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Will Michigan Legislators Add to National Debt?

They will, by $22 billion, if they approve Medicaid expansion

… invitation to vastly increase Medicaid spending, they won’t be sending … because there is no such “Medicaid expansion fund.” Instead, all … legislators accept the Medicaid expansion, they will be approving … extra federal dollars the expansion would deliver to Michigan … if they go along with the expansion of Medicaid. Many governors … more

If Medicaid Expansion Passes, GOP 'Yes' Votes Likely Stuck Voting to Pay For It Too

Attorney General Bill Schuette Opposes Medicaid Expansion

… Republicans who voted for the Medicaid expansion bill may have put themselves … appropriation bills to follow. Medicaid expansion is the key issue state … Getting states to do the expansion is an important to step toward … opposed the expansion of Medicaid," said Joy Yearout, a spokesperson … states that agree to the Medicaid expansion. In the past, taking … more

MichiganVotes: New Bill Starts Discussion Of Medicaid Expansion Alternatives

Senator introduces 'free market alternative' to Medicaid expansion

… free-market alternative to Medicaid expansion. The stated goal of … offered in place of Medicaid expansion. On Thursday, Sen. … solution to Michigan's Medicaid expansion issue. This workgroup … Obama wants states to expand Medicaid to accommodate the implementation … Medicaid reform without expansion. "We made a case for this," … more

'Voting Yes on Medicaid Expansion is Voting for Obamacare'

State Senate takes another turn on Medicaid expansion issue

… on legislation to expand Medicaid could take place today in … fashion the issue of Medicaid expansion in Michigan. At issue … states that are resisting the expansion of the social welfare health … program. "Voting yes on Medicaid expansion is voting for Obamacare," … Medicaid. Since then, Medicaid expansion has become a frontline … more

Medicaid Pays Below What It Costs To Take Care of Patients

Video highlights real issues with Medicaid expansion in Michigan

… to accept more patients on Medicaid but says he can't because … reimbursements too low. "Medicaid pays us way below what it … [patients]," Condit said. He said Medicaid reimbursements are 22 cents … care." Opponents of Medicaid expansion in Michigan point to … Won't Increase' Claim By Medicaid Expansion Advocates Remains Du … more

Oregon Study Suggests Michigan Medicaid Expansion Not Worth the Cost

Health policy expert: 'The nation's top health economists released a study that throws a huge "STOP" sign in front of Obamacare's Medicaid expansion'

… Legislature debates expanding Medicaid, a new study says that doing … front of Obamacare's Medicaid expansion," wrote Michael Cannon, … by participating in the expansion, when the best-designed research … Michigan speaking about Medicaid expansion. "But every state will … money to sign onto the Medicaid expansion. "At a time when middle-income … more

Michigan Republicans Go Wobbly on Obamacare

Medicaid expansion props up vulnerable law

… also refuse the law's Medicaid expansion. Yet Republicans who … pressure and accepting the Medicaid expansion. Some in the majority … cap on benefits), the Medicaid expansion is bad policy because … citizens) who oppose the expansion are not "bitter enders" refusing … Foundation Trust not in Obamacare Medicaid Cost-Share Promises – Mackinac … more

Fla. Medicaid: Governor Proposes, House Disposes

Obamacare expansion wilts in Sunshine State

… approving the Obamacare Medicaid expansion, which Gov. Rick Scott … Obamacare balloon and expand Medicaid forgot about that saving … latest state to reject the expansion, as Gov. Rick Scott failed … population slated for the Medicaid expansion would be governed by … the chances making the Medicaid expansion contingent on reform, … more

Commentary: House GOP Leadership's Obamacare Flip-Flop

No explanation for June’s sudden Medicaid expansion reversal

… related to the Obamacare Medicaid expansion occurred in the Republican … members had opposed Medicaid expansion all year, but suddenly … legislation that would have made expansion unlikely to supporting a … They don't really want Medicaid expansion in Michigan. They just … also: The Real Patients of Medicaid: Teraca Medicaid Recipient: … more

Hospitals: Careful What You Wish for on Medicaid

New research shows expansion could hurt providers

… suggests the Obamacare Medicaid expansion may cost hospitals hundreds … specifically, lower-quality Medicaid. Because Medicaid reimbursement … mightily in favor of the Medicaid expansion. Specifically, the study found the expansion would reduce the number of … undecided about the Medicaid expansion. Hospital lobbyists … more