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The Human Side of Right-to-Work Legislation

These are real people who have been hurt by forced unionization

… caregivers without their consent to use it for politics — to try and lock the dues skim into the state constitution: It failed. Every newspaper in the state … becomes a right-to-work state, no union could ever force a worker to pay dues or agency fees as a condition of employment, and unions would be forced … more

Time for Labor Unions to Collect their Own Dues

The on-going SEIU dues skim must end

… nominee Tom Price. “End the dues skim once and for all.” Harris, … place, the union directly skimmed a portion of the Medicaid … What should be done? The dues skim operates in government programs … funds to collect so-called dues or fees on behalf of labor … convenience of a government-collected dues deduction. Much like every … more

SEIU Tries to Continue Dues Scheme

Leaked document maps out 'dues skim' plan

… Employees International Union on how the union hopes to continue its "dues skim" against home-based caregivers is interesting, but more significant is … representing some of those forced to be in the union, maintains that the skim was illegal because the caregivers are not state employees — they work for … more

SEIU Under Investigation over Prop 4

'Dues Skim' took $35 million from Medicaid recipients

… would have locked into the state constitution the skimming of millions of dollars each year from the caretakers … Jack Spencer filed 70 stories documenting the dues skim from the beginning, including articles on the … summarized what happened: "In an effort to increase dues paying members, the SEIU targeted the Medicaid … more

An End Finally in Sight for the SEIU Dues Skim

Voters overwhelmingly reject the forced unionization scheme

… including family members, who have been seeing union dues taken from the checks they receive to help provide … get another contract extension. In fact, the “dues skim” could actually end sooner than that. In addition … Care Providers Took Place - Anatomy of a Scam: Dues continue to flow more

Two Wins for Freedom from Union Coercion in 2014

The end of the dues skim and the busting of the 'August Window'

… cannot be forced to pay union dues. The ruling meant that caregivers … became known as the SEIU dues skim. It was a scheme that had … and legal battle over the dues skim included legislative efforts … the onerous nature of the dues skim, along with a daily skim-tracker that displayed a running … more

Capitol Protesters Fined $500 Each For Trying To Storm Senate Chamber

Most of arrested right-to-work protesters had SEIU 'dues skim' connections

… with the home health care dues skim, each were fined $500 at … choose whether they want to pay dues or fees to a union as a condition … called the "home health care dues skim," was on its last legs, as … Anti-Right-to-Work Protesters Have SEIU 'Dues Skim'Connections And End Finally In Sight for the SEIU Dues Skim more

SEIU Membership Drops 80 Percent After Dues Skim Ends

Union loses $4.2 million in dues and fees

… previously were forced to pay dues or fees to the SEIU after the … homes across the state. The "dues skim" ended in 2013, but not before … caregivers affected by the dues skim. It also is more than 80 … care of loved ones. The dues skim scheme was created in 2005 … scheme with legislation. The dues skim lasted from 2006 to early … more

Medicaid Dues Skim May Come To An End, After All

Friends, relatives of disabled individuals among those swept into public sector unions

… states from deducting union dues from checks sent to home health … sometimes referred to as a “dues skim,” is currently allowed in … million in union dues was skimmed from Medicaid checks. In … challenge the legality of dues skimming. Michigan Capitol Confidential, … the end of the contract, dues skimming stopped. In the 2014 U.S. … more

U.S. Supreme Court Discusses Right-to-Work For All Public Employees

Union 'dues skim' case could mean the end of forced unionization of home-based caregivers, others

… a case related to union "dues skim" issues happening in Illinois, Michigan … Michigan's home health care dues skim. In Michigan, Illinois, … Confidential of the SEIU Dues Skim Legal Foundation Seeks Return Of 'Dues Skim' Money SEIU Election Battle … Parents Forced to Pay Union Dues, Lawmaker Rakes In Health Care … more

Despite Law, SEIU Gets To Continue Taking Medicaid Check Money

Federal judge orders injunction against law; SEIU 'home health care dues skim' continues

… Michigan to continue deducting dues from Medicaid checks and send … so-called "home health care dues skim" would go on through February … legislation to end the "dues skim," moved the final contract … Edmunds' ruling that the "skim" continue could be appealed. … Governor Signs Bill Making 'Dues Skim' Illegal SEIU Sues State, … more

Labor Union Caught in Dues Skim Fails to File Annual Report with Federal Government

SEIU Healthcare Michigan reported losing 80 percent of its members after dues skim ended

… Michigan’s health care “dues skim,” has failed to file the … $250,000 threshold. The dues skim was created in 2005 when … home care patients as union dues and fees for the caregivers, … calendar year, during which the dues skim ended. It showed that 44,347 … end of 2013. Because the dues skim didn’t end until March 1 … more

SEIU Affiliate’s Revenue Cut in Half After 'Dues Skim' Ended

SEIU Healthcare Michigan dues collection went from $11.3 million to $5.4 million

… Michigan reported $5,398,383 in dues and fees in 2014. That's just … during which the union's dues skim was in place. The information … Standards. The roots of the dues skim reach back to the mid-2000s … have union dues and fees “skimmed” from the Medicaid checks … received no money from the dues skim. Its previous (2013) report … more

