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Will Michigan Legislators Add to National Debt?

They will, by $22 billion, if they approve Medicaid expansion

… Obamacare’s invitation to vastly increase Medicaid spending, they won’t be sending other … That’s because there is no such “Medicaid expansion fund.” Instead, all the … Michigan legislators accept the Medicaid expansion, they will be approving … they go along with the expansion of Medicaid. Many governors and many state legislators … more

June 14, 2013, Weekly Vote Report

Votes on Medicaid and state budget

… use Bill 4714, Accept federal health care law Medicaid expansion: Passed 76 to 31 in the House To expand Medicaid eligibility to families and childless adults … government to approve certain cost-saving state Medicaid reforms before the expansion may proceed. All … more

Michigan Economy Rebounds, But Medicaid Enrollment Soars

Republicans drove increase in Medicaid spending while food stamps decline

… receiving either food stamps or Medicaid assistance increased by over … in the number collecting Medicaid benefits. The number of … 2009. But the number getting Medicaid benefits grew by 815,714 … received either food stamps or Medicaid. Roughly 215,000 people received … largely driven by the Obamacare Medicaid expansion championed by Gov. … more

Brain Surgery Required After Medicaid Issues Delayed Dental Care

The real patients of Medicaid video series

… their sister to navigate the Medicaid maze. At first she tried … practice could not accept her Medicaid coverage. She discontinued … 2009, to save money, Michigan Medicaid ended routine dental visits … Democrats want to expand Medicaid in Michigan, which is a key … Obamacare. Opponents of Medicaid expansion in Michigan point … more

Oregon Study Suggests Michigan Medicaid Expansion Not Worth the Cost

Health policy expert: 'The nation's top health economists released a study that throws a huge "STOP" sign in front of Obamacare's Medicaid expansion'

… Legislature debates expanding Medicaid, a new study says that doing … one group in the state's Medicaid program and another that … not enrolled in the state's Medicaid program. "We found no significant effect of Medicaid coverage on the prevalence … conditions," the study said. "Medicaid coverage significantly increased … more

Medicaid Recipient: 'When I ask where I'm supposed to go, I'm told the hospital'

Videos highlight the real issues with Medicaid in Michigan

… been on and off Michigan Medicaid for more than 20 years. She knows about … a doctor who will accept Medicaid and why the system routinely … doctors that will accept Medicaid insurance. Most places will … Snyder is pushing to expand Medicaid in Michigan. The House passed … so far resisted. Expanding Medicaid is a key component of implementing … more

Medicaid Pays Below What It Costs To Take Care of Patients

Video highlights real issues with Medicaid expansion in Michigan

… to accept more patients on Medicaid but says he can't because … reimbursements too low. "Medicaid pays us way below what it … [patients]," Condit said. He said Medicaid reimbursements are 22 cents … stop accepting patients on Medicaid. Gov. Rick Snyder, some … Democrats want to expand Medicaid coverage in Michigan, which … more

If Medicaid Expansion Passes, GOP 'Yes' Votes Likely Stuck Voting to Pay For It Too

Attorney General Bill Schuette Opposes Medicaid Expansion

… Republicans who voted for the Medicaid expansion bill may have put … appropriation bills to follow. Medicaid expansion is the key issue … opposed the expansion of Medicaid," said Joy Yearout, a spokesperson … states that agree to the Medicaid expansion. In the past, taking … Michigan" instead of calling it Medicaid expansion. "Attorney General … more

MichiganVotes: New Bill Starts Discussion Of Medicaid Expansion Alternatives

Senator introduces 'free market alternative' to Medicaid expansion

… free-market alternative to Medicaid expansion. The stated goal … solution" offered in place of Medicaid expansion. On Thursday, … a solution to Michigan's Medicaid expansion issue. This workgroup … take up House Bill 4714, the Medicaid expansion bill that passed … Obama wants states to expand Medicaid to accommodate the implementation … more

'Voting Yes on Medicaid Expansion is Voting for Obamacare'

State Senate takes another turn on Medicaid expansion issue

… on legislation to expand Medicaid could take place today in … some fashion the issue of Medicaid expansion in Michigan. At … program. "Voting yes on Medicaid expansion is voting for Obamacare," … residents without children on Medicaid. Studies have shown that … coverage at all. Expanding Medicaid is an important step needed … more

Economic Growth Drives Budget Priorities

Largest gains were schools, roads and Medicaid

… Legislature’s top priorities: schools, roads and Medicaid. The transportation budget increased from $5.0 … The largest increases in state spending are on Medicaid. With federal transfers, the state is budgeted … human services department, up from $25.5 billion. Medicaid itself counts for the bulk of the increases, … more

