News Story

Upton Joins The Other ‘Do As I Say’ Politicians On Social Distancing

Posted himself violating executive order on Facebook

Republican Fred Upton from St. Joseph has been in the U.S. Congress since 1987. He has also joined the politicians who have both advised members of the public to adhere to social distancing mandates while posting photos of themselves on Facebook violating them.

Upton posted photos of himself violating social distancing protocols required under Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s coronavirus executive orders while he was at demonstrations held on June 14.

In one photo, Upton is wearing a mask but is within close contact of two other people, one of whom is not wearing a mask.

Under Whitmer’s executive order, that is a misdemeanor. The executive order states: “Any individual who leaves his or her home or place of residence must:

  1. Follow social distancing measures recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), including remaining at least six feet from people from outside the individual’s household to the extent feasible under the circumstances.”

Upton’s comments on the post stated, “Honored to be part of a peaceful march from St. Joe to Benton Harbor with SW MI leaders to protest injustice & condemn racism. We can’t stand still. We must move our country forward. Enough messages, it’s time for action. If not us, who? If not now, when?”

On June 15, Upton posted another picture of the rallies that showed several of the protesters not practicing social distance measures.

“Today’s picture includes one from me at the SJ/BH Black Lives Matter walk. You can see folks stretched across the two bridges leading from Benton Harbor to St. Joe,” Upton said in that post.

Eight days later, a newsletter Upton mailed to voters in his southwest Michigan district included a warning. Noting an increase in COVID-19 cases in St. Joseph County after those demonstrations, the newsletter urged residents not to congregate in groups.

“These are common sense instructions that we all need to follow,” Upton wrote in his mailing.

Michigan Capitol Confidential is the news source produced by the Mackinac Center for Public Policy. Michigan Capitol Confidential reports with a free-market news perspective.


Costly Drugs For Rare Diseases A Moral Dilemma For Society

A life-and-death issue for some

“Orphan drugs” – ones made to treat conditions that affect a very small number of people – have posed challenges not just to individuals who have a rare disease but to the health care delivery and payment system itself. These issues were discussed by cystic fibrosis patients and advocates in a recent online public forum hosted by the Pioneer Institute and the Boomer Esiason Foundations

Among the panel members was Gunner Esiason, the son of former NFL quarterback Boomer Esiason. Gunner Esiason was diagnosed with cystic fibrosis at an early age. He was joined by William Smith, a fellow at the Pioneer Institute, who has researched the issue and laid out some of the challenges faced by Esiason and others who rely on drugs for which demand is limited.

Smith explained that developing treatments for diseases that affect a small market of people can cost as much as drugs dispensed to millions. But because there are fewer potential users, drug companies must necessarily charge higher prices per dose.

In some cases the problems solve themselves over time. Smith cited the example of Lipitor, a drug that formerly sold for four dollars per pill, available now in a generic version at around four cents per pill. As patent protections expire for rare disease treatments, competition significantly lowers the prices of rare disease treatments.

That’s an exception though. Smith said that the costs of bringing most rare disease medicines and treatments to market are so high that private insurers and social welfare medical systems would prefer not to pay for them at all. They have been assisted in avoiding these costs by a nonprofit entity called the Institute for Clinical and Economic Review, or ICER.

ICER is an influential organization and controversial entity that conducts cost-benefit analyses of various medical treatments, drugs, and procedures. The controversy arises from the organization’s method of calculating the value of treatments in terms of the number of “quality adjusted life years” a treatment can add to a person’s life –and whether that’s enough to justify paying for the treatment.

Problems arise when officials make judgments on whether the quality of life a patient will enjoy during the years of life added by a treatment make it worth paying for the treatment. Opponents argue that this exercise has led ICER to drastically undervalue rare disease treatments.

Also on the panel was Siri Vaeth, executive director of a nonprofit research and advocacy group called Cystic Fibrosis Research, Inc. Vaeth explained that ICER has never rated a rare disease treatment as “high value,” mostly because they exclude patient voices from their research process. Vaeth said she understands the need for cost/benefit analysis of drugs, but rejects the use of “quality adjusted life years” in the process, especially when the only real way to measure quality of life - patient voices - is excluded.

Vaeth’s daughter also suffers from cystic fibrosis, and like Gunner Esiason is now taking Trikafta, a new drug that has produced remarkable results. Both report that it has nearly eliminated the symptoms of the disease, and yet ICER still rates the drug very poorly. Vaeth contends that if patient inputs were part of the ICER assessment process it would have assigned the drug a much higher value. She is concerned because ICER’s methodology appears to be gaining ground among medical providers and payers looking to trim costs.

Michigan Capitol Confidential is the news source produced by the Mackinac Center for Public Policy. Michigan Capitol Confidential reports with a free-market news perspective.