How Right-to-Work and the End of the 'Dues Skim' Killed the SEIU in Michigan

Membership, revenue and political spending plummet

… this choice by ending the “dues skim” and then passing right-to-work. Dues Skim In 2005, former Michigan … membership, allowing them to skimdues” money directly from the Medicaid … overwhelmingly and the “dues skim” ended officially in 2013. … more

Dues Skimming Meets Its Demise

Federal rule ends a union's ability to involuntarily take money from home health care givers

… ending the home health care dues skim, whereby Medicaid grants … held that requiring mandatory dues or fees from these health care … Harris v. Quinn, unions began skimming money from home health care … election, in November 2006, the dues began flowing to the SEIU. … insurance. Eventually the dues skim ended, Medicaid recipients … more

Union Behind Michigan ‘Dues Skim’ Facing More Corruption Allegations

SEIU Healthcare Michigan has a history of problems

The union responsible for skimming tens of millions of dollars from home caregivers has been placed … words, ”make sure Democrats get [elected].” The “dues skim” took $34 million of state aid meant for the … into a government union so it could collect their “dues.” In the process of running this proposal, the … more

Confirmed: The SEIU ‘Dues Skim’ Finally Ends

Home-based caregivers no longer losing money to union

… Michigan's home health care ”dues skim” has ended. For the first … SEIU and, in turn, stopped the dues from being taken out of Michigan … Michigan Capitol Confidential skim tracker, an online scrolling … is still pending. “The dues skim went beyond the usual controversies … course.” In an effort to increase dues-paying members, the SEIU targeted … more

Mystery Contribution Kept ‘Dues Skim’ Alive

Union gave dummy employee $12,000, but that money not specified on federal report

… allowed the union to keep receiving the dues. By midsummer 2012 other funding for … 2012. Of that, $11,307,314 came from dues and fees. The report shows that the … ~~~~~ See also: Union Money Helps 'Dues Skim' Stay Alive Michigan Capitol Confidential Coverage of the SEIU Dues Skim more

SEIU Lays Out Plan to Try and Continue 'Dues Skim'

Union blames 'right-wing forces' for end of scheme that locked 45K workers into the SEIU

… no longer are forced to pay dues to instead voluntarily do so. … members. "The only question is the dues structure." The union contract … also made special note of a "skim-o-meter" that keep track of … Confidential Coverage of the SEIU Dues Skim Legal Foundation Seeks Return Of 'Dues Skim' Money SEIU Election Battle … more

SEIU 'Dues Skim' Finally Grinding To A Halt

… last ones from which union dues will be deducted. Based on … seems imminent. In 2006, union dues started being taken from the … to bring about an end to the dues,” MDCH Director Jim Haveman … established to help facilitate the dues skim. Gov. Rick Snyder last year … Confidential Coverage of the SEIU 'Dues Skim' Voters Reject Forced Unionization … more

No Relief In Sight For Home Health Care Workers

Without action from governor's office, SEIU 'Dues Skim' likely to continue until at least fall

… igan's “home health care dues skim” will continue at least through … responding to a question on the “skim” was forwarded to Capitol Confidential … reason for continuing to take dues from the checks of so-called … also: Union Money Helps 'Dues Skim' Stay Alive Government Incompetence … Hole: Forced Unionization 'Dues Skim' Linked To West Coast Scandal … more

SEIU 'Skim Tracker' Stops Ticking

After seven years and more than $34 million taken from home-based caregivers, union contract officially ends

The SEIU "skim tracker" has finally stopped. The scrolling money … last ones from which union dues will be deducted. "It has … friends in their own homes. The skim tracker won’t be removed until the end of the dues skim can be fully verified in … Confidential Coverage of the SEIU 'Dues Skim' Voters Reject Forced Unionization … more

Audit Shows SEIU 'Dues Skim' Likely Bolstered By Extra $3.7 Million; Union-Run Registry Ineffective

… of the home health care "dues skim." The audit also indicates … 2013 official end of the "dues skim,” the SEIU would have been … Based on a 2.5 percent take for dues and fees, the union would have … those who supported the dues skim, the targeted audience was … Confidential Coverage of the SEIU Dues Skim SEIU Membership Drops 80 … more

SEIU 'Dues Skim' Days Are Numbered

Work to get caregivers their money back continues

… contract upon which the SEIU "Dues Skim" is based will end Feb. 28, … 2013. "Finally, an end to the skim is in sight," said Patrick … actual date upon which the dues payments will stop." In 2005, … Beginning the following year, dues started being taken from the … Confidential Coverage of the SEIU 'Dues Skim' Voters Reject Forced Unionization … more

Most of the Arrested Anti-Right-to-Work Protesters Have SEIU 'Dues Skim' Connections

Son of SEIU Healthcare Michigan president one of those facing charges

… was accused of nepotism. Meanwhile, Faville’s daughter, Norma Kersting, still is on staff at the union, with a $62,131 yearly salary. The SEIU dues skim is the result of the forced unionization of Michigan's home-based caregivers that began in 2005 when Jennifer Granholm was governor. Proposal 4 on … more

State Hired More Employees To Administer SEIU 'Dues Skim' Than Oversee Right-to-Work Law

'Where were they when the unions were running around creating fake employers so they could siphon off money?'

