ACLU had warned, minorities, disadvantaged ‘bear the brunt of tough public health measures’ Read more

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The Quiet Shortfall In Michigan Schools

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Credit Or Blame? Whitmer Boasts On Michigan’s Post-COVID Economic Performance

It’s not good Read more

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State Report Boasts Lower Michigan Case Rate; Silent On Higher Death Rate

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School Funding Looks Unequal If Major Revenue Sources Not Counted

And one of those sources helped solve major school spending disparities Read more

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Teacher Went From $61,701 to $81,328 In Six Years, Tells Newspaper Low Pay A Hurdle

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Michigan Schools Never Had More To Spend; MSU Prof Calls State Dead Last In Funding

Carefully selected date ranges paint a false picture Read more

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CDC Data Suggests Stricter Lockdowns Didn’t Reduce COVID Deaths

Michigan had substantially more deaths than its neighbors despite more significant restrictions Read more

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Link Teacher Pay To Quality? But Annual State-Required Ratings Fail To Separate Best

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Whitmer Would Pay Schools More To Educate Fewer Students

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No Fine For Restaurant Where Whitmer Caught Skipping Social Distance

Health departments report no local restaurants fined as scofflaws Read more

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