
Is it Constitutional to Require Criminal Defendants to Fund Their Own Prosecution?

State Supreme Court considers whether to hear a case presenting this question Read more


The Great Lakes Trough Truce

Spending interest groups only ask for more money Read more


Back To The Future With Renewable Energy Puffery

Who benefits if families must pay more to get the same amount of electric power? Read more


Study on Arkansas Tourism Campaign Should Make You Scratch Your Head about Pure Michigan

If economic impacts are as stated, the tourism industry should pay for its own ad campaign Read more


The Steel Industry, Not Taxpayers, Should Pay for New Soo Lock

Industry should pay for the services it uses Read more


State Corporate Welfare Winner Released from Prison

Convicted Embezzler Once Shared Stage with Gov. Granholm Read more


State’s Education Woes Require Full Assessment

BLM report takes on key myths but misses complete picture Read more


Where Michigan Lawmakers Stand on ‘Right to Try’ Laws

Allowing terminally ill Americans the ability to try experimental medicine Read more


Pure Fiction: State Tourism Cost-Benefit Analysis Ignores Costs

The full cost of the Pure Michigan advertising campaign is ignored Read more


Bipartisanship on Criminal Justice Reform Continues to Grow

Common ground needed to overcome current shortcomings of justice system Read more


A Look At The State Budget for Business Subsidies

Old ideas get new taxpayer cash Read more


What Michigan Government Lacks in Transparency

Billions in business subsidies still can’t be disclosed Read more


Want Money For Roads? Take It from This Failing Program

Michigan Business Development Program funding should end Read more


Salt Bill Would Raises Prices On All To Benefit One Company

Senate Bill 363 is held up in the Michigan House Read more


Put ISD Funding on Education Budget Table

While agency spending grows, Guv seeks student-based cuts Read more


Property Tax Revenue On a Slow Rise

Value of property increased 12 percent over past four years Read more


State Corporate Welfare Agency Picks Winners That Turn Out To Be Losers

Program officials subsidize Cherry Growers, Inc., company goes bankrupt Read more


Detroit Schools Will Sell to a Prison, But Not a Charter School

Moves criticized by parents and community members Read more


State’s MBDP Job Creation Claims an Inconvenient Fiction

Just because government says its effective doesn’t mean it is Read more


Education Budget Should Back Parents' Priorities

Snyder's proposal undercuts cyber school, shared time options Read more


Michigan Is Not a Windy State

The true cost of wind in Michigan is beginning to become clear Read more


Michigan’s Long 'Bad Driver Tax' Nightmare Will Finally End

A revenue-grab from the state's lost decade left a trail of social costs and broken lives Read more


Meet Some Law Enforcement Officers Who Support Forfeiture Reform

Michigan Legislature should strengthen property rights Read more


Michigan May Surpass 2000 Employment Levels Soon

An important milestone of recovery for the Great Lakes State Read more


Airbnb Ban the Latest in Detroit’s Short-sighted Thinking

City council makes it harder to earn a living and visit a city desperate for population growth Read more

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