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COVID May Be On The Run In Michigan

New daily case numbers plummeted from a 451 per million rate to 90 per million Read more

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Michigan No. 30 In School Reopening

Iowa, Montana and Wyoming schools open Read more

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49% Of Charter School Kids Black; State Civil Rights Commission Says Fund Them At 75%

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Berkeley's Robert Reich Complains About CEO Pay, Collected $300k To Teach Three Classes

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Whitmer Suggests ‘Effective’ Reopening of Schools Depends On Tripling Virus Testing

‘Three to four million binax antigen tests every single month’ Read more

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Gas, Coal, Nukes Supply 88% Of The Power Keeping Michigan's Lights And Furnace Fans On

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Michigan Government First Stops Businesses, Then Subsidizes Some

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Fewer Teachers Get Required Assessments With COVID, But Results The Same

As usual, about 1% found minimally effective or worse Read more

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Firm Made $1.6 Billion, Corporate Subsidy Agency Boasts Offering It $2.6 Million

Michigan taxpayers will pay for it Read more

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More Detroit School District Students Chronically Absent Than Not

54.1% were absent last school year, down from previous years Read more

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Big 2020 Paychecks For Many Government Workers In Michigan

Private sector experienced lost jobs and income; a CapCon series Read more

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Virtual Classes Cancelled At Ann Arbor Schools During Cold Snap

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Community College President Paid Over $525,000 Last Year

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Official State COVID Website Has Outdated, Conflicted Messaging

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No ‘Defund The Police’ In Whitmer's State Budget Proposal

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Taxes on Michigan’s Record $1.1 Billion Lottery Ticket Will Fund State Government For Seven Hours

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As Fears Of COVID Variant Grows, Number Of Confirmed Cases In Michigan Steadily Decline

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With Federal Aid, Detroit Schools To Get Nearly Double Its Last Budget

Law gives great latitude in how it gets spent Read more

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State to Athletes: You May Remove Your Mask For A Drink Of Water

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Lockdowns Crushed Michigan Workers; Only Hawaii Lost A Greater Share of Jobs

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Government-Issued Super Bowl Party Guidelines: No Cheering Allowed

All that is not permitted is forbidden Read more

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No Face Masks In Indoor Driving Range Stalls? Violation Exposed With Police Escort

'We’re going to get through this, and we’re going to get through it together' Read more

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Nearly 40% Of Michigan Population Could Be Immune To COVID

Figure slightly overstated because some who got vaccinations had probably contracted the virus too Read more

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Social Gathering Limits Extended In Latest Order Despite 'Significant Strides'

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State To Businesses: We Will Allow You To Give Free Water After 10 PM

Thanks for that Read more

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