May 17, 2013, Weekly Vote Report

Deer hunting, "excess" property tax and Medicaid

… to accept federal health care law Medicaid expansion: Failed 13 to 25 in the … billion in federal money to expand Medicaid eligibility under the terms of the … Voted "No"  Senate Bill 335, Extend Medicaid "gamesmanship" insurance tax: Passed … tax intended to “game” the federal Medicaid system in ways that result in higher … more

GOP Controlled Legislature Passes Medicaid Expansion; Headed to Governor for Signature

State Rep.: 'Medicaid does not offer the best option of care for the expanded population'

Medicaid expansion in Michigan, which is a key to the implementation … Bill 4714, which will expand Medicaid to able-bodied adults without … the 25th state to expand Medicaid; 21 states have refused. … should all remember that Medicaid does not offer the best option … McBroom said. "I've been on Medicaid and so have members of my … more

Michigan Republicans Go Wobbly on Obamacare

Medicaid expansion props up vulnerable law

… may also refuse the law's Medicaid expansion. Yet Republicans … pressure and accepting the Medicaid expansion. Some in the majority … month cap on benefits), the Medicaid expansion is bad policy because … implementation today by approving the Medicaid expansion reduce the chances … Foundation Trust not in Obamacare Medicaid Cost-Share Promises – Mackinac … more

Medicaid Expansion: The Decisive Obamacare Battle

… critical to the law's survival: Medicaid expansion. The Medicaid battle is being fought in … announced he would expand Medicaid as prescribed — but not required … that department here. The Medicaid expansion is far more critical … Ohio decision, "How Ohio's Medicaid Expansion Will Increase Health … more

Commentary: House GOP Leadership's Obamacare Flip-Flop

No explanation for June’s sudden Medicaid expansion reversal

… related to the Obamacare Medicaid expansion occurred in the … GOP members had opposed Medicaid expansion all year, but suddenly … you. They don't really want Medicaid expansion in Michigan. They … released that was a recipe for Medicaid expansion, with no 48-month … House Republicans who oppose Medicaid expansion. While interpersonal … more

MichiganVotes: House GOP Medicaid Expansion Plan Faces Hurdles

… Thursday that would expand Medicaid, but the measure includes … government might reject.  Medicaid expansion is the No 1 issue … administration wants states to expand Medicaid, which would lock them into … Michigan would go along with Medicaid expansion only if the federal … would get the expansion of Medicaid it wants in exchange for … more

SEIU Under Investigation over Prop 4

'Dues Skim' took $35 million from Medicaid recipients

… money flow. When the scheme finally ended, Spencer summarized what happened: "In an effort to increase dues paying members, the SEIU targeted the Medicaid checks of Michigan's home-based caregivers. A forced unionization, in 2005, was used to force the caregivers into the SEIU. Key elements of the scheme … more

Michigan’s Obamacare Medicaid Expansion Exceeds Projections by 22 Percent

Cost may be much more expensive than originally assumed

… enrollments under the Obamacare Medicaid expansion. Here’s what the authors … legislature to adopt his Obamacare Medicaid expansion plan, he too sold it on … fact that Michigan did not expand Medicaid eligibility until April, nearly 508,000 … Michigan, many states accepted the Medicaid expansion because lawmakers were … more

Sponsor Of Medicaid Work Requirements: They’re The ‘Right Thing To Do’

Able-bodied beneficiaries would have to get a job, get training, go to school or do community service

… as a condition of getting Medicaid health benefits. These bills … Michigan’s acceptance of the Medicaid expansion under the Affordable … requirements a condition of getting Medicaid health coverage from the … specified requirements to get Medicaid. The requirements differ … authorizing the Obamacare Medicaid expansion also required the … more

Republicans Imposed Medicaid Work Requirements; Governor Wants to Undo Them

Gov. Whitmer wants U-turn on making able-bodied medical welfare recipients get a job

… beneficiaries of the Obamacare Medicaid expansion to meet work, training … predicted that Michigan’s new Medicaid work requirements would cause … according to national experts on Medicaid and health care policy, many … may explain why people left Medicaid after that state implemented … said in an interview that Medicaid and any work requirements … more

Study: Lure of Federal Medicaid-Expansion Subsidies Should Not Lead Policymakers to Underestimate Medicaid’s Drawbacks or Overlook Other Viable Insurance Options

512,000 people in low-income target group of Medicaid expansion had private insurance, according to most recent statistics; affordable exchange insurance also available

… policymakers debate an expansion of Medicaid under the federal Affordable … high and uncertain costs, Medicaid’s substandard health outcomes … low-income residents to seek Medicaid rather than other affordable … encourage states to expand their Medicaid populations,” noted study … challenges of determining Medicaid eligibility under the ACA.” … more

The Real Patients of Medicaid: Teraca

… child. She is covered by Medicaid, but has no regular doctor. … sick."  Teraca is like many Medicaid patients who do not have … diagnosed.   Research shows that Medicaid patients are twice as likely to visit the ER than non-Medicaid patients. The inefficiency forces Medicaid to cut expenses elsewhere, … more