… Council was created when Jennifer Granholm was governor. The MQC3 worked with the Service Employees International Union to manage the collection of dues taken from more than 44,000 home-based caregivers. The MQC3 created at least four employees with a combined salary of $177,000, according to state … more

Legal Foundation Seeks End to Forced Unionization of Home-Based Caregivers

State agency asked to award $3 million back to workers that the SEIU took as dues

… about six months' worth of dues, or about $3 million. The … become known as the SEIU "dues skim" that began under the administration … were defeated on Nov. 6, the skimming of union dues could end permanently. … irreparable damage" if the dues skim ended. Wright said an unfair … Governor Signs Bill Making 'Dues Skim' Illegal SEIU Sues State, … more

SEIU Fined Almost $200,000 Over Actions Tied To 2012 Ballot Proposal Campaign

Union suffers another loss related to dues skim, which took more than $34 million from home-based caregivers

… behind the home health care dues skim, has been fined $199,000 for … Between 2006 and when the dues skim finally ended in early 2013, … which were to prolong the dues skim so it could continue to steal … attempt to keep the flow of dues it had been receiving from … articles about the dues skim and a skim tracker that tallied the SEIU's … more

'Dues Skim' Proponents, State Department Struggle to Explain Health Care Scheme

Group would lock in millions for SEIU in forced unionization

… to get about $6 million a year in dues from workers who have been forced to … receive Medicaid checks, minus the union dues being taken by the SEIU. Minicuci checked … Providers Took Place - Anatomy of a Scam: Dues continue to flow 'Forced Unionization' … Intact - It's All About the Money 'Dues Skim' Ballot Proposal Proponents Cloud … more

SEIU 'Dues Skim' and U-M Research Assistant Bills Brought On Proposal 2

Issues brought to the forefront by the Mackinac Center cited by UAW President as reasons for ballot proposal

… outlaw the home health care dues skim, stopping the unionization … assistants and banning automatic dues deductions from teachers' paychecks. … and the home health care dues skim. King’s remarks show how … The SEIU pulled off the dues skim by taking advantage of Michigan's … Legislature attempted to end the skim by defunding the dummy employer, … more

Union Members Down, Money For SEIU Up

'Dues skim' contributes to higher union funding

… from the “home health care dues skim” keeps dropping; but the … it rakes in keeps going up. Dues from Michigan's so-called “home … workers” into the union. The "dues skim" officially ended yesterday … called the “home health care dues skim.” The union netted nearly $30 million from the “skim" before it was ended. Meanwhile, … more

The Cover Story For the 'Dues Skim'

… unionized, SEIU began collecting dues from the taxpayer-provided … called the “home health care dues skim.” So far, the SEIU has received … than $29 million from the “skim,” which can be used for various … end the “home health care dues skim.” However, the “skim” has … end the “home health care dues skim.” At issue is the continued … more

UAW Prez: SEIU ‘Dues Skim’ More Important Than RTW

… related unions appear to have spent $9 million on the skim, which has netted them over $34 million so far. … Sherry Loar and Dawn Ives, publicly protested the skim (see a Mackinac Center video of their story here). … Legal Foundation lawsuit attempting to end the skimmore

SEIU Election Battle Hinges On Home-Based Caregivers

Union member: 'I was born in the Mideast ... I've never seen an election that was messed up like this'

… home-based caregivers. But even as the SEIU "dues-skim" nears an end, a faction of union leaders wants … Michigan Capitol Confidential Coverage of the SEIU 'Dues Skim' Voters Reject Forced Unionization Scheme Infighting … Providers Took Place Parents Forced to Pay Union Dues, Lawmaker Rakes In Healthcare Money more

How the Forced Unionization of Day Care and Home Health Care Providers Took Place

Anatomy of a Scam: Dues continue to flow

… wanting to know how the "dues skim" was created and put into … Almost $4 million has been skimmed since a bill that would end … International Union (SEIU). Union dues have been extracted from the … 4003 was designed to stop the dues flow, but it remains stuck … Parents Forced to Pay Union Dues, Lawmaker Rakes In Healthcare … more

Home Health Care Dues Still Being Skimmed

Could stop next month

… ends the "home health care dues skim," money is still being collected … the horizon, it is hoped "dues skim” will officially be brought … Michigan Capitol Confidential's skim-tracker will not be turned … 1018, aimed at stopping the dues flow was passed by the legislature … Hole: Forced Unionization 'Dues Skim' Linked To West Coast Scandal … more

U.S. Supreme Court Agrees To Look At Forced Unionization

Illinois case could free home-based caregivers nationwide

… Michigan's home-based caregiver "dues skim," which transferred more … numbers and importantly, increase dues collection. Cases sprung up … Confidential of the SEIU Dues Skim Legal Foundation Seeks Return Of 'Dues Skim' Money SEIU Election Battle … Parents Forced to Pay Union Dues, Lawmaker Rakes In Health Care … more

