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Vaccination Rate Lags Sharply In Detroit

Some national media point finger at lower uptake in conservative Michigan towns, but silent on Detroit Read more

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How Does Michigan’s Tax System Rank?

Not the best, not the worst across the United States Read more

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No State COVID Death Tracking At Nearly 3,500 Care Facilities

State officials play 20 questions-type game with efforts to define nursing home Read more

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Was This State COVID Spending Item ‘Appropriate?’ Auditor General Can’t Say

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Democrat’s Amendment Insinuates Legislative Leaders Affiliate With Domestic Terrorists

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Bad Information About the Prevailing Wage Abounds

Lawmakers should be skeptical of a recent study Read more

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State Spent $13 Billion More Last Year Than A Decade Ago, Even After Inflation

Still, there’s always calls for more Read more

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No Fine For Restaurant Where Whitmer Caught Skipping Social Distance

Health departments report no local restaurants fined as scofflaws Read more

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Granholm Green Energy Handout: A Glowing Promise And Cattle Feed

After getting millions from taxpayers, Alpena biogas refinery now makes a livestock ingredient Read more

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See You In Court: Contractors Sue Township Over Unlawful Union Contracting Privilege

Officials thumb noses at 2015 ban on special treatment for unions in government contracts Read more

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Media Group Gets Teacher Data From Union, Not State, Publishes Different Numbers

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Billboard: Whitmer Dissed People With ‘One Rule For Others And A Different One For Themselves’

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Whitmer Says She Would Use Emergency Law To Impose Her Non-Emergency Policies

Abuse fears are why Supreme Court took away open-ended 1945 emergency law powers Read more

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State Health Department Budget Up 25%, Still Failed To Track COVID Nursing Home Deaths

Blaming taxpayers' ‘chronic underinvestment’ won’t wash this one Read more

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It's Made No Biofuel For Six Years, But Feds Still Pumping This Granholm Energy Handout

State-taxpayer subsidized ‘alternative energy capital of the world’ project now making molasses to feed livestock Read more

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Studies Can’t Prove Lockdowns Didn’t Work - Or That They Did

Did the costs outweigh the benefits? Read more

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Residents Testify Local Airbnb Bans Take Away Freedom And Income

Bill to permit restrictions but not bans approved by a House committee Read more

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This District Has A Student Shortage, Not Teacher Shortage

Enrollment at Oak Park schools down 25% in four years but number of teachers stays nearly the same Read more

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Number Of Michigan Teachers Rises Even As Enrollment Declines

Yet media often tells a teacher shortage story Read more

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Michigan’s Highest-Profile Lockdown Scofflaw: Gov. Gretchen Whitmer

Also the highest-ranking violator, with a growing record Read more

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State Uses $11M From Prisoners’ Phone Call Charges To Cover Other Prison Program Costs

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State Pension Underfunding Enough To Give Pontiac Teachers $11,000 Bonuses

There are no bonuses; that's how much more district paid pension fund in 2020 vs. 2010 Read more

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The Old ‘Teachers Out-Of-Pocket For School Supplies’ Canard Resurfaces

Constitution, law, courts all affirm: Taxpayers cover these costs, not teachers or parents Read more

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Media’s Flint Police Narratives Misleading And Often Wrong

Police pay not unreasonably low, especially where $28,834 is median household income Read more

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Pipeline Shutdown Supported By Progressives Could Cost 23,000 U.P. Households Their Heat

Potential fuel shortages hit northern families where they live Read more

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