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Michigan's Public School Funding Higher Than Ever

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Michigan School Pensions Still Underwater, Democrat's Bill Would Sink Them Lower

Double pension credits for some who collected paychecks during pandemic Read more

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Whitmer Lifted Outdoor Mask Mandate, Tigers May Break Other Rules Saying No Mask Needed

Michigan agencies create regulatory swamp of epidemic mandates, restrictions Read more

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Michigan Officials Ignored CDC Head's Urging To Lock Down In April, COVID Plummeted

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A Bizarre Media Hit Piece on Airbnb

MLive implies service was complicit in shooting at short-term rental Read more

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Michigan Mask Mandate Ends Saturday For The Vaccinated

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Union Complains About New Teachers’ Low Pay - In Contracts It Negotiated

It’s a trade-off: Pay starts low and rises quickly as seniority builds Read more

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Teacher Describes Sacrifices In Union Video; Her Pay Up 27% In Six Years

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School District’s Use Of Sign-Waving Children To Electioneer For Tax Hike Probably Not Illegal

District silent so far on whether teachers and students were taken out of class for this Read more

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Michigan Teachers Union Video Disses Profession, Misinforms On Pay

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State Claims Business Groups Involved In Permanent Mask Mandates They Strongly Oppose

Workplace regulators want masks, health monitoring, social distancing and remote work going forward Read more

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Whitmer’s Overall Approval Under 50% But Still Not Horrible

And 51-49 approve her epidemic performance Read more

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Cost Of School Pension Underfunding In 2021: 42% Of Teacher Payroll Expense

Politicians overpromised, managers filled gap with rosy scenarios, taxpayers on the hook Read more

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Three States Will Refuse Federal Benefit That Makes Staying At Home Pay More Than Working

A Michigan Democrat explained the problem Read more

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Wind, Solar Firms Picked For Granholm’s Governor Mansion Soon Went Broke

Detroit Free Press reported the installation meant she’s not kidding on renewables Read more

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Whitmer’s Private Jet Trip During Pandemic Flies In Face Of Her Carbon Order Claims

Do what I say ... Read more

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Cities Across Michigan Are Banning Airbnb — This Bill Would Stop Them

It would allow short-term rentals to be regulated but not banned Read more


Metrics for Michigan: Slow Rolling to Normal

Governor’s plan may mean restrictions last far longer than those in other states Read more

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Michigan Health Department To Athletes: Never Mind CDC, Wipe Those Surfaces

CDC: ‘Risk is low ... generally less than 1 in 10,000’ Read more


Is ‘Vacc to Normal’ Back to Normal?

Gov. Whitmer has not indicated whether she’ll give up unilateral control Read more

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Union President Wants Teachers Paid ‘What They’re Worth’

But union contracts just rewarded a regional teacher of the year with five years of no raises Read more

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2006 Law Requires Annual State Pandemic Plan ‘Effectiveness’ Reports; It Didn’t Happen

Legislators also didn’t explain how to assess a plan’s effectiveness before the fact Read more

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Former Gov. Granholm’s Clean Energy Promises Go National

New secretary of energy’s Michigan schemes were announced with fanfare but failed in silence Read more

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Auditors Find State Overpaid Medicaid Home Health Vendors $39.4 Million

Could be worse: A previous audit found a $160 million loss Read more

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Half Of Michigan's 16-And-Above Population Vaccinated

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