Pennies on the Dollar

… checks and handing it over to the SEIU as union dues, thus ending a union scheme that took more than … Service Employees International Union gets its dues not from State of Michigan paychecks but from Medicaid … their own home. Since late 2006, the SEIU has skimmed more than $30 million from taxpayers and the welfare … more

Union Money Helps 'Dues Skim' Stay Alive

Home health care workers still losing money to SEIU despite law to end the scam; dummy employer executive director working only 3 hours a month

… legislation designed to stop the “skim.” Unraveling the bureaucratic … emails, facilitating the union dues flow took up a good deal of … up to date and managing the dues and bi-weekly provider files." … Hole: Forced Unionization 'Dues Skim' Linked To West Coast Scandal … Senate Home Health Care 'Dues Skim' Worse Than Previously Thought … more

Union Electrician and Wife: 'The SEIU Never Did Anything For Us'

Milliron family says they don't think the SEIU should be able to lock its forced unionization into the state constitution

… spent her life taking care of her son, Ronnie, and knew that the union could provide nothing to make his life better. So when she noticed that union dues were being deducted from the Medicaid dollars the family was getting to take care of their quadriplegic son, she took action.  And won. Unlike the … more

SEIU Dues Skim All About Politics

… issue is over whether the SEIU can forcibly extract dues money from people who are not state employees and who … block a new state law that would have ended its dues skim, Scott Kronland told Judge Nancy Edmunds that, … irreparable damage" because it would be denied use of the dues money in the upcoming election cycle. The alteration … more

No Lean Times For SEIU 'Dues Skim' Union Bosses

… Employees International Union, gets dues from tens of thousands of Michigan's … election. Continuation of the dues flow to the union is called the “home health care dues skim.” To date, the SEIU has collected … Bill 1018) drafted to end the “skim.” It has been sent to Gov. … the unionization behind the “skim” into the state constitution. … more

Supreme Court Ends ‘Dues Skim’ Nationwide

… are not required to pay union dues as a condition of employment. … to SEIU in the form of union dues, regardless of whether the … program, but not before SEIU skimmed $34 million away from disabled … could be required to pay union dues, even if they objected to the … in-home caregivers mandatory dues. This ruling will apply nationwide, … more

Better Late Than Never: An End To the 'Dues Skim'

What can $29 million buy?

… home health care workers in Michigan. More than $29 million has been skimmed off the top of home health care worker paychecks since the Service Employees … tracks. If the unions were delivering a service that was worthy of the dues they charge, they wouldn’t have to organize workers surreptitiously. If … more

Supreme Court Ruling Opens Door For Daycare Workers To Get Money Back

Unions took $4 million from Michigan daycare workers; class action lawsuit now possible

… Michigan child care providers had dues and fees deducted from the … back." Michigan's "daycare dues skim" lasted a shorter time than … caregivers. The daycare dues skim started in 2009 and was ended … Confidential of the SEIU Dues Skim Legal Foundation Seeks Return Of 'Dues Skim' Money SEIU Election Battle … more

Michigan Senate bills would revive dues skim for home health workers

Government employees can opt out of unions, but Senate Bill 790 would make it much harder

… familiar with the phrase “dues skim,” that’s because it was a … decade ago. Years before dues skim went away, home health workers … or received benefits from. Dues were being skimmed from their paychecks, and … 2013.  But the old days of dues skim would return under Senate … more

Prop 4 Not About Home Care

… continue. But because of legislative and legal action, the days of the SEIU skimming money from caregivers is coming to an end. If Proposal 4 passes, that would be overridden and the dues skim locked into the state constitution. Which explains the SEIU’s interest, … more

Attorney General Orders State To Stop SEIU 'Dues Skim'

… end the withholding of SEIU dues from private individuals who … withholding of public union dues from private individuals who … than $30.3 million has been skimmed from home health care workers … Confidential Coverage of the SEIU 'Dues Skim' BREAKING: Attorney General Orders Home Health Dues Skim to End more

Union Money Behind Health Care Ballot Proposal Not Well Hidden

Use of a dummy corporation will keep official disclosure 'secret' until next year

… Healthcare Michigan's finances now come from the union dues taken out of the Medicaid checks sent to Michigan … Care Providers Took Place - Anatomy of a Scam: Dues continue to flow 'Forced Unionization' Brings … Unionization Intact - It's All About the Money 'Dues Skim' Ballot Proposal Proponents Cloud Issue With … more

Senate Shows Support For Ending Home Health Care 'Dues Skim'

… stop the “home health care dues skim.” That represents more than … in support of stopping the “skim.” The other three are Senate … unionized, SEIU began collecting dues from their checks. The continuation … called the “home health care dues skim.” HB 4003 was passed by … Hole: Forced Unionization 'Dues Skim' Linked To West Coast Scandal … more

BREAKING NEWS: Michigan Senate Stops Home Health Care 'Dues Skim'