Legislature Hoping for Improbable Federal Rescue of Medicaid Expansion

Without waiver, it's back to the drawing board

The Obamacare Medicaid expansion approved by the Michigan Legislature … Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services grants Michigan … of HMO-like managed care Medicaid coverage provided by hospitals … that Michigan accept the Medicaid expansion, he relied on projections … legislators accepted the Medicaid expansion after a bitter … more

Avik Roy Op-Ed in Detroit News

Patients suffer as program becomes more costly

… 18, 2013, ran an op-ed on Medicaid expansion in Michigan by … Ideas forum on Obamacare and Medicaid held in Lansing the same … about her experience with Medicaid, America's government-run … dollar we spend caring for Medicaid patients," she said. "It … don't even bother to bill Medicaid for our costs." In Michigan, … more

Medicaid Expansion Plan: New Exterior, Same Core

… the legislation to expand Medicaid in Michigan. But despite the … passage. Refusing to expand Medicaid would put Michigan among … vote by the House to pass Medicaid expansion. Twenty-eight House … 4714, which would expand Medicaid, and a package of bills that … introduced his own free market Medicaid measure, which would have … more

The Real Patients of Medicaid: Rebecca

… becca Myers qualifies for Medicaid because she is a single mother … managed care program under Medicaid and says she has easy access … said she discovered Michigan Medicaid did not cover out of state … because it is not covered by Medicaid. Myers said she would like … options, but she would lose her Medicaid coverage all together because … more

Wisconsin's Alternative Medicaid Plan

Gov. Snyder favors expansion; Wisconsin governor says not so fast

… along. Now he wants to expand Medicaid eligibility to 133 percent … can't force states to expand Medicaid. That's not what Obama wanted, … called on the states to expand Medicaid to those earning up to 138 … have one choice with the Medicaid expansion — either go along … 320,000 state residents to Medicaid in the first year and more … more

Obamacare in Michigan: 32 Percent More Than Projected Take Medicaid Expansion

State’s free ride about to end on free coverage for able-bodied adults

… adoption of the Obamacare Medicaid expansion could cost state … Agency, Michigan’s share of the Medicaid expansion costs are projected … Projections,” says that Michigan’s Medicaid enrollment spike is part … Michigan) that expanded their Medicaid programs, the data shows … encourages states to expand Medicaid coverage to able-bodied a … more

Trust Not in Obamacare Medicaid Promises

Check to states may not be in the mail

… legislatures into expanding state Medicaid eligibility and spending … expansion. (It’s worth noting that Medicaid is the primary driver of … law’s (optional for states) Medicaid expansion may not be worth … promised level of future federal Medicaid cost sharing if doing so … State’s expansion of the Medicaid program at a higher level … more

The Real Patients of Medicaid: Julie

Julie Henry has been on and off Michigan Medicaid for more than 20 years. She talks about the difficulty in finding a doctor who will accept Medicaid and why it routinely forces her into the emergency room. more

As Medicaid Costs Skyrocket, States Have a New Opportunity to Innovate

New guidance on work requirements indicates potential for reforms

States have seen Medicaid costs skyrocket over the last decade … comes from the Center for Medicaid Services, which last week … federal guidance for the Medicaid program, which includes giving … greater flexibility in their Medicaid programs. Take Michigan, … conversations about Michigan’s rising Medicaid expansion costs, which will … more

Gov. Snyder Calls On Obamacare Advocate No. 1

HHS Sec. Sebelius called in because the expansion of Medicaid is at stake

… the stalled expansion of Medicaid, Gov. Rick Snyder has asked … Snyder would like to see Medicaid expanded in Michigan, but … legislatures would eventually expand Medicaid. Then, last month, Sec. … care and lower costs in the Medicaid program. We always welcome … state-specific approaches to extending Medicaid to low-income, uninsured … more

Medicaid Expansion Explained

Avik Roy, senior fellow at the Manhattan Institute, describes the current state of Medicaid and the consequences of expanding it. more

Half Of Able-Bodied Michigan Medicaid Expansion Enrollees Don’t Work

More than 600,000 enrolled, while total state unemployment down to just 218,000

… voted to accept the Obamacare Medicaid expansion in 2013, it was … poverty level would enroll in Medicaid. The actual number turned … people in the able-bodied Medicaid expansion population do not … the number of able-bodied Medicaid expansion clients who are … 4,641,000. Traditionally, Medicaid has provided health care … more

Medicaid Expansion Bill Heads to the House

House Republicans help Obamacare provision move to a vote

… vote on the expansion of Medicaid in Michigan. On Wednesday, … sending a bill that would allow Medicaid expansion to the House floor … Shirkey said once he researched Medicaid expansion, there were several … expensive it will be. He said Medicaid expansion addressed uncompensated … "extreme uncertainty" if Medicaid expansion wasn't an option, … more

