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Detroit Ignores State Law, Turns Down Money to Avoid Selling Abandoned School

Detroit Public Schools Community District enforces deed restriction against charter

… conventional school district in Detroit is, by most measures, the … illegal. But officials of the Detroit Public Schools Community District … current owner to sell it to Detroit Prep Charter Academy, a highly … for the building, “which is already 20 percent more than the developer’s … district. But the recently bankrupt district would rather turn … more

Agenda for Detroit: What Role Should State Play Post-Bankruptcy?

… on March 12, 2014.) Detroit’s bankruptcy case continues … partial state bailout. But Detroit’s recent history is littered … been nearly 40 years since Detroit’s Renaissance Center opened … reducing its debt in bankruptcy, Detroit will free up funds to reinvest … people. This will weaken an already dangerously soft tax base. … more

Detroit’s Dilemma Tests Lansing’s Leadership

… originally appeared in the Detroit Free Press on May 18, 2014.) Proponents of a $195 million Detroit bailout, Gov. Rick Snyder … represent voters outside Detroit, however, are hesitant and … promised.    Opponents have already mounted a defense, claiming … the city. First, it went bankrupt “openly and notoriously,” … more

Detroit Bankruptcy: Why the Emergency Manager Powers Were Insufficient

… wasn’t enough to prevent Detroit from going bankrupt. That is because properly … administrative reform to Detroit. He proposed major improvements … amount of reform would enable Detroit to pay this debt back in full. … agreement from creditors. Orr already is making headway on the city's … more

Special Deals Allow Detroit To Collect Hundreds Of Millions In Extra Revenue

Casino tax, utility fee, income tax all specially assessed by the city

… are pitching a storyline in Detroit of a bankrupt city in need of more revenue, the city already collects hundreds of millions … state allows only the city of Detroit to collect a "utility users' … $350 million bailout for Detroit. A recent poll shows the bailout … more

Protecting Detroit School Choice is Critical

… education in the city of Detroit. The proposal will contain … components: a financial bailout for Detroit Public Schools and the centralization … district is slowly being bankrupted by irresponsible pension … operations of both DPS and Detroit-area public charter schools. … duplicate much of the work already undertaken by Michigan’s public … more

Local Government Stories

… Schools Get State Bailout — Already Receive $14,000 Per Student … Turns Down $270K Savings Detroit Could Sell Off Assets to Avoid … Spends 'More Money Than Ever' Detroit Exhausts Its Options 31 Gym … Mythbusted: Overcrowding in Detroit Classrooms Royal Oak Schools: … Hamtramck: Giving Raises and Going Bankrupt "Similar 'Fiscal Malpractice' … more

Teacher Layoffs Not Caused By Lack of Cash

Emergency managers working to eliminate long-running deficits, improve school districts

… Heights, Highland Park and Detroit because they are run by emergency … top the state in spending. Detroit was the fifth-highest spending … for five consecutive years, Detroit Public Schools had been in … alternative is … these districts go bankrupt and none of these teachers … Schools Get State Bailout — Already Receive $14,000 Per Studen … more

Taxpayers Handcuffed By Money Being Given To Beverly Hills Cop Production Company

Viacom reported $3.7 billion profit in 2013, but Michigan taxpayers will surrender $13.5 million for filming in the state

Detroit is bankrupt and required a $195 million bailout from … poverty," Larson said. "We have a bankrupt city that we are bailing … our taxpayers, when we're already broke here?" he said. "I mean, … when they're making billions already in profits. What's the thinking … more

Midland, Gladwin taxpayers could pay for 2020 flood for 30 years

The price tag of the Edenville Dam fix could hit $250 million. The counties are trying to collect $60 million over 30 years.

… safety issues that led to its involvement. As The Detroit News reported the day of the flood: Days after … came from Michigan taxpayers.  Beyond the costs already accrued, the state of Michigan is facing 25 civil … with oversight power. Since Boyce Hydro went bankrupt after the dam failure, that left taxpayers as … more