
How Michigan Regulates Child Care Shows How Ineffective Licensing Laws Are

Many have arbitrary standards and mandates Read more


Michigan Can Spend its Fuel Taxes on Roads

Reprioritizing revenue to roads is better than taking on bonds Read more


Ed Trust-Midwest Report Misses the Mark

Huge price tag obscured by exaggerated calls for equitable funding Read more


Better Economy Means More Tax Dollars

Unemployment is the lowest since 2000 Read more


Proposed Flavor Bans Invites Trouble

History shows prohibition doesn't work Read more


No Need to Fear ‘Uncertified’ Teachers in Michigan – There Are Thousands of Them

There’s little evidence students are worse off Read more


More Attention for Interstate Compacts to Eliminate Business Subsidies

There are lessons to be learned from a recent agreement Read more


It’s Time to Improve the School Bond Election Process

Narrow the election dates, give voters timely and direct notices Read more


Rational Environmentalism in 2020

Find a balance between human welfare and environmental concerns Read more


The Working Class Is Not Worse Off Today Than During the Recession

The United Way’s ALICE report misrepresents real poverty Read more


Road Debt Gives Michigan Little Other Than Interest Payments

Taking on more debt isn't the answer to fund road repairs Read more


A Good Economy Means More State Revenue Without a Tax Hike

Whether this revenue will go to lawmakers’ highest priority is a different question Read more


Public Transit: Moving Few at a Huge Expense

More people walk to work in Michigan than use public transit Read more


Lawmakers Should Not Resurrect Pure Michigan Subsidy Program

Its funding should stay at zero Read more


Democratic Minority Voters Overwhelmingly Favor School Choice

Don’t downplay party’s racial divide on charter schools Read more


Michigan Lawmakers on Pace for the Smallest Increase in Business Subsidies

Legislators reduced some corporate welfare spending Read more


Forfeiture Cases Can Take Years, Even for the Innocent; Supreme Court May Help

Mackinac Center signs onto amicus brief in Salgado v. United States Read more


‘Trump Tax Cuts’ Have Benefited Union Workers

Almost everyone got a tax cut Read more


Three Reasons to Oppose New Corporate Incentives

The argument against Michigan’s ‘Good Jobs’ program Read more


Legislative Year Finishes With High Fiscal Notes

Solid changes to public policy deserve applause Read more


Michigan Bureaucrats Want to Force Unions on Pot Businesses

Labor interests want to use state regulations to grow union revenue Read more


State School Aid Deal Fits Decade-Long Upward Trend

Reapproved vetoed funds puts final budget above 10-year average Read more


Politicians Get Too Much Blame — and Credit — for Economic Trends

Partisan interpretations of economic data harms policy development Read more


Dangers of the Regulatory State: Overly Precise Rules

Meticulous administrative rules can make criminals of the well-intended Read more


Licensure Mandates Cost Michigan Jobs And Millions In State Revenue

Job restrictions also have disparate impact on youth and minorities Read more

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