
Do High Tax States Grow Faster?

This Democratic state senator thinks they might Read more


Michigan Wants to Fine Schools for Indian Mascots But Not for Violating State Laws

School contracts violate laws related to racial preferences, right-to-work, and more Read more


Extra Caution Needed On 'Average' Teacher Salary Claims

It's easy to paint a false picture of decline even when everyone's getting raises Read more


Close To Immortal: Michigan Won't Close Failing Public Schools After All

Parents may not be impressed by the alternative Read more


How Many College Bureaucrats Does It Take To Answer A Records Request?

U-M employs three highly paid administrators Read more


Obscure Websites and Protecting Great Lakes

Big pot of federal money attracts attention Read more


Teacher Making $53,000 Says She Could Earn More as a Waitress

Also receives pension and generous health benefits Read more


Michigan's Largest School Districts Breaking Teacher Pay Law

12 of 20 ignore law completely, another 6 pay lip service Read more


Who Watches the Union’s Fake News Watchers?

'Where is the evidence?' A very good question for teachers union Read more


School Pension Iceberg: Beware What’s Under Budget Surface

Above or below the line, pension costs come out of education budgets Read more


'Tax Cut Fever' In Lansing? Spending Increases Show Opposite

Spending fever hard to break Read more


School Board Says DeVos 'Unfit' For Advocating Policies It Practices

East Lansing schools big outsourcers; but board attacks Education Secretary pick for pro-privatization stance Read more


Rising Economy Increased Michigan Tax Revenue More Than Gas Tax Hike

With different priorities, Legislature could have spared motorists big road tax hikes Read more


Washington Post Bashes Detroit Charters Citing Study That Praises Detroit Charters

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Most Charters Perform 'Significantly Better' Than District Schools on Core Subjects

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Yesterday's Pension Underfunding Means Fewer Raises For Today's Teachers

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Incomes Rise in Right-to-Work Michigan; Officials Project More To Come

Opponents' 'right-to-work for less' predictions fall flat Read more


President of Nation's Largest Teachers Union Got 23 Percent Pay Bump Last Year

Michigan teachers contributed Read more


Another Charter School Critic Misses the Mark

Accountability? Failed charter schools are closed; no record of same for district schools Read more


New York Times Wrong: Detroit Charter Schools Didn't 'Desert' Kids, the City Did

Mayor and city council banned selling shuttered schools to charters serving neediest children Read more


Teachers Union Said They Were Done Losing Members (They’ve Lost 17K Since)

MEA membership is down to 90,000 from 117,000 before right-to-work Read more


ACLU Joins DeVos Assaults By Ignoring Inconvenient Charter School Truths

Charters do better, and outcompete conventional unionized schools when parents can choose Read more


School Budgets, Senate Pension Reforms Under Attack From Pension System

System costs Birmingham schools 60 percent more, but managers say don’t touch it Read more


The New York Times’ Comprehension Problem on Detroit Charters

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School Choice Opponents Recycle Myths as Trump Picks DeVos for Education

No myth: Most children in charters learn more than peers in district schools Read more

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