
Reopen Classrooms or Send Money to Families

State needs to rethink education funding priorities Read more


Michigan at Significant Risk of a 2021 Tax Hike

DC firm lays out factors that drive tax hikes around the country Read more


About Legal Action Against Gov. Whitmer

A statement from the Mackinac Center Read more


Less Road Funding from the Road-Fixing Governor

State spending up, but not for roads Read more


Report: Give Local Governments More Money, But Don’t Ask Taxpayers

That’s the gist of a new study on local government finance in Michigan Read more


Common Sense Licensing Reforms for Military Families a Good Start

Occupational licensing a needless barrier to jobs for too many Read more


Flying By The Seat of Our Pants

COVID response suggest there’s no point to planning for pandemics Read more


Michigan Lawmakers Make Progress on Pension Debts

But taxpayers still owe more than $50 billion to state-run pension systems Read more


Beer, Tattoo Art and Groceries: Is There Nothing the State Won’t Subsidize?

Governments do a lousy job at creating jobs through its handout programs Read more


State Budget Recovers From Pandemic

Weak case for additional federal coronavirus relief Read more


Budget 2021: State of Corporate and Industry Handouts

Lawmakers should cut unnecessary and ineffective subsidy programs Read more


Those Who Do Not Learn from History…

Years of bad economic development deals haven't prevented politicians from trying again Read more


MEGA Mistake: Big Corporate Welfare Program Still a Waste

State economic development incentives often don’t result in much development. Read more


New Study Shows 21st Century Jobs Fund a Bust

These programs should be repealed and their administrative agencies shut down Read more


Should A Past Crime Bar Someone From Becoming A Roofer?

Michigan gets poor grades on licensing laws that keep reformed criminals unemployed Read more


Jobs Program Creates Jobs at Killer Cost

MBDP resources should go to higher priorities Read more


Michigan's Corporate Welfare Programs Are a Bad Investment

Resources expended for these programs would be better spent on higher priorities Read more


Here Are The Michigan Lawmakers Voting For The Most Corporate Subsidies

And those who've supported the least Read more


Gov. Whitmer Repeals Rule She Says Helped Michigan Fight Coronavirus

Less strict medical scope-of-practice rules should remain Read more


Defund Corporate Welfare Agency for Better Public Health

Higher taxes won't be as effective at eliminating smoking habits Read more


State Regulator Claims Alcohol Market Manipulation Makes Us Safer; Data Says Not

No difference in health and safety between heavy control states and those without it Read more


Revisit Spending Priorities

Lawmakers won't have as much revenue to spend this year Read more


Get the Numbers Straight about School Finance

Complete picture, sound math debunk exaggerated talking points Read more


State and Local Bailouts Would Reward Fiscal Wastefulness

Congress should avoid bailouts Read more


Completing the Fix for Police Accountability

We must adopt a comprehensive approach to police reform Read more

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