… to the “home health care dues skim” passed Thursday by the Senate … is to finally end the union dues being taken from those who … legislature had tried to end the “skim” last year by defunding the … years.” The “home health care dues skim” resulted from a union scheme … Hole: Forced Unionization 'Dues Skim' Linked To West Coast Scandal … more

Attorney General Orders Home Health Dues Skim to End

Illegal scheme continued despite law explicitly stating providers are not government employees

… longer have so-called union dues skimmed from their subsidy checks … should not have been paying dues in the first place.” The SEIU was able to skim the so-called “dues” under a scheme that was concocted … language of the new law, the dues skim had continued. Michigan Capitol … more

SEIU Ballot Language Disconnected From Reality

… can decide to force all of the 60,000 or so home health care workers to pay dues to the SEIU, which can spend the money lobbying or on other activities — … harmless-sounding language can be slipped in. This would allow for the continued skimming of tens of millions of dollars from caregivers to the SEIU, which to date … more

Union Pushes Ballot Proposal To Keep 'Dues Skim' Alive

… in on “Home Health Care Dues Skim” to the tune of more than … involved wants to write the “skim” into the state constitution. … “skim.” The “home health care dues skim” resulted from a union scheme … These people are having the dues taken from their Medicaid checks. … Hole: Forced Unionization 'Dues Skim' Linked To West Coast Scandal … more

'Dues Skim' Ballot Proposal Proponents Cloud Issue With Mistruths

Campaign repeatedly engages in falsehoods to lock in millions for the SEIU

… Help Program as a potential dues-producing source. Michigan's … participants into the union. Dues have been taken from the Medicaid … called the “home health care dues skim." The SEIU has taken more … that would eventually end the “skim,” the SEIU is resorting to … legislation to end the "dues skim" was in the Michigan House, … more

Home Health Care 'Dues Skim' Worse Than Previously Thought

'This is Crony Unionism'

… from the Home Healthcare Dues Skim, and the tally is climbing. … details of the Home Healthcare Dues Skim. “I consider myself to be … Daniels. This [Home Healthcare Dues Skim] gives us even more of a … money to flow (in the form of dues) from the home health care … (HB 4003) to stop the flow of dues, but Senate leadership continues … more

The Stealth Election That Led To The Home Health Care 'Dues Skim'

… on them, which was to allow dues to be extracted from their … Hole: Forced Unionization 'Dues Skim' Linked To West Coast Scandal … Forced Unionization 'Money Skim' Lead to Former ACORN Organizer … Employer Out of the Picture, But Dues Keep Flowing To SEIU SEIU … Senate Home Health Care 'Dues Skim' Worse Than Previously Thought … more

Prop 4 Would Put Union Scam in Constitution

… with the union that extracted dues from every one of those checks. This union duesskim-scam” has funneled more than … stop this immoral financial skimming. The handwriting is on the … initiative to actually enshrine this skim-scam into the state constitution. … more

Part-time grocery worker says AG had to intervene in dues skim

Michigan attorney general’s office helped employee use his legal right to opt out of union membership

… employee, says his union continued to take dues from his paycheck despite his multiple … “closed” shop. Mills still had to pay dues to United Food and Commercial Workers … law. But the union continued to take dues out of Mills’ paycheck. Mills works … after Mills opted out, the union took dues from him. This happened twice in 2022, … more

'Skim Tracker' Hits $30 Million

… into the SEIU. As a result, dues from the taxpayer-provided … called the “home healthcare dues skim” Last month, Gov. Rick Snyder signed legislation to stop the “skim.” It's believed administrative … situation. Meanwhile, the “skim-tracker” is continuing to compute how much union dues has been “skimmed” from the … more

Home Health Care 'Dues Skim' More Than Matches SEIU '08 Obama Contributions

… Michigan's “home healthcare dues skim;” that would be enough. … unionization. Continuation of the dues flow from the forced unionization … as the “home healthcare dues skim.” The SEIU has now received … million in dues from the ongoing “skim.” If the “skim” continues through … Day, its take from the “dues skim” will have increased by $6 … more

SEIU Extends Home Health Care Contract On Day Governor Signs Bill Making 'Dues Skim' Illegal

Questions surround signing that extends contract through February 2013

… as the "home health care dues skim" potentially in place through … Schuette ordered an end to the "skim" last month but the SEIU sued … received more than $30 million in dues and other fees deducted from … to Keep Home Health Care 'Dues Skim' Money Flowing Attorney … Orders State To Stop SEIU 'Dues Skim' How the Forced Unionization … more

Union Omits $12K From Disclosure Form That Was Paid to Keep Health Care 'Dues Skim' Alive

If payment made in 2011 and not reported, it’s ‘very serious,’ labor expert says

… from the "home health care dues skim," which has taken more than … operating and to keep the "skim" from ending last year. "Not … even happening. As a result, dues from the taxpayer-provided … Governor Signs Bill Making 'Dues Skim' Illegal SEIU Sues State, … to Keep Home Health Care 'Dues Skim' Money Flowing Attorney … more

Michigan home health workers would be protected from dues skim if right-to-work is repealed

Home health care workers are one group of people who would not be affected by right-to-work’s repeal

