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The Human Side of Right-to-Work Legislation

These are real people who have been hurt by forced unionization

… gets closer to becoming a right-to-work state, the focus often is on … moral one. In our state, right now, tens of thousands of people … SEIU. If Michigan becomes a right-to-work state, no union could ever … more

UAW Flier Short on Facts

Union right-to-work myths dispelled

… has put together a flier on right-to-work "facts" that it is handing … than their counterparts in right to work for less states." Fact: Unions … numbers to use. Other anti-right-to-work groups list the number … more

The Intellectual Firepower Against Right-to-Work

Who's who on right-to-work

… ny opponents of a Michigan right-to-work law cite figures generated … condition of employment. The right-to-work law in Michigan prohibits unions … cited by supporters of the right-to-work law in Michigan has … more

Right-to-Work Legislation Possible in Indiana

How will this affect Michigan?

… likely to act quickly on a right-to-work bill that could be introduced … consequences for Michigan. Right-to-work laws prohibit employers and … economic growth. No state with a right-to-work law currently borders … more

Despite Collapse in Membership, SEIU Poised to Go All-In in Michigan

$150 million campaign blunted by right-to-work law

… elderly — and the passage of the state’s right-to-work law. Since Michigan passed right-to-work in 2012 giving workers a choice about … more

That’s What We Said

Right-to-work studies confirm Mackinac Center findings

… nation’s 26th state to adopt a right-to-work law. One product of the debate … to the legislative vote on right-to-work in West Virginia, the state … called “The Economic Impact of Right-to-Work Policy in West Virginia,” … more

Unions Admit Forcing People to Pay Dues is Political

U.S. Supreme Court considers right-to-work for all

… to stop, essentially guaranteeing right-to-work for all public sector workers in the … writer and union supporter: When right to work was imposed in Wisconsin a few years … more

From Long Shot to Victory

Larry Reed recalls right-to-work fight

… first time we had called for a right-to-work law for Michigan, but getting … attitude was: "So let's get to work on it!" I had lived in Idaho … of Market Alternatives. We worked on many freedom-related issues including right-to-work and when Idaho voters … more

Senate Leader Supports Right to Work For Teachers

… R-Monroe, said he will support right-to-work for public school employees, calling it a “right-to-teach.” Richardville made … Education Association, under a right-to-teach law. “They would … also said he didn’t support right-to-work for the entire state, … more

Indiana Right-to-Work Coverage

… ~~~~~ Articles Indiana Is A Right-to-Work State BREAKING: Indiana House Passes Right-to-Work Bill, Measure To Become Law … Debate Indiana Dems Lose On Right-to-Work Bill and Run Again … more