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Activist's Critique of Prop 3 Study Completely Incorrect

Union of Concerned Scientists analysis of Mackinac Center study wrong on every single point

Jeff Deyette at the pro-Proposal 3 “Union of Concerned Scientists,” makes factually incorrect assertions about the Mackinac Center’s study on Proposal 3’s economic impact. In fact, not a single one … “ignores” the cost cap included as part of the proposal. The cap is fully addressed in the study and … more

Renewable Energy Mandate Backers Have Deep 'Green' Pockets

Proposal 3 opponents also spending big to try and thwart plan that would require 25% renewable energy by 2025

… November. But supporters for Proposal 3 are a little harder to track. … of Commerce also oppose Proposal 3, which would create a constitutional … the campaign supporting Proposal 3.  Tom Steyer founded and … $3.3 million to the ballot proposal campaign committee. Steyer … research," Lehman said. Prop 3 will be costly to taxpayers if … more

Prop 3: A Push Backward

Proposal 3 on the Nov. 6 ballot, dubbed the “25 by 25' renewable energy standard, refers to a mandate … and instantly on call to handle peak loads. Proposal 3 is asking permission to pay for a frill. The … economic planning leads to unplanned consequences. Proposal 3 points backward toward malfeasance and human … more

Prop 3 Can't Change the Laws of Economics

No matter how badly supporters want to think it can

Proposal 3, the renewable energy standard, would constitutionally … thing as a free lunch." But Prop 3 supporters of "green energy" … "free lunch," why don't Proposal 3 supporters cap the rate … example, the supporters of Proposal 3 consistently cite a study, … the costs and benefits of Proposal 3 show higher energy costs, … more

Prop 3 Would Cost Taxpayers Billions

… the state about the ballot proposals on the Nov. 6 ballot. We'll … Government Unions Today: Proposal 3: '25 X 25' Renewable Energy Standard A "yes" vote on Proposal 3 would mandate that 25 percent … resulting from passage of Proposal 3. So what happens in the … funds. Voting "yes" on Proposal 3 would enshrine an expensive, … more

Study: Proposal 3 Would Result in Lost Jobs, Higher Costs

… 10,540 fewer jobs in 2025 if Proposal 3 passes in November, according … renewable energy mandate proposal. The study, done by the … Massachusetts, also concluded that Prop 3 would lower disposable income … that even if voters reject Proposal 3, Michigan residents will … benefits." Cost estimates for Prop 3 were not included in a study … more

Making Sense of Michigan's Ballot Proposals

Chart explains supporters, opponents and what the six proposals mean for Michigan

… November with six statewide proposals that could reshape the state's … getting the most attention is Proposal 2, which would enshrine collective … unions could rollback if the proposal passes. The unions also … former Gov. Jennifer Granholm. Proposal 4 would allow the SEIU to … 2025; a proposal to require a 2/3 vote of the State House and State … more

Which Ballot Proposals Are 'Grassroots'?

… Rick Haglund writes that the 2/3 tax limitation and international bridge ballot proposals are not a grassroots effort. If you think a proposal on the November ballot requiring … tax-limitation group, you’re wrong. Proposal 5 is another maneuver by … funded by union groups. Proposal 3: '25 x 25' Renewable Energy … more

Proposal 1 a Referendum on PA 4

… the state about the ballot proposals on the Nov. 6 ballot. We'll … day this week explaining proposals 1 through 5.) Proposal 1 on the ballot is a referendum … law. The wording of this proposal — and thus whether to vote … and expects to save more than $3 million a year; and The city … more

Wind Subsidies Upon Mandates Upon Subsidies

Ad Infinitum, Ad Absurdum

Perhaps coincidentally, Proposal 3, a ballot measure to impose a mandate on Michigan utilities to obtain 25 percent of the electricity they sell from “renewable” sources — read wind turbines — will come before voters just seven weeks before another taxpayer wind subsidy is set to expire. It’s a federal … more