… what is now known as a “dues skim.” The SEIU was permitted, … had to pay only half of the dues required, or $12 per month. … would have to pay the full dues amount, approximately $24 per … Public Policy exposed the dues skim. Its efforts led to Public … about whether unions are skimming dues from their paycheck,” he … more

Further Down the Rabbit Hole: Forced Unionization 'Dues Skim' Linked To West Coast Scandal

SEIU officials who led charge to unionize unsuspecting workers are now long gone

… made the "Home Health Care Dues Skim" in Michigan possible. More … represented continues to profit from the “skim.” Michigan's “Home Health Care Dues Skim” has its roots in Los Angeles … getting that post. Nonetheless, dues from the “skim” are still flowing … with the “home health care dues skim” went far deeper than the … more

SEIU Sues State, Governor to Keep Home Health Care 'Dues Skim' Money Flowing

… 2006. A judge has put disputed union dues of $500,000 — the amount taken since … surprising that the union wants to keep its skim running,” Wright said. “The key to … government employee. The SEIU was taking dues under a complicated scheme started … General Orders State To Stop SEIU 'Dues Skim' How the Forced Unionization of … more

New Law Frees Home Health Care Providers From Stealth Unionization, Dues Skim

Illegal arrangement that netted SEIU $29.4 million from the developmentally disabled comes to an end

… government employee union and have dues withheld — as a result of legislation … immediately stop the collection of dues from subsidy payments intended … have seen nearly $30 million skimmed from their payments over the … has been clarified, the dues skim must end,” he added. The arrangement that allowed the SEIU to skim from Medicaid payments to some … more

Supreme Court Rules Unionization Schemes Involving Home-Based Care Providers Are Illegal

Mackinac Center represented workers similar to those in Illinois who were forced to pay union dues simply because they got state money

… elderly cannot be forced to pay union dues. The Justices ruled 5-4 in … "And it means that the 'dues skim' that the SEIU set up in … lengths to try to keep the skim alive. It relied on reticence … Confidential of the SEIU Dues Skim Legal Foundation Seeks Return Of 'Dues Skim' Money SEIU Election Battle … more

Courage, Conviction Help Take Down Forced Unionization Schemes

… forced to give at least $300 a year in dues or fees, but they won't get health … Parrish. She purposely uses the term "skim" when she talks about that money being … state aid. Sound familiar? "The 'Skim Tracker" in Michigan was a great visual … active here.  She's now hoping to get "skim trackers" scrolling in Minnesota, Rhode … more

The End Is Near: 'Skim' Stopper Bill Headed To Gov. Snyder

State Rep.: Unions 'lying' to stop bill

… end the “home health care dues skim” is headed to the governor. … bill. “Closing down the dues skim is absolutely the right thing … over the “home health care skim.” He said that special interests, … unionized, the SEIU began collecting dues from their checks. The continuation … called the “home health care dues skim.” The number of alleged home … more

skimTRACKER 'Forced Unionization' Dues: More Than $34 Million Taken By The SEIU

… HELP PROGRAM PROVIDERS, THE SKIM TRACKER HAS STOPPED BECAUSE … providers for the purpose of skimming dues from their ailing and disabled … first counter tallied SEIU dues skimmed since the union and state … third counter shows the dues skimmed since the governor signed … to Keep Home Health Care 'Dues Skim' Money Flowing more

Roots of SEIU Forced Unionization 'Money Skim' Lead To Former ACORN Organizer

… off the “Home Health Care Dues Skim,” a signature was required … union to be able to deduct dues from so-called home health … creating the “Home Health Care Skim.” In reality, many of these … private contractors. This “dues skim” started when former Gov. … Senate Home Health Care 'Dues Skim' Worse Than Previously Thought … more

Union Activists Protest Opposition to Coerced Union Dues

U.S. Supreme Court to consider case next week

… government employees to pay union dues or fees as a condition of employment. … to 2013, the SEIU had a dues skimming scheme by which the union … political, which makes the union dues teachers are required to pay … about whether to pay union dues, they are therefore forced … Center.” When the state stopped skimming money from home-based caregivers … more

Unions Admit Forcing People to Pay Dues is Political

U.S. Supreme Court considers right-to-work for all

… able to force people to pay dues and in turn spend hundreds … employees in the state stayed on as dues-paying members. The other ninety … “free” of the burden of paying dues and ignoring the invaluable … proposal to continue the “dues skim” from home caregivers in … Convention that it needed the forced dues “because unions are effective, … more

'It's hard to believe the union could get away with something like this'

Ex-Teamster says it's 'thievery' that the SEIU is taking money he could use to take care of his mother

… about six months' worth of dues, or about $3 million. In 2005, … first check I noticed that dues had been taken out of it," … Governor Signs Bill Making 'Dues Skim' Illegal SEIU Sues State, … to Keep Home Health Care 'Dues Skim' Money Flowing Attorney … Orders State To Stop SEIU 'Dues Skim' How the Forced Unionization … more

Attorney General Appeals Ruling That Allows SEIU to Keep Taking Dues From Medicaid Checks

