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Michigan School Spending Hits All-Time High

… poor-mouthing by individual school districts in news articles, … committees, per-pupil public school spending set a new record in 2010. Michigan schools spent an average of $11,661 … increase from 2009. Total public school revenue in Michigan was $19.4 … the 10 highest- and lowest-spending districts in per-pupil terms … more

Facts, Not Fiction, on State School Spending

K-12 spending up three consecutive years

… Escanaba tweeted:  "When Gov Snyder claims school funding has increased keep … the state during the 2013-14 school year. During the 2010-11 school year, Escanaba received $15.9 … in 2011.  It's clear that school funding will be a campaign … increased K-12 education spending refer to changes in the foundation … more

Revisit Spending Priorities

Lawmakers won't have as much revenue to spend this year

… won’t have as much revenue to spend. The state budget has increased … should revisit what they’re spending more money on. Michigan spends the majority of its money on schools and Medicaid. This spending has steadily increased over … more

More School Spending is Still Unlikely to Boost Achievement

A response to a critique of ‘School Spending and Student Achievement in Michigan: What’s the Relationship’

… relationship between school spending and academic achievement, … positive relationship between spending per pupil and student achievement. … make the case that Michigan school districts today are not significantly … relationship between school spending and educational outcomes. … the relatively lowest school spending per student, reading and … more

GOP Helping Big Spending Public School Lobby

Bills give schools new ways to tax and spend

Michigan’s public school establishment is nothing if not persistent … perennials in this area are school “sinking fund” taxes and using … “recreational authority” taxes for school amenities. Both have been … to 2 in the House, to allow school districts to levy 5-mill “sinking … to accommodate public school spending interests. This one is … more

The Debate Over School Spending

Teacher pension costs really are part of classroom spending

… of interpretation in school spending between the Mackinac Center … Policy and an Oakland County school district official.  West … seen from the MEA and other school officials. By only considering … whether to count all K-12 spending as spending. Or, more specifically, whether … more

Pandemic Response Boosts Michigan Budget

Large increases in state spending due to federal transfers

… people who rely on state spending were worried about how much … at all. In fact, federal spending more than makes up for the … current fiscal year, state spending is back above pre-pandemic … the latest round of federal spending approved last month. Further, … more tax dollars into public schools that aren’t open and paying … more

Failing to Counter the Big Lie

Gov. Snyder, GOP fail to defend K-12 spending

… The State of Michigan is spending more state tax dollars on … the $6,884 per pupil it was spending the final budget year of … beginning of this year it was spending $7,545 per pupil. Beginning … pupil, with the lowest funded school districts receiving the largest … Michigan voters believe K-12 spending has been cut under Gov. Rick … more

Spending Interests Want Spending

Yet spending interests won’t say where the money should come from

The Michigan School Finance Research Collaborative — a group of school interests that want more money for schools — released a poll indicating … budgets. If lawmakers want to spend more on schools, the money … there are costs for more school spending. In the results of the … more

Balance Increased Road Spending with Cuts

Tax, spending cuts should be pursued

… right to propose more road spending. State legislators, however, … offset by cuts in taxes and spending elsewhere. The governor's … taxpayer pockets when offsetting spending cuts are possible elsewhere, … (currently dedicated to non-road spending) or the state’s personal … local construction aside from schools and state projects subject … more