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Michigan's ‘Best Economic Recovery?’ State 11th From Bottom, Not 11th From Top

Employment here still down 3.2%, and 140,500 jobs have gone and not returned Read more

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Teacher Of The Year An Advocate For Union And Public School Interests’ Dubious Claims

They advocate for more money and powers Read more

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GOP Reminder Of Whitmer’s 45-Cent Gas Tax Hike Proposal Called ‘Bad Faith’

Story forgets that Republicans passed and she vetoed a $375M no-tax-hike boost to the road repair budget Read more

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State Education Department Promotes Far-Left U.S. History

An anti-American polemic called ‘A Racial Justice Guide to Thanksgiving’ links to inaccurate claims Read more

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MSU Prof Studies School Choice, Says It Would Hurt; 146 Studies Say It Would Help

Government education establishment circles wagons against a new tuition tax credit ballot proposal Read more

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Did The Crime, Served The Time — And Now He Can Make A Living

Scores of occupations require a Michigan license; until recently, this barred those with a record Read more

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New Report Rebuts General Teacher Shortage Narrative

‘(H)ard to see the justification for the broad scope of the governor’s ... bonus spending proposal’ Read more

News Bite

Whitmer Will Work With Anyone For ‘New Era Of Prosperity’ — But Won't Sign Tax Cut Bill

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Michigan’s School Pension Fund Has A Great Year In The Market

A large $15.8 billion gain knocked down the level of underfunding by 31% Read more

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Flint Taxpayers Pay For Employees Doing Union Business, City Doesn’t Track How Much

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Schools, Agencies Use Prohibitive Charges To Shut Down Access To Public Records

People's right to know dies in swarms of government lawyers Read more

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An Epidemic Of Off-Base Michigan ‘Teacher Shortage’ Narratives

115,800 is more than 110,788 Read more

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New Buffalo’s Mayor Takes Hardball Approach To Short-Term Rentals

Humphrey's opposition to Airbnb-type home rentals there has brought two federal lawsuits Read more

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U-M’s Uncomfortable Relationship With Michigan’s Open Records Law

University officials often behave as if Freedom of Information Act requirements are optional Read more

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Who’s The Flat-earther Now?

World-is-flat science and New York City’s vaccine mandates Read more

News Story

Detroit Repeals Some Burdensome Business And Occupational License Mandates

City piled its own rules and regs on top of state ones Read more

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Would-be Attorney General Echoes Incumbent’s Support For Harassing Opponents

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Remember When Leaving The House During COVID Could Be A Crime? Detroit Free Press Doesn’t

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Union Sought Workplace Monopoly, Cries ‘Involuntary Servitude’ When Worker Chooses Not To Join

The union agreed to represent everyone but now doesn’t want to Read more

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Farmington Hills Fire Lieutenant’s $193k Annual Pay More Than Chief’s Or Manager’s

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Schools Collect $6.1 Billion Federal COVID Bucks, Teachers Union Calls State Tax Cut Irresponsible

Billions more pouring into Michigan schools but no breaks for state taxpayers so far Read more

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Whitmer Says ‘Do All We Can’ To Put Money Back In Pockets, Opposes $2.5 Billion Tax Cut Awaiting Signature

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State Spending Up Nearly $10 Billion Over Five Years; Whitmer Expected To Veto Income Tax Cut

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News Story

Democrats Advocate Good-Paying Jobs, Except For Elected Democrats’ Staff

The Michigan Democratic Senate caucus is posting below-minimum wage pay rates Read more

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Detroit Schools To Children, Parents: Accept Weekly COVID Saliva Tests Or Stay Home

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