… Union's "Home Health Care Dues Skim.”  On June 20, U.S. District … state had to keep withdrawing dues money from the Medicaid checks … called the “Home Healthcare Dues Skim.” The “skim” started with a stealth unionization … Governor Signs Bill Making 'Dues Skim' Illegal SEIU Sues State, … more

Father Taking Care of His Disabled Adult Kids Called An 'Idiot' by Proposal 4 Spokesman

The Arc Michigan Executive Director Dohn Hoyle resorts to name-calling against Robert Haynes because Haynes doesn't support forced unionization scheme

… care workers. The group was skimming money from day care workers … "unusual" and unprecedented dues skim work. On May 4, 2010, Robert … the SEIU.  We now pay monthly dues that is deducted from the check … At the time, the SEIU "dues skim" was almost unknown. Only … know he was in the union until dues starting coming out of his … more

'Forced Unionization' Employer Out of the Picture, But Dues Keep Flowing To SEIU

Despite state officials' past certainty, some now unsure who actually 'employs' home health care workers

… of the “Home Health Care Dues Skim” appears to have peeled away.  … forced unionization continues. Dues are still being taken from … designed to end the union's dues flow. That bill was passed … remains in the Senate while the dues continue to roll into SEIU … Senate Home Health Care 'Dues Skim' Worse Than Previously Thought … more

Legal Foundation Defends Clients Caught in a Catch-22

… and Steven Glossop, to have even a portion of the dues returned and the union certification declared illegal. … care providers and graduate students. But the dues skim of home-based caregivers was one of the most … certification be declared illegal and that a portion of the dues siphoned away be returned. more

As union membership plummets, home help care spending in Michigan has skyrocketed

Ten years after SEIU scheme came to an end, spending is up 85%

… Mackinac Center and other critics dubbed a “dues skim.” The SEIU took money from people who were helping … the 2023-24 budget. In the 10 years since the dues skim ended, spending went up by 85%, before inflation. … health aides will once again be forced to pay union dues. That’s thanks to Senate Bill 790, introduced by … more

GOP-Dominated Senate To SEIU: 'Here's $4 Million'

… end the “Home Health Care Dues Skim” — will have enriched union coffers by $4 million. This “skim” resulted from a union scheme … continues to be sent to SEIU as dues. Overall, the “skim” has netted … Hole: Forced Unionization 'Dues Skim' Linked To West Coast Scandal … Senate Home Health Care 'Dues Skim' Worse Than Previously Thought … more

Union Health Care Ballot Supporters Say They Have Enough Signatures for a Vote

Union claimed First Amendment rights in court; ballot promoters now claim it's to protect workers, patients

… supporters behind the scheme to collect dues money from so-called home health … as the home health care "dues skim" into the state constitution. … into their union and keep skimming taxpayer dollars for union … legislature tried to stop the "dues skim" by first defunding MQC3, … Governor Signs Bill Making 'Dues Skim' Illegal SEIU Sues State, … more

Government Incompetence At Its Worst – The Tragedy of the Forced Unionization of Home Health Care Workers

… twists-and-turns of the “dues skim,” Schieber’s video truly … our kids in the form of union dues?” Robert Haynes, a retired … same union collecting the skimmed dues. No one from the group … Hole: Forced Unionization 'Dues Skim' Linked To West Coast Scandal … Forced Unionization 'Money Skim' Lead to Former ACORN Organizer … more

Michigan Families Set Stage For Helping End Forced Unionization Schemes

Supreme Court ruled daycare, home-based caregivers not public employees and can't be unionized

… became known as the SEIU "dues skim" involved numerous twists, … Granholm was governor. The dues skim featured the forced unionization … forced unionization and dues skim would end. But the SEIU funneled … to keep it from folding and dues continued to be taken from … about the dues skim and a "skim tracker" that tallied the SEIU's … more

Health Care Unionization Campaign Changes Its Story — Again

Ballot proposal avoids the one issue it is about: Money for the SEIU

… The Cover Story For the 'Dues Skim' Union Money Helps 'Dues Skim' Stay Alive Attorney General Orders State To Stop SEIU 'Dues Skim' SEIU Sues State, Governor to Keep Home Health Care 'Dues Skim' Money Flowing SEIU Extends … Governor Signs Bill Making 'Dues Skim' Illegal Despite Law, SEIU … more

Appointments: A Rarely Recognized Gubernatorial Power

Which can have major effects

… to the end of the SEIU healthcare dues skim. Governors also make appointments … to what later became known as the dues skim. This year, MERC is expected to … Senate could have anticipated the dues skim. There is reason to believe few … extensive. ~~~~~ See also: SEIU Dues Skim Finally Grounds to a Halt more

2013 In Review: Worker Freedom, Medicaid Expansion Took Center Stage

… decide if they want to pay dues or fees to a union as a condition … leave the MEA. The SEIU "Dues Skim" Finally Ends In April, … Union no longer was able to skim money from the checks and have … that would have ended the dues skim years earlier. Most of the … Senate Stops Home Health Care Dues Skim Confirmed: The SEIU Dues … more