The Real Patients of Medicaid: Teraca

… expecting her sixth child. She is on Medicaid, does not have a regular doctor and … most recent pregnancy diagnosis. Medicaid patients use the ER at nearly twice … Rick Snyder is pushing to expand Medicaid in Michigan. Doing so would fulfill … The House passed a bill to expand Medicaid in Michigan, but the Senate so far … more

The Real Patients of Medicaid: Rebecca

Rebecca Myers qualifies for Medicaid because she is a single mother with no … in a "managed care program" under Medicaid and reports easy access to health … became sick, she discovered Michigan Medicaid did not cover care when she got sick, … care options but she would lose her Medicaid coverage because of its income li … more

Michigan House and Senate Both Skeptical On Medicaid Expansion

Medicaid expansion appears to face as many obstacles in the … would be no expansion of Medicaid in Michigan unless the federal … will propose any form of Medicaid expansion. The expansion … trying to get states to expand Medicaid and offering a hundreds of … fiscal year if it expanded Medicaid and took the short-term money. … more

House GOP Leaders Vote With Dems To Pass Medicaid Expansion

First in a series

… House Bill 4714 to expand Medicaid in Michigan. The bill passed … was cast by Republicans. Medicaid expansion is this year's … Getting states to expand Medicaid is important for the implementation … on this bill who voted for Medicaid expansion were: House Speaker … beginning of the debate over Medicaid expansion in Michigan, it … more

Questions About Obamacare Medicaid Expansion

… to come. Cost-Shifting: Medicaid pays just 47 percent of what … insurers; reports suggests that Medicaid patients are the largest … 470,000 individuals on the Medicaid rolls have on that cost-shifting? Unfair to Families: Unreformed Medicaid is a broken program that … the state does not expand Medicaid, because they will get a … more

August 2, 2013, Weekly Vote Report

… federal health care law's Medicaid expansion to the full Senate. … "No"). This would authorize the Medicaid expansion in Michigan. The … Accept federal health care law Medicaid expansion The Senate work … House passed bill to expand Medicaid eligibility to families and … behavior incentives" for Medicaid recipients before the managed … more

Doctors Accepting More Medicaid Patients – for Now

… Michigan doctors accepting Medicaid patients, leaving the impression that Medicaid expansion in Michigan is … says: The vast majority of Medicaid benefits in Michigan are … who is willing to accept Medicaid’s below-market payment. Under … federal government increased Medicaid primary care reimbursements … more

Michigan Doctor Against Medicaid Expansion

… surgeon, Dr. Donald Condit, shares the reasons he's against the proposed Medicaid expansion in Michigan. He explains how low reimbursements don't cover patient health care costs as it is and why Medicaid patients, under expansion, will have less access to specialty care. He … more

Medicaid Expansion: Beware of Obamacare 'Gifts'

If it sounds too good to be true ...

… undertake a huge expansion of Medicaid, something originally mandated … ruling on the law last June. Medicaid is a government welfare program … will set up here. Unlike Medicaid, this entire cost comes out … would still be eligible for Medicaid, as they are currently. … like: State's share of the Medicaid expansion costs x  Number … more

Policy Proposed for Medicaid Workers Too Broad, Harms Patients and Consumers

… would severely limit people who have criminal backgrounds from working as Medicaid providers. It makes sense in many cases to impose restrictions, but blanket … abuse counselors and peer coaches. Not only is this a needless change to Medicaid policy, it is likely to negatively impact public safety by taking away … more

Tax-and-Spend Interests Pushing Medicaid Expansion

… optional state Obamacare Medicaid expansion, not just in Michigan … especially high numbers of Medicaid patients, states that don’t … would be considering their Medicaid spending itself as a key … That makes sense, because Medicaid is by far the largest source … to cover 90 percent of the Medicaid expansion’s cost from the … more

Medicaid Now a 'Reform-Proof' Entitlement

Imposing 'healthy behavior' conditions on Social Security next?

… provision in the Obamacare Medicaid expansion bill that was passed … hoops. In the public mind, Medicaid falls somewhere between. … impose some conditions on Medicaid beneficiaries. Here’s how … Michigan Legislature: Because Medicaid is now a critical component … covered by the expansion. Medicaid has been transformed into … more

Medicaid Expansion: A Battle Over Two Views

Historic opportunity to reform Washington, D.C.

… conflict over the issue of Medicaid expansion. This is a classic … the historic perspective. Medicaid expansion is the top issue … not force states to expand Medicaid. However, expansion of Medicaid is a critical step in the … Obamacare. Gov. Rick Snyder wants Medicaid expansion. In essence his … more