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Democrat Claims Bill Banning Racialized Curriculum Cancels Race History Lessons - It Doesn't

Here’s what two pending bills would do Read more

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Many Michigan Gas Furnaces Could Stop Running If Line 5 Ordered To Close

Biden may do it Read more

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State Schools Head Says No Critical Race Theory Here; House Passes Bill To Keep It That Way

Democrats sat out this vote; racialized curriculum a flashpoint at tense school board meetings Read more

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Michigan Teachers Union Head Gives The Chop To Braves Fans

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Small School District’s Retired Superintendent Gets Plus-Sized Pension Checks

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Lobbyist For Michigan Cities: Let Us Ban Airbnb Or Property Values Will Rise

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School Board Association Makes Upset Parents A Federal Case

Grand Ledge Public Schools in the national spotlight Read more

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Progressive Fact Check Sites Represented As 'Trusted' On Michigan Government Website

Secretary of State calls controversial features 'trusted, verified nonpartisan information' Read more

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No School Face Mask Exception For Child Getting Surgery For Breathing Problems

School superintendent’s mandate triggers questions about disability act Read more

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Huge Added Payouts Hidden By Misleading Police 'Top Salary' Claims

Westland says it pays cops a top salary of $72k; with added extras many get much, much more Read more

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School Board Member Says President's Claim Parents Rushed Meeting Stage Never Happened

Grand Ledge school district was also cited In National School Boards’ letter asking Biden for action Read more

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Grand Ledge School Cancels Christmas, Valentine’s Day Parties

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Vaccinated Or Not, New State Guidelines Heavy On Masks, Tests And Quarantines

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Parents Upset After State Senator Calls School Board Meeting ‘Hostile’

The Livonia Democrat has bill imposing more prison time for hurting or injuring school-related personnel Read more

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Washington Post 'Parents Have No Rights' Op-Ed Author Got Michigan School Stories Wrong Too

'Parents claim they have the right to shape their kids school curriculum. They don’t.' Read more

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Whitmer Maskless At D.C. Fundraiser

Not her first violation Read more

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Parents Say School Board President’s Description Of ‘Spirited’ Meeting Is Bunk

She called it an insurrection; parents, media, even a union blog report no such thing Read more

News Story

Michigan Democratic Activists Took Zuckerberg Money For ‘Nonpartisan’ Get-Out-The-Vote Work

Legality could be in question Read more

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Detroit Schools Rolling In Dough

One of nation’s worst urban school districts gets 88% imore to spend than four years ago Read more

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Impact Of Epidemic’s School Shutdown Appears In Lower State Reading Test Results

More Michigan third graders not learning how to read Read more

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Taxpayers Will Subsidize Closed Battle Creek Hotel

Governments line up to give owners taxpayer dollars Read more

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Michigan Community Colleges Rolling In Dough

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Teachers Union Head Should Know: Links Upset Parents With ‘Shaming, Intimidation And Bullying’

MEA president not happy with tense school board meetings on face masks and race-based curriculums Read more

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DeWitt Schools Imposes Extreme Facemask Mandate On Young Children

‘Pull mask down, take a bite, pull mask up, repeat’ Read more

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Michigan State Government Swimming In Money, A Lot Of It Federal

After a $67.1 billion blowout last year, spending this year up ‘just’ $3.2 billion over last pre-pandemic budget Read more

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