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The Human Side of Right-to-Work Legislation

These are real people who have been hurt by forced unionization

… caregivers without their consent to use it for politics — to try and lock the dues skim into the state constitution: It failed. Every newspaper in the state … becomes a right-to-work state, no union could ever force a worker to pay dues or agency fees as a condition of employment, and unions would be forced … more

Time for Labor Unions to Collect their Own Dues

The on-going SEIU dues skim must end

… nominee Tom Price. “End the dues skim once and for all.” Harris, … place, the union directly skimmed a portion of the Medicaid … What should be done? The dues skim operates in government programs … funds to collect so-called dues or fees on behalf of labor … convenience of a government-collected dues deduction. Much like every … more

SEIU Tries to Continue Dues Scheme

Leaked document maps out 'dues skim' plan

… Employees International Union on how the union hopes to continue its "dues skim" against home-based caregivers is interesting, but more significant is … representing some of those forced to be in the union, maintains that the skim was illegal because the caregivers are not state employees — they work for … more

SEIU Under Investigation over Prop 4

'Dues Skim' took $35 million from Medicaid recipients

… would have locked into the state constitution the skimming of millions of dollars each year from the caretakers … Jack Spencer filed 70 stories documenting the dues skim from the beginning, including articles on the … summarized what happened: "In an effort to increase dues paying members, the SEIU targeted the Medicaid … more

An End Finally in Sight for the SEIU Dues Skim

Voters overwhelmingly reject the forced unionization scheme

… including family members, who have been seeing union dues taken from the checks they receive to help provide … get another contract extension. In fact, the “dues skim” could actually end sooner than that. In addition … Care Providers Took Place - Anatomy of a Scam: Dues continue to flow more

Two Wins for Freedom from Union Coercion in 2014

The end of the dues skim and the busting of the 'August Window'

… cannot be forced to pay union dues. The ruling meant that caregivers … became known as the SEIU dues skim. It was a scheme that had … and legal battle over the dues skim included legislative efforts … the onerous nature of the dues skim, along with a daily skim-tracker that displayed a running … more

Capitol Protesters Fined $500 Each For Trying To Storm Senate Chamber

Most of arrested right-to-work protesters had SEIU 'dues skim' connections

… with the home health care dues skim, each were fined $500 at … choose whether they want to pay dues or fees to a union as a condition … called the "home health care dues skim," was on its last legs, as … Anti-Right-to-Work Protesters Have SEIU 'Dues Skim'Connections And End Finally In Sight for the SEIU Dues Skim more

SEIU Membership Drops 80 Percent After Dues Skim Ends

Union loses $4.2 million in dues and fees

… previously were forced to pay dues or fees to the SEIU after the … homes across the state. The "dues skim" ended in 2013, but not before … caregivers affected by the dues skim. It also is more than 80 … care of loved ones. The dues skim scheme was created in 2005 … scheme with legislation. The dues skim lasted from 2006 to early … more

Medicaid Dues Skim May Come To An End, After All

Friends, relatives of disabled individuals among those swept into public sector unions

… states from deducting union dues from checks sent to home health … sometimes referred to as a “dues skim,” is currently allowed in … million in union dues was skimmed from Medicaid checks. In … challenge the legality of dues skimming. Michigan Capitol Confidential, … the end of the contract, dues skimming stopped. In the 2014 U.S. … more

U.S. Supreme Court Discusses Right-to-Work For All Public Employees

Union 'dues skim' case could mean the end of forced unionization of home-based caregivers, others

… a case related to union "dues skim" issues happening in Illinois, Michigan … Michigan's home health care dues skim. In Michigan, Illinois, … Confidential of the SEIU Dues Skim Legal Foundation Seeks Return Of 'Dues Skim' Money SEIU Election Battle … Parents Forced to Pay Union Dues, Lawmaker Rakes In Health Care … more