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Michigan’s May Tax Proposal

Proposal 1 would raise taxes $2 billion

… into effect if approved. Proposal 1 would increase the sales … Tax Credit. Overall, the proposal will increase state taxes and spending by $2 billion in 2016, of which about … Bureau of Labor Statistics, Proposal 1 would increase the tax … per gallon in taxes under Proposal 1, a 4 percent increase. … more

Proposal 1 Will Cost Average Michigan Household Up to $525 a Year in Extra Taxes

May 5 proposal will hike taxes by $2 billion

… more in taxes in 2016 if Proposal 1 is approved by voters on … will have about $500 less if Proposal 1 is approved. Taxpayers … spending priorities in the proposal.” Proposal 1 is complex. It would make … constitutional changes. It would raise $2 billion, of which $1.3 billion … more

Voters Avert Disaster by Rejecting Proposal 2

… have good cause to be worried. Proposal 2’s failure indicates the unions miscalculated … with a labor-friendly inoculation; Proposal 2 would have empowered government … Michigan voters strongly rejected Prop 2, refusing to be the test-case for locking … down this election). Rejection of Prop 2 will only come as a surprise to those … more

Ballot Proposal Backers Weighing Strategy

$2 billion tax hike vote on May 5

… session. All told, that deal is a $2 billion tax hike, which is considerably … believe the May 5 ballot proposal has little chance of passing. … those trying to “sell” the proposal will be starting out in a hole. Yet, polling ballot proposals is a tricky business and … fact. The centerpiece of Proposal 1, which is what the measure … more

Proposal 2 Power Grab Demands Review of Government Unionism

… that Michigan voters have resoundingly defeated Proposal 2, it is appropriate for lawmakers to review the … the equivalent of a ballot initiative tantrum. Proposal 2 would not just have rolled back recent reforms; … Even though it was defeated, it’s likely that Proposal 2 has already cost Michigan jobs, as investors … more

Only Two Counties Voted for Proposal 2

Many voters in counties near cities or schools under emergency oversight supported Prop 1

… gan voters' rejection of Proposal 2, a ballot initiative that … counties, all but two rejected Proposal 2 on Tuesday.  In fact, 64 … Michigan counties — rejected Prop 2 by more than 60 percent. Ottawa … overwhelmingly against the proposal, with more than 75 percent … counties that voted for Prop 2 were Genesee and Wayne counties. … more

Prop 2 Means More Arbitrary Teacher Placements

'Last In, First Out' would be reinstated

… teacher performance when making layoff, recall and placement decisions. If Proposal 2 passes, however, union contracts will likely supersede and nullify this … seniority like this might not occur very often. But what will happen often if Proposal 2 is passed is that school districts will revert back to ignoring performance … more

Proposal 2 Is Not Simply About Collective Bargaining

… constitutional ballot initiative Proposal 2 was merely about establishing … membership. The lawyer for Proposal 2, Andrew Nickelhoff, said, … immediately” with the passage of Proposal 2, including laws dealing … their tone insisting that Proposal 2 is simply about basic rights … “conditions of employment.” Proposal 2 is local government and … more

Media Muddles Magnitude of May Tax Hike Vote

It's $2 billion

… be collected if voters approve a May 5 ballot proposal, according to a Mackinac Center for Public Policy … one example, when a letter-to-the-editor on the proposal from reader Howard Bouwens Jr. of Laketown Township … found here. ~~~~~ See also: Michigan's May Tax Proposal Projections Show Schools Get More Even With … more

Predators Back In the Classroom? It Could Happen

Proposal 2 would overrule state laws mandating certain protections

Supporters of Proposal 2 say an ad claiming the union-backed … Education Association, says Proposal 2 would not change the background … will be fair game under Proposal 2. “It can happen," said … spokesman for the anti-Prop 2 group, Hands Off Our Constitution. … memo reportedly said that Proposal 2 would overturn prohibited … more