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‘Years Of Budget Cuts?’ Dearborn Schools Funding Increases $957 Per Student, Even After Inflation

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Granholm Said In November Gas Prices Would 'Turn The Corner' In Early 2022

U.S. secretary of energy tells public, ‘We are working through an energy transition’ Read more

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College Loan Payoffs For Government Employees — And These Teacher Union Officials

U.S. taxpayers pick up the tab Read more

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Michigan’s Households Pay Nation’s 12th Highest Rates For Electricity

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Teacher Who Forecast Doom Under Right-To-Work Getting $20k More Since Its Passage

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Michigan Education Department Touts Video That Makes False Claims About School Funding

Video meant to prove systemic racism is wrong about which districts get more Read more

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Michigan’s Highest-Paying School Districts

Average teacher pay ranges from $77,377 to $86,812 Read more

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Hamtramck Superintendent Hasn’t Worked In Four Months But Is Still Getting Paid

School district silent on current status Read more

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Long Reach: 2007 Michigan Income Tax Hike Has Taken $2,823 From Median Household

Still waiting for that law’s promised rollback Read more

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New Buffalo’s Anti-Airbnb Mayor Is Warned, Cut The Cracks About Illinois People

Southwest Michigan beach town a popular getaway for Chicago area residents Read more

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Lansing School District Set To Receive More than $100M In Federal COVID Money

Science teacher says district doesn’t give her enough for classroom equipment Read more

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Teacher Union’s Legislative Laundry List Long On Members’ Perks But Has Nothing For The Kids

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Teacher And Local Union Official Gets $103K/Year, Says State Should Give Teachers More

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Schools To Get $6.1B From COVID Money; Teachers Union Still Opposes Tax Cut

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With $600 Million From State, GM Must Only Retain Battery Car Jobs For Six Months

Somehow such legal fine-print rarely appears in media reports on these taxpayer handouts Read more

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Stabenow Slams Plan To Store Nuclear Waste Near Michigan, Earlier Opposed Remote Site

Voted no on considering plan for storing Michigan’s spent nuclear fuel in Nevada facility Read more

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Grand Ledge School Board Member Apologizes For School Policies

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Bloomberg News Credits Whitmer For Economic Recovery From Harms Her COVID Policies Created

And it’s easier to paint a positive picture when the worst job losses are ignored Read more

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Debt-Ridden Flint Schools To Give Each Employee $22k In Federal COVID-19 Money

Superintendent says district can’t use $156.1 million from feds to pay off debt Read more

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Wind Energy Developer Compares Opponents To Hitler And The Holocaust

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Fewer Students, More Teachers On Payroll, And Officials Still Claim: ‘Teacher Shortage’

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Bloomberg Claims Michigan No. 1 In ‘Economic Health Improvement,’ So Why Are We No. 40 On Jobs?

Seemingly arbitrary collection of unrelated and problematic statistics tells an implausible story Read more

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Michigan Public School Enrollment Rose In 2021-22 After 11 Years Of Decline

But the actual number of students is still down compared to pre-pandemic 2018-19 Read more

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School District Wants $14k To Give Parent Records On Mask Mandates

New legislation would require all public schools post annual curriculum info at no charge Read more

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Teacher Shortage? 2,153 On School Payroll Now Is More Than 2,099 Last Year

MLive news site carrying the teacher shortage narrative Read more

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