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Not Much Difference Between Current Corporate Handouts and Recliner Subsidies

Slouching towards subsidies

… introduce the Comfort Michigan subsidy program for select recliner … partisan issue. Business subsidies tend to be approved with … private interests. Business subsidies get pocketed by business … owner, just as recliner subsidies would go to a person’s direct … people asking for business subsidies might point out that their … more

In the Battle for Jobs, Subsidy Programs Shoot Blanks

More subsidies won’t improve economy

… justify a proposal for new Michigan taxpayer subsidies to certain businesses. "But the reality is if … states. Regardless of their caliber, however, the subsidy programs Rothwell supports only shoot blanks. … economy is doing well and adding or losing more subsidy programs won’t change that. more

Targeted Business Subsidies vs. Broad Tax Relief

State lawmakers think subsidies improve the economy more

… state never got out of the subsidy business. The deals they sign, … only happened with state subsidies. And even then, that doesn’t … consequences for business subsidy expenditures. If all of these … out in old business tax subsidies and the $170.9 million in new subsidies approved in the budget, plus … more

Is One Subsidy Really Any Better?

Subsidies do have a destabilizing market influence

… interests directly attacking subsidies as a destabilizing influence … in multiple billions of subsidies, credits, and market carve-outs. … percent of all federal energy subsidies in 2016 ($6.7 billion in … that must be addressed with subsidies. If coal and nuclear plants … pretend massive and prolonged subsidies for renewable energy haven’t … more

Politicians Cannot Keep Up With Dynamic Economy

Subsidies for a handful, costs for everyone else

State lawmakers created new business subsidy programs last year. This new taxpayer spending will have little effect on the state economy and will not likely justify its costs. This is because politicians cannot keep up with the massive dynamic job loss and job creation that occurs outside of Lansing’s … more

Budget 2021: State of Corporate and Industry Handouts

Lawmakers should cut unnecessary and ineffective subsidy programs

… repeatedly shows state jobs program subsidies to be an ineffective development … would pay taxpayers back for the subsidies. We then narrowed our analysis … recipients in 2012 that would earned a subsidy. We compared their job-creating performance … out or just failed to earn their subsidy. We found from this comparison that … more

Memo to Reporters: Follow the Money!

On Hollywood subsidies

… Granholm signed the law making the tax subsidy the most lucrative in the country, … ~~~~~ Five Reasons Government Subsidies For Films Are A Bad Idea Super Subsidies Housing Expenses Among the Perks … Stop State From Giving Company Huge Subsidy Film Incentives: The $50 Million … more

State Budget Follies

Senior Olympics subsidies getting old

… tennis and golf. The state should kill this subsidy on fairness grounds alone. There are countless … government. Yet those who choose to participate sans subsidy are being forced to pay for the Senior Olympians’ … district 1,000 new textbooks. Senior Olympics subsidies are unfair, unnecessary and waste precious resources … more

There are no free rides — Michigan taxpayers will subsidize the QLine through 2039

Republicans helped pass a subsidy for a train that has a fraction of the ridership it would need to sustain itself

… into a $5 million annual subsidy of the Woodward Avenue street … cover costs. The $5 million subsidy from state taxpayers will … fund the train. The public subsidies started during the pandemic and … Lansing in January, this subsidy didn’t need to wait for the … of Senate Bill 1222 The subsidy was tucked inside Senate Bill … more

The Corporate Welfare Lady Protests Too Much

Evidence shows subsidy efforts are ineffective

… for Michigan.” That is a misnomer. It should instead be called “MEGA 2: Subsidies for Large Conglomerates.” That’s because the program is modeled on the … influence the course of their state or local economies through incentives and subsidies to a degree far beyond anything supported by even the most optimistic … more