News Bite

Wayne County leads list of 50-year population losses

Detroit's county lost 910,000 residents while neighboring Oakland and Macomb grew; Ontonagon had greatest percentage decline Read more


After getting $100M from Michigan to create 3,000 jobs, Ford announces 3,000 layoffs

Ford says a significant percentage of the job cuts will happen in Michigan Read more

News Story

State advocates vaccines for minors; many parents take a different view

The younger the age cohort, the lower COVID vaccination rates dip in Michigan Read more


Forced to fail: How Michigan’s lockdowns ruined an Oxford gym

One in three Michigan businesses faced a government-ordered closure in 2020, and some never recovered. Read more


How Michigan schools can produce financially responsible graduates

The public education system should teach the skills that develop ‘competent citizens’ Read more


The public will be heard: a lesson from Patmos Library

What did we learn from a failed millage for a West Michigan library? Read more


Your credit card has been cancelled

ESG standards have left some businesses, individuals, without banking services Read more

News Story

MSU strays from CDC guidelines, will require COVID vaccinations again in 2022-23

CDC says people who have had COVID have some immunity against severe illness Read more


Whitmer’s tax holiday for school supplies is just another gimmick

After vetoing multiple tax relief proposals, Whitmer floats a tax holiday she knows will not pass Read more


For Rochester schools’ diversity vendors, equity is good business

FOIA lawsuit against Rochester Community Schools has yielded a list of authors, but requested classroom materials denied so far Read more

News Story

Michigan bill would ban cellphones on school buses, in class

House Bill 6171 would require every Michigan school district to ban cellphones. Why? Read more


WEF comes to Michigan, but who will go to Davos?

Who will Michigan send to Davos, and what will they bring back? Read more


EVs and solar panels have moral and environmental trade-offs, too

Slave labor and dirty environmental practices make green energy far from clean Read more


The move toward ESG investing is not the free market at work

Government tilts the scale toward the alternative approach toward investing Read more

News Bite

Have gun, will audit: With 87K new IRS agents, how many will be armed?

Among the duties of an IRS criminal investigation special agent: ‘Carry a firearm and be willing to use deadly force, if necessary’ Read more

News Bite

Sen. Stabenow slams Big Pharma, Big Oil, but takes their donations

Over the decades, the companies Stabenow blames for high prices have been big-dollar donors to her campaigns Read more

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Michigan charter schools allege sneak attack, sue feds over grants

Lawsuit claims U.S. Education Department is trying to lessen charter schools’ access to grant monies, not facilitate it Read more

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With 87K new IRS agents, middle class can expect more audits

Joint Committee on Taxation says nearly 60% of the new taxes will come from people making $50K or less Read more

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Lenawee County commissioner listed himself as beneficiary in Phoenix Project

Publicly, David Stimpson said he wouldn’t benefit. But in documents to the feds, he listed his companies as beneficiaries Read more

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Two years later, Michigan has 125K fewer jobs than it did before lockdowns

1 in 3 Michigan businesses faced a government-mandated closure in 2020 Read more

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Students at Michigan colleges receive varying state support

UM-Ann Arbor gets $13,000 per in-state student; Oakland University gets about $10,000 less Read more


Are Michigan’s corporate giveaways masking the state’s real problem?

Why do Michigan’s biggest companies require state subsidies to expand here? Read more


Michigan government lacking in transparency

The Mackinac Center supports the right of the people to know what their governments are doing Read more

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Grand Blanc schools: Cameras in classrooms would violate student privacy

School cellphone policies will be more strictly enforced as parents call for more classroom access Read more

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Voters approve $30M in debt for Holland broadband proposal

Past public internet projects have left taxpayers on the hook Read more

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