Summer 2013 Edition

… Court Rules School Districts Cannot Use Public Resources to Withhold Union Dues Michigan Republicans Go Wobbly on Obamacare SEIU Lays Out Plan to Try and Continue ‘Dues Skim’ Oregon Study Suggests Michigan Medicaid Expansion Not Worth the Cost … more

Unionization Case Before The Supreme Court Could Have Lasting National Impact

Harris v. Quinn could make all public employees eligible for right-to-work; case is flying under the radar

… freedom to choose whether to pay dues or fees to a union without … equivalent of Michigan's dues skim, which resulted in the SEIU … Confidential covering the dues skim after it was in place, most … Confidential of the SEIU Dues Skim Legal Foundation Seeks Return Of 'Dues Skim' Money SEIU Election Battle … more

SEIU Sent Key GOP Senator $5K on Day Bill to End 'Forced Unionization' Arrived in Senate

Home health care unionization continues to this day

… end the Home Healthcare Dues Skim, under which the SEIU has … given to the SEIU as union dues. According to multiple sources, … 4003 in the Senate keeps the dues flowing to the SEIU. This dues flow amounts to roughly $6 … also: Home Health Care 'Dues Skim' Worse Than Previously Thought … more

U.S. Supreme Court Accepts Case to Give 'Right-to-Work' to All Public Employees

Court could end compulsory union 'agency fee' payments for government workers

… workers' right to not have union dues extracted, but agency fees … typically 80 percent of the full dues payments. Michigan's Mackinac … argue that without compulsory dues or fees, many workers will … describe employees who stop paying dues or fees under right-to-work … Fees Supreme Court Ends 'Dues Skim' Nationwide more

Proposal To Keep Forced Unionization Intact – It’s All About The Money

… union's "home health care dues skim," which has netted more than … what it’s all about — getting dues money from vulnerable disabled … public employees for payroll and dues deductions purposes. In virtually … the constitutional amendment would be having dues taken out of their checks and … people." ~~~~ See also: 'Dues Skim' Ballot Proposal Proponents … more


Summer 2014 Edition

… issue: SEIU Membership Drops 80 Percent After Dues Skim Ends Michigan Families Helped Harris v. Quinn … Credit Agency After Teacher Who Stopped Paying Dues Right-to-Work States Dominating In Job Growth Union … Double Debt MEA Still Chasing Thousands Not Paying Dues Or Fees Hypocrisy Over Private Organizations 'Profiteering' … more

Despite Collapse in Membership, SEIU Poised to Go All-In in Michigan

$150 million campaign blunted by right-to-work law

… collapse in membership, driven by the end of the “dues skim” — a stealth unionization scheme that siphoned “dues” from funds meant for the sick and elderly — and … Since then, the national SEIU has lost 8% of its dues and fee payers, according to federal LM-2 reports. … more

SEIU Election Legitimacy Questioned by Some Union Members

Union president's decision to allow mail-in votes to outgoing home-based caregivers upset some members

… was behind the “home health care dues skim” that took more than $34 million … an effort to recover $3 million in dues. That case is pending Zac Altefogt, … Confidential Coverage of the SEIU 'Dues Skim' SEIU Election Battle Hinges On … Place Parents Forced to Pay Union Dues, Lawmaker Rakes In Healthcare Money more

Unionization Ruling Before The Supreme Court Could Be 'Huge'

Political consultant: Ruling could 'dramatically undermine public sector unions'

… to the home health care "dues skim" that took place in Michigan. … workings of the whole union dues thing. "Overall, it would … Confidential of the SEIU Dues Skim Legal Foundation Seeks Return Of 'Dues Skim' Money SEIU Election Battle … Parents Forced to Pay Union Dues, Lawmaker Rakes In Health Care … more

State Senate Passes Legislation to Define Home Health Care Providers as Private Individuals

Attorney: Ballot initiative to revive lucrative and illegal SEIU scheme would violate U.S. Constitution

… House passed a similar measure to end this lucrative and unconstitutional dues skim in June 2011, but the Senate did not act on the bill for nine months, … late 2006, more than 40,000 Michigan home health care providers have had dues extracted from Medicaid payments by the Service Employees International … more


Spring 2012 Edition

… Policy The Dangers of Painting Better Late Than Never: An End To the 'Dues Skim' Cutting Librarians and Therapists Would Save Prisons Millions UAW Member: … Districts Will Soon No Longer Be Responsible For Deducting Teacher Union Dues School Pension System Affects Everyone 1,200 Hours To Be a Lawyer, But 2,000 … more

Ballot Proposal to Exploit Disabled Medicaid Recipients

… labeling caregivers as "government employees" and skimming off a portion of these payments as "dues," the SEIU has quietly taken more than $30 million … 61,000 providers. The federal judge ruled that the skim could continue because the MQCCC and SEIU have … more

Ballot Proposal Would Exploit Disabled Medicaid Recipients for Union’s Political Agenda

… as “government employees” and by skimming off a portion of these payments as “dues,” the SEIU quietly has taken more than … represent them in their home and is skimming off money intended for their children’s … The federal judge ruled that the skim could continue because the MQCCC and … more