
Michigan’s Ineffective, Unfair and Expensive Corporate Handouts

The state should get out of the business of providing business favors Read more


National Groups Push Music Therapist Licensing – Which Benefits Themselves

Michigan’s up next in considering music therapist bill Read more


Extension of Mislabeled Good Jobs for Michigan Program Would Be Added to the Business Subsidy Scorecard

Corporate handouts continue to be ineffective Read more


Lack of Money For Universities Didn’t Cost Michigan Amazon – Or Economic Growth

There is little relationship between state spending and results Read more


State Gives Solar Preferences on Land 'Preserved' for Farmland

The move highlights some problems with government interference in private land use decisions Read more


Licensing Laws are Destructive and Ineffective – But There Are Alternatives

There are ways to regulate without locking workers out Read more


The Michigan Budget Fight Is Not Over Roads – It’s Everything Else

Budgets should be in line with lawmakers' priorities Read more


Lawmakers Shouldn’t Bend to Bad Road Funding Policy To Meet Arbitrary Road Deadline

Lack of consensus on road funding not a good reason to shut down the government Read more


Governor Whitmer Stands Up for the Michigan Constitution

Veto of appropriations puts legislative scheme on hold Read more


Want More School Librarians in Michigan? Reform State Licensing Law

Community librarians just need a GED; school librarians need a master’s degree Read more


Let Corporate Handouts Expire

Roads are a better use of the public purse than business subsidies Read more


More Revenue in Lansing Seems Like a Higher Priority To Gov. Whitmer Than Fixing The Roads

It's more about raising taxes than it is about roads Read more


Ontario’s Energy Woes Should Be a Warning

Providing affordable and reliable electricity requires more than just good intentions Read more


Dear Michigan Press: Where’s the Tax-Hike Fever?

Suggesting to reduce tax rates is apparently evidence of a malady Read more


Cut the Budget, Raise Taxes or Wait

The forgotten option of the Michigan road funding debate Read more


Fire Departments Spend Millions When They Don’t Have To

Data shows volunteer firefighters are just as effective as the professionals Read more


Budget Reforms: In Praise of Cuts to Corporate Welfare

Tax increases aren't the only way to find funding Read more


Union Proposes Trimming Retiree Health Benefits to Save Money; Opposed It When Taxpayers Were Footing the Bill

Michigan Education Association asking its retirees to pay more and get less Read more


Gary Model Suggests Way Forward for Benton Harbor Students

Effective dual-enrollment school serves similar community Read more


Michigan Utilities Plan for an Inefficient Future

Fossil fuels still do the heavy lifting Read more


A Case Study in Anti-School Choice Activist Journalism

CQ Magazine’s bizarre sliming of DeVos, charters Read more


Township Wants Higher Taxes to Pay for Optional Employment Benefit

Insurance premiums offered to employees after retirement not fully prefunded Read more


Schools That Beat the Odds Beyond Graduation

High school CAP Scores correspond with college enrollment rates Read more


Minimum Wage Laws Hurt People

Federal mandates will increase unemployment Read more


Comparing the Newest Wind Energy Facility in Michigan with the Rest of the US

Pine River Wind Park only produces electricity 36% of the time Read more

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